Really charming game. Movement mechanics are great and the worlds all feel fleshed out. A fair number of the time pieces feel a bit like a chore to get however. Bosses never felt all too interesting aside from the last one, and half of the worlds in the game (dlc included) are incredibly lackluster and just not that fun to traverse through.

Some great levels and a great core movement set to explore these levels in. Sadly the bosses are all rather lackluster, the core game is a bit longwinded with mandatory revisits to stages (even if they are changed up it still feels a tad cheap) and a few of the abilities just did not mesh well with me. On a whole though one of the most promising platformers in recent memory.

Very well made, all the levels bring interesting mechanics and the game handles very well. Oozes personality, and is generally a very fun and replayable experience.

Fun levels and a great gameplay mechanic. The controls are not polished and the physics while fun can often be frustrating especially when starting out. Game holds a special place in my heart though and it has a fair bit of charm, hopefully someday someone will take this mechanic and make a more holistically enjoyable experience.

Amazing art style, amazing levels, amazing writing. The gameplay is a bit janky but it's pretty rewarding to learn, there's so much to love about this game.

Neat mechanics bogged down by literally everything else.

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tfw no alcoholic bartender gf


That's what they called me in college.

I can't tell if this game is carried off pure nostalgia for me but it's still fun to go back and revisit every now and then, and I don't typically like this genre so.

The Ape Escape minigame on the bonus disc is based as hell.

Blew me away the first time I played it. Amazing game, fuck the backtracking needed near the end of the game though lol

Very good summer game. Very okay video game.