Gorgeous game, fun challenge, and meaningful variation to keep you coming back.


Typically love these top down games, but I got tired of the backtracking, getting lost, re-fighting the same enemies. Maybe I have bad navigational skills though.

Fun little game, loved the challenge it provided and was invested in the story enough to care about how it finished.

A little grindy. The gameplay at the school is repetitive, dull, and feels half-cooked. The battles aren't enough to keep me invested, and got tired after about 10 hours.

Bless Nintendo for giving us both these games in one package. Just enough depth in both to make me want to pick it up and not put it down. Bowser fights in Fury were a little wonky though.

I regret buying this, clearly a remastered game style, was expecting more Fire Emblem. No plot to mention, and got bored looking at the same five units over and over and over.

Beat this in like two sittings. Great combat construction and formula, but lack of depth in story and plot is a flaw. Would like to see this remade with a bigger budget/larger campaign. Puts advance wars to shame.

So much fun, and great character customization options that allow the player to experiment with playstyle. Plot and worldbuilding mesh perfectly with environment and the difficulty is perfectly calibrated.

Loved the first deckbuilding challenge and the mystery involved, and then the introduction of later variations, but the challenge with the innovation is that later stages feel less fleshed out. Story and character investment kept me through the end.

Fun while it lasted, but I didn't try to get any strawberries really. Enough fresh variation throughout to keep you engaged, but still a platformer so not my favorite.

Fun curveball of a game that keeps you guessing until it is over. Lovingly created plot and characters and enough depth to warrant a replay.

Drew me in with the pixel-art, and kept me with the fast-paced combat and playstyle variation. Good difficulty and learning curve.

Got bored after about 5 hours, but platformers are not typically my medium.

Tried to beat this twice, stopped playing because I got distracted by other releases, then tried to replay but didn't want to go through the same quests again.

I have re-bought this games more times than I would like to admit. The combat is wonky but everything else is great. Would love to see something along these lines on more modern consoles.