game for every year me alive

27 year old boomer follows trends, "It's Lit!" he says

og by grimmy

genuinely cannot think of a game on the year i was born that id go hard for, doom is fine and cool enough to go here. runner up lawnmower man for the snes i guess idk
this is literally the only 1994 game i played according to my goldfish memory and backloggd (shouldnt downplay how much i feel this game though bc I DO), someone translate kamaitachi no yoru so i can put that one up as runner up nevermind i remembered i played super metroid enough that it qualifies as runner up
runner up is jumping flash
runner up is super mario 64
runner up is moon (joker smile)
another one i dont feel that strongly about. best game schafer worked on in any case, its p good. runner up uhhh photopia maybe, id have to go back to it
actually cant pick between silent hill 1 or system shock 2 as runner up
runner up is mario party 3
please dont make choose a runner up between silent hill 2 or ico or halo or gitaroo man (joker smile again)
runner up is the resident evil remake
runner up is silent hill 3
runner up is cave story
SO hard to choose btwn this and shadow of the colossus (the runner up) but im going with this just to keep my list from sniffing its farts too much, and the amount of this ive played is insane
runner up is mother 3
runner up is portal
runner up is rhythm heaven
demon's souls and noby noby boy are tied for runner up and by all intents and purposes are probably better but the more and more i think about this game the more i believe i have to do this
runner up is fallout new vegas (yet another joker smile)
yeah its a rerelease and only a mostly acceptable one but i do wat i want. runner up is dark souls
its the version i got so it counts!!!! runner up is the house in fata morgana
i could technically put this parts of this in for 2014, 2016, 2018, and 2020 if i really wanted to but that would be too easy. runner up is attack of the friday monsters
runner up is d4
runner up is dont go in the old greene house (unfortunately unplayable bc the images dont load :[)
runner up is quadrilateral cowboy
runner up is as far as i got in rain world (still have to get around to that)
runner up is tied between black bird and obra dinn
EXTREMELY CLOSE runner up is pathologic 2
the english translation came out in 2020!!! runner up if we arent counting ky0's final release is arrest of a stone buddha
i dont think i played anything else this year that even warrants being called a runner up


3 years ago

lud you cant cheat for the last 2 years!!

3 years ago

let this joker have his trick PLEASE making this makes me realize how few games ive played and can remember and it hurts

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