Genesis games I'll beat a TRILLION more times

The Genesis is my favorite console. Consequentially, it has a ton of my favorite games.
Treasure got their start developing for this, so considering that already easily nets me like 5 games to put on this list and I'm ALREADY blinded by nostalgia, this is gonna end up longer than the other ones. I'm biased! Sue me!

And yes, I'm aware some of these are ports - but they find ways to improve on their arcade originals!

Best Contra!
This is the only game that can bust my balls so brutally like that and still have me coming back for more
Only game I've ever played where I had the patience to actually finish a 90 minute long section of nothing but bullets
One of the heaviest soundtracks on the system and I'm all for it

Not just peak Genesis, peak everything. Mount fucking Everest.
This is the greatest game ever made. I don't care what anyone says.
I already liked this game the way it was, and then I found out there was a hidden code to play it in 6 button mode.

Why the fuck is that a code? That ties the controls together so incredibly well that I can't go back anymore.

(For those wondering; you go into the options, hold Up + C on controller 2, Mode on controller 1, then exit and press start. Slashing and throwing kunai are on seperate buttons now!)
I honestly feel like Konami upping their game on the Genesis was because they were getting jealous of Treasure. There's no way that they could just make two of the best entries in their most beloved franchises and an ENTIRE new (and gorgeous) IP without any sort of motive.

Best Castlevania.
Not enough games out there where you get to play as a mech riding a motorcycle
This game is nice. It really is!
But I gotta be real that price tag was ALWAYS fucked up. Technosoft's shmups blow this one out of the water for me, personally.
The secret ending feels emotionally charged.
Remember when Sonic Team made other games?
Remember when they were good?
I really didn't know how much I needed co-op Pac-Man until I got it.
I lose sleep every night knowing this game is too obscure for a power metal remix album
It's like Zelda but what if you can beat it in an hour and Link wasn't a bitch ass motherfucker
Absolutely in love with the fact that this game had 0 awareness of how copyright law works.
Japanese version preferred, but I grew up with the US one obviously.

Still have no idea why they felt a need to change everyone's palette.
4 player fighting games almost exclusively being limited to Smash-likes makes me sad. This game pulled it off so well!
"Water can DESTROY Pulseman! Ehahahaha!"
I wish Scratch and Grounder were canon
I'm one of those weirdos that genuinely likes this game more than Sonic 2
God this is one of the hardest sells on this list but I absolutely ADORE this game.
I'm not even gonna pretend this game's good, but I love the music and like the way they adapted the controls from the arcade original.
This is one of the greatest boxarts ever conceived by mankind and you know it
I actually liked the topdown gameplay concept and wish they would've built on it instead of throwing it out entirely.
I ain't even gonna PRETEND this game is good lmao

It just caught me offguard to have an autoscrolling beatemup. It's short and nice to run through if I want to kill about 20 minutes

1 Comment

6 months ago

beating contra hard corps is a herculian task. u desrve a sloppy

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