A great showcase of the Fox Engine, but why was this not released as a demo like PT was? Just have the main mission and that's it.

This made me realize I dislike tactical RPGs and Fire Emblem as a series

Combat is arena based and repetitive, separated by climbing sections that boil down to Hold Up to Climb

Story is great though, and graphics still hold up by today's standards

While peak for its time, it as aged slightly and at this point is dwarfed by New Vegas and its better story/depth.

Still a great RPG and a good adventure. DLC is worth it to play, especially because it fixes the Worlds Dumbest Plot Hole in its ending. I'm not joking, I think the vanilla ending is horrible; and I'm a fan of the series and Bethesda RPGs in general

VERY good Zelda game, gives OoT a run for its money. Dark and gritty, yet still adhering to the classic formula.

Double clawshots are so satisfying to use, same with the Spinning Top

I played through UltraViolet version, a romhack that includes all Johto mons, but at the same time this is the best Gen 1 remake/port. Blows Let's Go out of the water for sure!

Flawless game, and its not even finished!

DMC meets Quake, and its fucking perfect. You can parry everything, bullets included. Gianni's Magnum Opus role as Gabriel gives me life and chills

I'll be honest...I don't get the hype surrounding this game. The writing is 2 dimensional "edgy" attempts at humor. Like a bad Rick and Morty episode. Gunplay gets old, fast. I made the mistake of also doing a solo Zero run and that character does not do well solo.

Final boss is a major disappointment. I'm cool not playing any other game in the series

Scarlet/Violet is at least better than Sword/Shield...

I thought the story tried its best to reinvent the formula, SOMEWHAT. Was a fun playthrough. It's no Legends: Arceus though.

Endgame is straight out of SMT and I need more of it. Make death more commonplace in this universe.

Music is the best part of this game, in part because Toby Fox helped. It goes HARD

It for sure shows its age in spots. If you haven't yet played I would say just play the fan remake Black Mesa. Its just better all around.

However, just because it's aged doesn't mean its bad. It still holds up in most aspects for sure!


Improved so much on Doom 2016, an already near-perfect game. Combat felt so good, Mick Gordon killed it on the OST (fuck you Bethesda/Zenimax for trapping it in legal hell). It's so good all around.

Still haven't gotten through The Ancient Gods though. 2 Marauders at once is just too much for me to juggle right now.

Narratively deep, inventive gameplay for sure. I still listen to the OST from time to time.

It also has Willam Dafoe in it so you literally cannot go wrong

A really good Hexen-inspired retro FPS from the gods of game dev over at New Blood. Amazing musical score

After finishing The Black Labyrinth I bumped up the score. I feel like although the main campaign is well worth it, the levels are long and enemies are almost too plenty. The DLC on the other hand throws these complaints out the window for me. Its well worth it.

I still have no idea how people manage to get Par times on any of these levels, holy hell. Most of these are so massive in scale it takes 5 minutes to even get your bearings on where to go next half the time. Not to mention, if you slip once sometimes you end up going all the way back to the start of the level. Verticality, although amazing visually, is a weak point for some of the levels.

Still worth your time and money though!

Fantastic art style. Fluid ;) animations

A great 2D dungeon crawler that is easy to get into and have fun

The ultimate Gianni Matragrano shitposting experience