really specific things i like from games

just a bunch of parts of games that i really appreciate. i don't necessarily like every game on this list, but i can respect what they did with the gameplay

Snake Chase -

This is a really fun sequence and definitely the highlight of its chapter. I really like the swamp design how you constantly have to keep moving.
Going Off-Path -

Whenever you go off the path for a big shortcut, the music strips back and cool audio cues play. It's so cool. Also the announcer for this game is so awesome.
Bike Physics -

I genuinely loved taking the a BMX bike everywhere in this game. The fact that its a skill you can improve by biking more is really motivating, and messing around with 360s and wheelies is so fun.
Tokay Island Puzzle -

I love the design of Tokay island. It's all about figuring out how you can get place to place with a limited inventory. I like it when games strip things back and make you have to feel resourceful and think out how you'll navigate. It's a cool idea and sets the tone for Oracle of Ages puzzles really well.
Audio Cues -

I love the fact that throughout the chaos of fighting zombies with friends, you can still stay tuned into to what types of special infected zombies are spawning. Having unique sounds play as cues for events is a good way to signal to the player without being in their face.
Map Design -

Super Mario Land 2 has one of the coolest maps ever. There's a really logical progression between each level, but each zone is also just filled with creative ideas.
Level 3 Blade -

I really love how King's spirit appears once the blade is fully powered up. It's a cool touch and I love how well the weapon can handle big enemies.
Dodging Items -

It's super neat to see a kart-racer that tries to do something different from Mario Kart. I really like the whole idea that slowing down below a certain speed will protect you from items. You can also take shortcuts to dodge them, or just drive really well during the spin out. It feels more like a racing game with items than a kart-racer.
Interactive Environment -

I really love the thought that went into how different obstructions might play into your combat. Flipping cars, exploding boxes, and electrifying the water is all super cool. I just wish the combat of this game was refined enough for this to really feel realized and fun.
World Hubs -

I know they don't add anything to the gameplay, but its cool to see some creative hubs for the puzzles. The final Mario hub has a really neat Egyptian design and all of the puzzles are types of mythical creatures. It's a nice touch
Boots Stomping -

I don't know how to describe this, but it's super satisfying anytime Ulalala and her crew walk down a hallway in rhythm.
Chest Chases -

These levels feel almost like one of those Mario Maker autoscroll levels, but you actually have agency over what happens. Even though it's an incredibly tailored experience, it's super short and quick fun, so it feels like a nice reward for completing the other levels.
Dunwich Building -

This is one of my favorite areas in a fallout game. It’s got great environmental storytelling, a catacombs like design, and really great atmosphere. It makes me wish that this wasn’t just a building shoved in the corner of the map. Or like that every area had this same level of detail.
Movement Tech -

I don't want to spoil much about this game because it's best played blind, but the techniques that you have to nail to pull get to some of the secrets are so satisfying to pull off
DK Summit Gap Cuts -

The shortcuts in Mario Kart Wii are some of the best in the series, but pulling off the DK Summit cut in races with my friends felt so badass.
Creature Stage Character Creator -

The creature stage is definitely the most fun part of this game. I think making really goofy alien characters is what makes this game unique, and a lot of that is lost when the game moves on. I really like being able to come up with stupid designs that totally change the trajectory of my playthrough. The space stage is still great, but the creature stage really rocks.
Sound Effects -

Whenever you roll anything up, it always makes some kind of sound, and I love that. It makes things super chaotic and fun!
Raul -

Raul is one of the coolest companions. His backstory is really cool, and I love just hanging out in the wastes with him.
Branching Paths -

I love the secret requirements to move to the more difficult stages. It encourages replays and really learning the ins and outs of the game.
Naval Combat -

I know this is everyone's favorite part about this game, but it's just that good. The emphasis it puts on positioning is really great, and I love the variety of offensive and defensive options you have at your disposal. Every ship waiting while you plunder a ship does break my immersion a bit though.
Warp Zone -

This stage rocks. I love how it brings more puzzle elements while maintaining the general precision platform feel.
Palace of Winds Boss Design:

The boss is a cool way to show off the combat capabilities of Roc's Cape, but also I just really like the look of the big flying manta rays. They remind me of like a Mantine from Pokemon with the eyes of one of the creatures from Nausicaa.


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