love this game to death but it should not be 40 dollars for what's offered

FUCK THIS GAME!!!!!!!!!! (lovingly)

story highkey mid as hell but the gameplay doesn't miss. also machine girl made the ost so yk it kicks ass!!!

game was fine i just couldn't wait to play alan wake 2 so i just watched a summary on youtube lol

i also dont like hp bars and levelling in games like this but its fine otherwise

charming but incredibly shallow, its the same 3 or 4 bosses over and over again (haven't played the dlc so idk if it got better, just wasn't my thing tbh)

a little corny but holy shit i love this game so much, the way the narrative is delivered is also super cool

i love this game to absolute death but holy shit they need to make the earlier levels less of a slog

one of the best when it comes to survival horror. scavenging for resources, having to decide whether or not to use your ammo to kill an enemy, all while being chased around by a big ol tyrant, all of this left an incredibly lasting impression on me. first half was a lot stronger in my opinion, but the second half wasn't bad by any means

this shit goes HARD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


please make the distortion detective visual novel project moon PLEASEEEEEEEEEE

ngl i'd like this more if the plotlines weren't split. ala mhigo felt incredibly underwhelming compared to doma's storyline. liked the characters and concepts though, and the post-stormblood quests were some of my favorite

this shit hooked me so fucking hard into this godforsaken mmo

super good worldbuilding, gameplay's cool but terribly explained, but the weird anime shenanigans were not it