Melon's 30 Days of Video Game Music

Template found here. In playlist form here.

Not done day by day, I just like VGM!

12. Music that makes you sad
"Weight of the World" - When I beat NieR:Automata for the first time, it took me a while to fully grasp its impact on me. It all came crashing down when I sat on my bedroom floor and listened to this. The tears just wouldn't stop.
22. Town/village music
"Kakariko Village (Day)" - It's just nice.
26. Music you like from a game you haven't played
"Carrying the Weight of Life" - This is my best friend's favourite game and he used to endlessly blast this song in voice chat. Reminds me of good times.
21. Music you associate with frustration
"Tem Shop" - It feels extremely unfair to Undertale to rep it with the worst song in the game, but there just isn't any other answer. I got it in my mind one day that I was gonna grind out the Temmie Armor for some reason and this song will never leave my brain.
9. Music from a licensed game
"Silver for Monsters" - I'm glad this one counts. LELELELELELELELELELE
20. Racing game music
"From Today, I'm a Dragon Racer" - This was actually a scrapped boss theme for Judgment's Kojiro Ozaki (you know, the big Matsugane guy who looks like Reggie Fils-Aimé) and I'm glad it crops up here because this is my get-out-of-jail free card to hide the fact I don't remember most racers' music.
24. Music you constantly have stuck in your head
"Partitio the Merchant" - Of course the best character gets the best theme! That sax is to die for...
19. Cover of music from different artist
"Jump Up, Super Star!" by Adriana Figueroa and insaneintherain - I just like all about this. I'm huge on Figueroa and on the original song. I'm a simple person with simple needs.
13. Music you like from a game you don't like
"Heartbeat, Heartbreak" - I like to find something salvageable in most games I despise. This one's soundtrack is tight as fuck — this song is a standout in a list of bangers only.
23. Underrated music
"Becoming" - Any song from Exocolonist should be recognised worldwide. This is the one that first comes to mind when I think of the game, and it really helps build the whole ethereal/childlike vibe.
15. Boss battle music
"Rake Your Inside" - I mean... it's Hamura's theme. I just love the guy. That buildup before the beat drops being as tasty as it is don't hurt at all neither.
6. Relaxing music
"Lonely Rolling Star" - I had a hellish time trying to get past the stage this song is in the first time, but as I put it myself back then, "I can't even be mad cuz the song is so good!" (I showed it to my dad because it kinda sounds like Pizzicato Five... he thought it was mid 😔)
27. Handheld game music
"Thrilling! Is this love?" - Iiiii suppose, hey!
4. Music from a console exclusive series
"Surf" - This was my first mainline Pokémon game (I'm one of those people who started playing with GO) and this song brings out the best memories I have... A jam! A bop!
17. Music you never get tired of
"Armed Insurgents" - It's just a chill as fuck theme, and the one for the location that holds my favourite characters in these games. Even if the narrative doesn't love the Kumakuras, I sure as hell do.
28. Music that makes you nostalgic
"5 PM" - I used to bring my 3DS to high school to play Animal Crossing during breaks (even busted it out in the middle of class in some occasions, and I sat at the goddamn front seat). I remember catching bugs at night while my dad told me the plot of Crime and Punishment. My town's got my deadname on it, but I can't possibly bring myself to delete it.
10. RPG battle music
"Tearing Through Heaven (Rain)" - Dunno why, but this one just stuck with me. In the complete time sink this game turned out to be, it was nice to have a little ditty by my side.
8. Music from a shooter
"Clickbait (C-Side)" - One of my dearest friends actually bought me Splatoon 3 on release just so I'd play it. I hadn't played a shooter since my Overwatch stint in 2018-19 (and even then I was a Moira main) and Splatoon really shows the potential of the genre. It doesn't need to be all stuffy war games, and this absolute rocker of a leading song sure gets the point across!
7. Music from an indie game
"Ego 24-7" - One of my favourite parts of Paradise Killer is slowly collecting the soundtrack as you explore, like "damn, what bangers will I find?". This song is but one example.
25. Music that gets you pumped
"Kill Command" - I can see Komaeda's face every time I close my eyes to this. Say what you will about Danganronpa, but the vibe in their Chapter 5s is always unmatched.
18. Music in a game released the year you were born
"Delfino Plaza" - Haven't actually played this, but it's as old as I am! This is the exact song that comes to mind when anyone says "Nintendo music" — well, this and the Wii Sports theme.
14. Music featuring vocals
"Don't Be a Fool" - I like the appropriately swanky atmosphere and the lyrics, which are actually referring to a very minor subplot. Its usage within the game is also really funny.
1. Title screen music
"Welcome Horizons" - Can't help but be flooded with nostalgia when I hear this. Despite everything, I do very much still adore ACNH...
5. Overworld theme
"Overworld" - As a kid I had a DSi with an R4 cartridge pumped full of games, and this was one of them. I never got past the first few stages (been sucking at platformers for a loooong time), but I just loved the vibe. This song certainly serves it.
30. Credits music
"Make It All Shine" - The crown jewel of PowerWash is this song. It perfectly captures all of the heart this silly game with a silly premise and a silly storyline holds. Sometimes you just need to stop and give your car a good wash.
2. Opening level music
"Tokimeki Experience!" - The chorus to this is the tutorial level, so surely it must count. I wanted to put Bandori somewhere since it's such a special game to me.
3. 8-bit music
"Lavender Town" - I just like it! Appropriately eerie. The HeartGold/SoulSilver rendition is very sweet as well.
16. 16-bit music
"Creative Exercise" - I've never really played this, but I used to play Gartic Phone with some former friends on Discord and we'd play this song in the background as we drew. It was nice.
29. Final boss music
"Battle! Final Challenger Hau" - I was a huge fan of Hau's from day one, especially in the face of his very large number of detractors. Learning he was going to be the champion battle for the Ultra releases was endlessly exciting, and even moreso when I heard this theme — I adore how it starts grandiose and quickly becomes fun and light-hearted, plus this version ties in Hau's own theme. Great stuff. I cried.
11. Puzzle game music
"Puzzle - The Digital Detective" - A common criticism of Murder by Numbers is that the soundtrack is repetitive. It is, but at least the offerings are great! I could never get tired of the picross sections' music!

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