A fun 3D platform/"puzzle" game. Puzzle is in quotes here because while simple, the mechanics of Octodad himself lend some fun challenges to the puzzles.

Is nobody gonna talk about how the kids look normal or how the wife didn't know she was making love to an Octopus??

I'm really not one for games that cause me to bang my head against the wall with simple platforming. Couldn't figure out the movement smooth enough to begin to enjoy it.

Music and art style were what initially drew me to this game. Level design and difficulty was what forced me out

Not as good as Yakuza Kiwami, but still a solid entry

The Dragon Engine made some of the physics a bit goofy, but that only added to the charm of the overall game.

Fantastic time. Innovative use of motion controls in the early Wii era. GTA but for kids.

Also my first foray into a game-breaking bug faced on a story mission that if saved in the middle would corrupt everything and force you to start over. 12 year old me was SWEATING doing that mission

You know you have something good when the creator of the source material took one look at the fact you could kick Marge down the street in the opening level and immediately signed off on it.

Also, if you want a look into utter Game Dev hell, read the source code/in-line comments on the game code. Echos a lot of the problems faced in current AAA game design and management

This game completely destroys Mario Sunshine in every way. One of the best original Nintendo Gamecube titles by Nintendo. Super inventive.

Plus, its Luigi. What could be better?

The first KH game I've perfected, twice. Don't do what I did.

This game is fantastic on it's own. If I had to say what went wrong, it was probably being a victim of overhype for what direction it would go. I will defend this game to a point. What I won't defend is how shallow the Disney content is for this one. More specifically, the worlds that just followed the source material (Frozen, The Caribbean). Ones with original stories varied from boring (San Fransokyo and Kingdom of Corona) to absolute bangers (Monstropolis and Toy Box).

Keyblade Graveyard and the whole last 3rd of the game is the best part of the whole thing. Tied together so many story threads while leaving some open parts for the next arc.

Re:Mind, this game's DLC version of Final Mix added so much in the way of what people were expecting. Super bosses, a side story that compliments the main one, the two best Keyblades in the series.

It's criminal this only has a 3.4 average

Wonderful game in an amazing series. Spent so much of my childhood and teen years playing hours of matches in this

If Yakuza 0 didn't exist this would be my favorite game in the series I've played thus far. Beautiful game with a compelling story to match. Turning Point is my ultimate hype song, it goes H A R D

A great entry in the series! Added a lot of the features that the community loves in New Horizons, specifically when it comes to customization

A great remaster of an already perfect game. Motion aiming was such a nice touch to have for this. The models are so much more expressive and detailed for the 3DS era its amazing.


By mistake I played this one after KH2 so sadly my opinion is skewed. This game is great, don't even doubt that for a moment. However, it shows age in some parts of it. The HD collections largely work to fix this, specifically with menuing, so it is still very beginner friendly.

The amount of times I hear "There's no way you're taking Kairi's Heart" per playthrough is mind-numbing but that entire scene has such impact. It's the pivotal moment when Sora accepts his role as the Keyblade Master (oh you poor sweet summer child) and does the right thing.

The countless hours I have spent across so many playthroughs is a testament to how impactful this game is on me, on so many levels. From the music to the combat to the quests themselves. You can get lost in a random corner and never find it again on another playthrough. The world has such a massive scale to allow for you to do just about anything. My best man wrote his speech about our bond over this game. Was it a horrible speech? Yes.

Great game, changed the core feel of the series for the better. Sadly the ending fell straight off a cliff due to Konami being shitheads. What a shame