Reviews from

in the past

I think at the time this game was released, it was an experience like no other. These days, it's a game that's fun to look back on for how impressive it was on the limited tech of the 2600, but it's not necessarily a captivating game.

Pitfall's biggest crime is that's just kinda boring. Not in the sense that there's nothing to do. It's in the sense that you have to do the same stuff over and over again. Levels feel like constant repeats to the point where it can be quite tiresome. That being said, the gameplay can be fun sometimes.

This might be one of the better games I've played on the system. I had some decent fun with the game and I liked the different stuff happening in the background.

The game sure has pitfalls in it

The kind of videogame that I try not to play nowadays so that I won't change my mind and still think it is a nice game.

Claramente o jogo que a galera é mais nostálgica sobre o Atari, mas na realidade tem outros jogos do mesmo console que são ligeiramente melhores.

It tried its best to be a complete adventure game in the early 80s. System limitations crippled it, but it remains as a gem of gaming, nevertheless.

Um dos maiores clássicos dos games, o charme é sua gameplay... ou deveria ser, eu acho, é uma pena que não envelheceu nada bem.

There's a lot to like about Pitfall, but most of its appeal has less to do with its design and more to do with the fact that its aesthetics look more modern than most 2600 games. The animations are smooth, the sprites are clear, the setting is iconic.

I try to rate games (and movies, shameless letterboxd plug) contextually, so I can't be too mad at Pitfall's very era-appropriate design. However, I would say that Adventure proved 3 years before this that adventure games could have more interesting objectives. But Adventure also looks like barf compared to Pitfall, so it was all trade-offs I guess. If anyone has any solid 2600 games that really pushed boundaries, let me know.

To sum up my experience with Pitfall: after fiddling around, dying, and resetting for 10 minutes, I finally found my first piece of treasure, and then was immediately swallowed up by a surprise pit and lost my last life. C'est la vie!

Fun game. The actual main goal is tough to achieve, but it's still enjoyable even just casually running and jumping through. I beat this for the first time, and it was pretty intense to do so - I had just 16 seconds left on the clock at the end. A satisfying challenge.

one of the most ambitious 2600 titles that paved the way for 2d platformers. it's fun for a few minutes

One of the best games in the Atari. I remember spending hours playing this game with my brother. Even though it hasn't aged well it was very impressive for it's time. 4/5.

certainly one of the most ambitious games on 2600, and a first stepping stone for adventure and platformer games of the NES era to succeed. That said, it's uh, not great to play today.

for what its worth, its the best game on the atari 2600

I just gave this a replay for the first time in…well, it’s been a while.
You know what I discovered?
It’s still stupidly fun.
I just tried it out as a test and next thing I know, 40 or so minutes had passed as I kept trying to beat my scores.
It’s such a simple game, with simple graphics.
You play as basically a stick figure who runs and jumps and jumps some more. You can swing by vines if they are available. You have to jump over to obstacles, like logs rolling at you, scorpions the size of cocker spaniels, snakes, and use alligators to cross ponds while their mouths are closed.
It all adds up to fun.
I honestly didn’t think it’d be fun anymore. But I was wrong.

Pitfall de certa forma pode ser considerado o pai dos jogos de ação e plataforma, onde o objetivo não é um puzzle a completar ou inimigos para vencer. Apenas uma floresta que você deve explorar na busca de tesouros.
Pelo menos é isso que eu entendo do jogo, porque eu acabo nunca jogando mais do que 10 minutos, sem saber para onde ir, dando em caminhos bloqueados e telas repetitivas. Sem falar da clássica tela em que se deve pular sobre crocodilos, o tempo é muito exato, e na maioria das vezes, dá que você cai na boca aberta do terceiro.

Outro obstáculo clássico são os buracos em questão, que dão o nome Pitfall ao jogo. Em jogos mais recentes da série, é revelado que esses buracos são bocas de criaturas místicas, pois elas abrem e fecham algumas vezes. Na maioria das vezes, para passar deles, você terá ajuda de um cipó que estará convenientemente balançando de um lado para o outro, ao agarrar nele, um som indecifrável é ouvido, que muito depois, alguém se deu conta que é o personagem fazendo o grito do Tarzan...

Em geral, o objetivo do jogo é acumular o máximo de pontos dentro de 20 minutos, coletando barras de ouro e desviando de troncos de árvores que rolam pelo cenário e tiram sua pontuação, e dos animais que te matam de primeira. É só isso mesmo.

Uh... Have you played Atari today?

melhor jogo do Atari 2600 provavelmente... até dá pra se divertir se você não tiver nada mesmo pra jogat

lityShimmy shimmy yay, shimmy yay, shimmy ya (drank)
Swalla-la-la (drank)
Swalla-la-la (swalla-la-la)
Shimmy shimmy yay, shimmy yay, shimmy ya (drank)
Swalla-la-la (drank)
Swalla-la-la (swalla-la-la)

WOW! This is a great game. It has great parkour and adventure for all around fun. It's got great stages to challenge you and then the controls and gameplay are fantastic. Highly recommend!

~ Juegos que Hay que Jugar Antes de Morir ~
Parte 2 — Los 80: Caída y Resurgir

Juego 34: Pitfall! (1982)

Te diviertes hasta que te acuerdas de que estás jugando en una Atari porque ni las hitbox ni los controles van bien.

This game's ok. I'm going to use this space to complain a little bit about my system of writing reviews cuz like idk it's pitfall

Basically what I do is I open this random year generator and have it give me 8 years, and then I dig through the years until I find something I have something to say about. Even though I'm an old head who's spent a lot of time playing games from well before my birth, every time it gives me an early 80s game I sigh because it's tricky for me to figure out anything to say about like Time Pilot or whatever. I think I might stop reviewing 80s games soon.

anyways pitfall's alright. It's got a sound effect good enough that Call of Duty exists now.

I was going to try and answer the question of if this game has aged poorly, but that's a silly question. Of course it has. Pitfall is a hard-as-shit Atari platformer more about routing than platforming if you're actually trying to beat it. What, do you think that would be good?

What's more interesting to me is more a question about the Atari in general: What differentiates the lovely pieces in the Atari library from the painful garbage best left in the past? I'm thinking there's a few categories of good Atari games: immortally simple sports games, the black voids of space with earfucking explosions, the eerily quiet and lonely directionless whatthefuckdoidos, and of course the arcade games that still exist in some form on practically every platform today.

Pitfall doesn't really meet any of the criteria that make those groups of games simply fun or at least charming. It's a historical piece and nothing more. It looks gross and muddy, is mechanically bland, and doesn't have any of the magic and sheer wonder at THINGS MOVING ON SCREEN that brings you back to Atari.

Pitfall is the video game precursor to Uncharted, Tomb Raider, Prince of Persia, Assassin's Creed... any kind of adventure game involving traps, falls and hostile architecture, I think.

It's also not as good as any of the above titles and honestly is now kind of a novelty.

I played the minigame of this in Marvel Ultimate Alliance
It certainly was a video game

One of the best Atari 2600 titles and still fun today......................................................................................................................................................................................................... for about 7 minutes.

Might just be the most well aged Atari game ever? It's gameplay loop isn't going to hook you for double-digit hours, but its mechanics encourage a lot of skill building. It's also one of the nicest looking Atari games, using a limited color pallet to make sure the threats pop while the enviornment stands out nicely in the background. Even the cheesy "Tarzan yell" emits charm, although it can get annoying after awhile.