Starts to wear a bit thin with cumbersome menus and time-wasting side quests.

Gave it a shot bc the art style looked cool, and enjoyed the boss fights, but the map exploration was somewhat sparse and didn't justify the walking to get to the boss fights.

You get OP too easy, the micromanagement is a hassle, there's some bad bugs, combat AI is a joke, the plot web starts to bottleneck and companion interaction dwindles or becomes insignificant. The overall story is very cool and there were fun fights and encounters, but def fell off on the back half.

Good beginning challenge but with additional skills it becomes button mashey and unrealistic. Can run through mongol camp, aggro everyone, then kill like 15 guys in one go on hard difficulty. Got tired of the combat after a few long sessions, but enjoyed my time with it.

Repetitive after a while. Combat is pretty easy when you get the right equipment, felt overly long and I lost interest.

I felt the minutes of my life passing

I think I'm just tired of shooters.

For all the polish that went into this, it sure was buggy and the combat was not satisfying enough to keep me engaged. Took so long for the story to get going, and I didn't really care about what anyone had to say.

Maybe it was the Switch, but not sure why this game won so many awards. Felt like a GameCube game in 2023

I've beaten this too many times on other platforms, and it feels like an old game.

Holy crap this game is long. I had a fun time while it lasted but stopped caring after a while.