a storytelling with unique playstyle and characters that fit the gameplay very well with such impact on the player itself, this must be one of my favorite games from suda. great plot structure that is amazingly built upon it, to an incredible twists here and there which gave me a good rush of adrenaline. masterpiece...

Chrono Trigger is quite different from your typical Japanese role-playing game - it is a tight-knit adventure about time travel across many eras/ages on the same planet, with every era being equally interesting and relevant.
There wasn't a single moment/mission that I felt was unnecessary or introduced to the game as a filler from the beginning to the end.
The sidequests were a similarly intriguing in addition that flawlessly illustrated the combination of enhancing the lore and delivering a lot of rewards/loot for those that chose to engage with them.
Since the beginning, there hasn't been a single member of the cast that I disliked or felt neutral. I’ve adored them all, because each and every one of them contributed equally to the storyline and gameplay.
The combat system was generally solid, getting somewhat complex in the end but still being nice overall, and the tedious grinding was largely nonexistent.
The game was fantastic all around. Even though I wished the game had lasted a little bit longer, I really did appreciate everything about it.
Truly a timeless masterpiece.

Even after completing the first two games, this was the first time I truly felt like I was playing a Final Fantasy game.

This game merely combines the positive aspects of the previous two games, each of which, to be honest, showed an important breakthrough.

cool game but felt like a souls game more than a metroidvania. the mapping system sucked (buy a map to explore more)

this game storyline is perfectly one of the best in the series for sure, the plot keeps getting thicker and becoming more and more interesting as you play. The battle system is really simple and good I like how it continues to become progressive over time, ahead of its time for sure. the cast on the other hand are well-written and you grow fond of them for their unique characteristics and personalities that they withhold, it is sometimes hard to remember that this is a PS2 game when i'm playing it.

this game gave me severe ptsd from sewers

first playthrough of the game felt amazing as every FromSoftware game but 2nd playthrough it gets lame. but overall the lore is amazing.

breaking the curse for the 123123095435th

the flow of the game is surprisingly great even though I wasn't feeling any type of emotion towards all the characters backstory but I've had my way of satisfaction by 100% , great bosses and world design and the soundtracks were phenomenal

they sure love making trap doors...

schizophrenia on whole another level

the number of times this game tormented me made me desensitized