A great game. One of the best I've played, definitely one of the most creative (all second to Outer Wilds, of course). The gameplay for me got just a bit dull during the second and third acts, but this isn't a big deal because with how good the overall story, gameplay, and aesthetic is here the game didn't need great gameplay- that was just a bonus on top. And it is for the majority of the game.

It's a great game. While some of the puzzles and dungeons (the last 2) can get quite convoluted, they're still very fun and overall the experience was great.

This review contains spoilers

Pretty good game. Doesn't overstay it's welcome and the story is interesting enough. Spoiler: The ending(s) are very lackluster and overall just kind of eh. Solid play and I would recommend on sale.

I'm completely unable to put this game into words, but as many others will say it's the greatest game I've ever played by a WIDE margin. It's incredible, indescribable, and worth every minute I spent on it.

People will sing high praise over and over again, but I'll provide my honest opinion. As someone who has only recently played any of the Zelda games, I came in with no attachment to this franchise. I've tried to play this game probably 4 or 5 times and each time I force myself to play it until I eventually give up. It looks pretty but if you're not a fan of the series, it's just kind of... eh.

Good game, good puzzles, short and sweet. Nice.

Great game and expands well on the first game. I enjoyed it a bit more, but the first has it's place for being so unique.

It's a wonderful game. Some of the best controls and smoothest movement in any platformer period, and tons of content.

Fun game, I go through phases with it as I'm sure everyone does. Honestly if the whole making relationships (except Linus) thing was removed that would be awesome.

Can't rate this any lower due to how much I've played it.

I think this game just isn't for me. I get the same vibes as a game like Link's Awakening, except I don't care at all about the story. It feels like the game tried so hard to be mysterious and vague that I just ended up not caring at all.