This game unlocked my empathy when I was like 13

Game has aged incredibly well, played it the first time in 2022 and damn is the shooting some of the best I've seen in a game. Very well paced and never feels like it's dragging it's weight. This right here is an example of why younger game enjoyers like myself (20 years old btw) need to at least try the classics to see if they click with us because RE4 is an almost perfect game.

First game I ever 100 percented (and will probably be the only one too lol). Brilliant level design and fun platforming with enough variety to keep it from ever feeling stale.

Legendary game. My first souls title and my introduction to these incredible games. I'll never forget the rush I felt when I destroyed O&S on my second attempt. One of my favorites ever.

Was enjoying it for the most part but then Resident Evil 4 Remake and Tears of the Kingdom dropped and forgot to finish the rest of it. Kind of like if Sonic and DMC got high on crack.

Finished the campaign once and decided to stop there, will eventually try future playthroughs when I understand the combos better lol.

Stopped playing after the first licker encounter. Will come back to since I appreciate RE a lot more now after playing RE4 and RE4R.

To be honest I just lost interest, might come back to it if I feel like it but probably not. Doesn't run very well on my system.

Love the metal gear games and was enjoying this one too, stopped playing because of new releases, will come back to at some point.

Can't remember where I stopped playing but will definitely have to come back to it.

Never has a game consistently had me laughing and crying so quickly back and forth, am looking forward to playing it more.

Haven't finished yet will have to come back to when I feel like playing a great platformer.


Literal God tier game, build variety is insane and the voice acting is so good and the hack and slash gameplay is so satisfying. Saw the credits and couldn't be happier.

Haven't finished yet will have to come back to it when I have the time. Kind of annoyed that health is more of a requirement this time unlike the older soulsborne games but very fun.

Was a little disappointed with Salazar, preferred him and Leon's banter in the original way more. Pretty great and worth the wait though, will have to do a professional playthrough sometime in the future.