This game is so cool but theres this one boss made me quit. Id prolly play again later

got it cuz it was like 2 bucks i think. It got so boring

Dude the fucking graphic n the story is so good but the game itself makes me wanna kms its so hard and annoying bro i quit this shit halfway id prob comeback when i beat all the other games

This review was written before the game released

This game is hella fun but wouldnt play for more than 20 mins its so ass at the same time

i wish there was more games like this one, not too long or not too short lol

I played this game for and beat it right away, lowk i would play it again ngl

It was very fun with my cousin but i would NOT play it again. He keeps on asking me to

I always play it everyday for a month or so and then quit and come back later in 6 months, Its a loop

I quit re0 remake and played this so technically my first resident evil game that ive beaten, Fuck re0. I beat it in like 2-3 days too lazy to play the girl version

my most played game atm at steam. Really fun story mode.
Online is really fun with friends except i i got nun

definelitely one of my top 10, too lazy to do the valkilies or wtv they r called lol