A cute little game where you play as Luigi as he looks for Mario in a haunted mansion and sucks up ghosts with a vacuum cleaner.
Music is catchy, Luigi is a fun character, it has a satisfying gameplay loop, and has a lot of charm.
One of the bosses really got on my nerves though, the controls were a bit wonky, and there were a handful of ghost encounters (mainly Boos) that were frustrating to complete and involved a lot of tedious back-and-forth between rooms.
Aside from that, fun little game, and it doesn't take long to complete! If you don't have a GameCube or Wii, play it on the Dolphin emulator.

I played this as a kid but never beat it, so I went back and beat it.
It's a pretty standard 3D platformer/collect-a-thon where you play as Scooby Doo in a mystery where there's a haunted estate filled with all the foes of the gang's past from the original television series.
It's goofy and has charm. Uses laugh tracks and all of the classic Hanna-Barbera sound effects that we know and love. It also uses the music from the original show, as well as some tracks made specifically for the game.
Some platforming sections are super frustrating, but aside from that, it doesn't do anything too crazy for a platformer. It actually kinda functions as a metroidvania, in that you gather abilities that you use to gain access to new areas or get items that were previously not reachable.
Fun little game!

Tough but fun, balls-to-the-wall sci-fi action, improved mechanics and graphics, I recommend.

Best of the three in my opinion. Plays the best, looks the best, has the most interesting story. Bow is fun to use, and just like the others, tough but fun, balls-to-the-wall sci-fi action.

In my opinion, the From Software game with the overall coolest combat. Fast paced, deflection-based, posture-based, tough but fair, and dope as hell.
Grapple and jump are fun to have, exploration is awesome.
Beat all the endings, really fascinating story about immortality and the consequences of the desire to achieve it.
Fantastic bosses, great music, amazing voice acting.
Once you fall into the swing of things, this game is addicting. Give it a shot!
Not a souls-like, more of an action-adventure that happens to have bonfire style checkpoints and a similar death mechanic. Similarities end there.

Least favorite From Software game, but it has its merits.
Gameplay is really janky compared to literally every other From Software game. Adaptability is a dumb stat. Enemy spawns are not balanced. Frigid Outskirts. Shrine of Amana. Some bosses are lame. Boss run-ups are stupid.
HOWEVER. The visuals, the art direction, the story, and the music are still top notch. DLC slaps. I will still recommend this game simply due to that.

More of a side-story than actual canon. Takes the idea of the gladiator arenas and turns them into a full game.
Story is: basically Ratchet gets kidnapped by the villainous showrunner of Dreadzone, a gladiator show. Ratchet is forced to compete and beat all the champions.
Gameplay is a third-person twin-stick shooter as opposed to 3D platformer. Short but sweet. Not essential to main plot but is an interesting little footnote.

It's got some goofy dialogue and runs you only 2 hours, so...

I had heard about Sunset Overdrive. It sounded like some racing game with powerups or whatever. i did not expect to be parkouring around a punk-rock urban setting as an emo dude blasting zombies in the face with vinyl records and a penis shotgun.

Revolutionary, and still fun to this day!

Janky gameplay, not enough reward to keep going back into the dungeon. Characters are cute, though.

Fun turn-based, Mario-themed RPG with a unique artstyle and fantastic writing!

Gross and one-note, but stupid fun with friends.

A challenging, pixel-art 2D platformer with an adorable protagonist, a lovable supporting character, a memorable chiptune-esque soundtrack, and a cute story that deals with confronting your own demons and achieving personal growth.