263 Reviews liked by slimedotcom

I can tell this game was from a very personal place and I'm certain some people would get some kind of emotional catharsis from it, but I felt like I was intruding on some kind of moment I wasn't meant to be privy to.

I'm 100% certain I am not the target audience for this, so I don't feel comfortable giving this some kind of objective "rating", but either you'll get something from it or you won't. It's a 5 minute web browser game, so it couldn't hurt to see.

Only a few lines resonated with me but I'm glad games like this are being made, keep up the good work.
Keep making very personal games even if the "target audience" is you and only you.

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Not enough into shmups to know how good this really is, but the soundtrack was enjoyable and the level aesthetics were mixed but generally good. I didn't ever feel too challenged to be discouraged even after trying mostly every mode. The game's got kinda wonky difficulty, as the hardest level by far is the third stage rather than the fourth or fifth ones after it. The bosses also don't progress all that well in the same vein (the true final boss is far harder than the rest but the third level's boss is also harder than the two after it), and for some reason the true final boss still has hitboxes after you blow its first phase up. I didn't 'true' 1cc this, but I 1cc'd until I died to that same weird hitbox thing right as phase 2 started (then beat it without using another continue). For a newbie to this genre I think that's close enough and good enough for me. Would recommend, but probably won't pick up again any time soon.

gonna be real wit u, im just padding my games list with dis shit dawg who the FUCK cares about the chrome dino

who tf wrote the description for this game lmao

The final battle is you fighting a planet as a giant kaiju and it's possibly the most beautiful video game sequence I've laid eyes on.

no dude trust me its fun when you download the peepeepoopoo mod and like 30 others bro trust me its not the games fault its boring its your fault

single handedly increased worldwide ocarina sales by at least 200%

Can’t believe this happened

I’d probably like this game better if I played as the girl

Easily my favorite SMT game alongside Nocturne. The only Persona game that speaks to the struggles of being an adult rather than a teenager. This isn't inherently better, but it's certainly a breath of fresh air from the series if you've come off of 3-5. After beating this game, I ended up beating it twice more almost back to back. Maya is my singular favorite character from anything, but she's a silent protagonist in this game and shines primarily in Innocent Sin. Definitely play that first.

there's a reason why someone once said "metroid prime is the citizen kane of video games" in full sincerity. (author's note: i have never watched citizen kane)

severely underrated game. i deeply resent and hate noah antwiler for completely disgracing this game with his dumbfuck smoothbrain review series. anyway the OST bags hard and if you dislike it you're not getting into heaven.