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The last part in the saga of Zero. While the story might not be a big hit like others. It has a cult following that many have enjoyed. The options are there for a fun gameplay experience and will test your gaming skills in some aspects.

I beat this one when i was little, so i don't remember much besides the ending and the fact that this game is far easier than its counterparts.

This is the easiest one, not have too much to say about, really decadent.
But I was kid, and I like that game.

A GBA game should NOT be making me feel this way man.

This game is interesting. The conclusion to the Zero series, it feels like it lacks a lot of the polish of the last game. The stages are ok and can feel more annoying than fun at times. The music compositions are good but the instruments used don’t sound the best at times. Zeros new weapon the zero knuckles leaves a lot to be desired as it feels harder and more complicated to use. You have to get close to an enemy and use it to steal there power which sounds cool in theory but doesn’t work as well as you’d think aside from a couple level gimmicks. As a story it works quite well and leads you to an awesome last boss fight. This is the end of the series and the ending is a good one. So for story alone it’s worth playing. Zero 3 is definitely the series highlight not sure why Zero 4 wasn’t as good.

me gustó menos que el 3 pero mantiene el estandar de calidad de la saga

Not mechanically as good as 2 or 3 but has my favorite finale in any video game, if that's anything.

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Great music, emotional ending. It's strange that the guardians are absent, and there's a lot of focus on the Human/Reploid relationship that doesn't get the time or development it deserves? Perhaps it's supposed to reflect the Zero/Ciel relationship... Still, a great game!

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finally zero fucking dies thank god

You could rip the kraken guy out of the background before he gets to stab you with his tentacles, and then take off 2/3rds of his health bar with 1 swift combo just for even daring to attack you


This is the only Zero game I played as a kid and I finished it a few times and didn't love it back then and I still dont now. This game should not exist as Zero 3 closes the series off fine and the stage/boss design of this game feels lazy. The game is also way too easy. The music is generic and does not stand out but the gameplay is still there. They needed to change something up and they chose not to, what a shame.

... ... ... Megaman Zero 4... to live or die...? Hmm ..... ...

This is probably the MMZ game I have the most conflicted feelings over. 4 tries to set itself apart from previous entries a lot, and most of the time I just don't think it works out well.

The parts system is complicated enough to require a guide, the EX skills now have their elements tied directly to them which takes out a lot of potential application, the Elf system got completely reworked, and the Shield and Rod both got removed in place of... the pretty useless Z Knuckle. One new system I do think is cool though is the weather system, adding effectively a "hard mode" to the levels, which, even if it's not much, is appreciated for the bit of extra challenge. While I can respect the desire to stand out, I think this aspect of Zero 4 doesn't do it too many favors overall.

The level design of 4 is good, I'd say. It's better than 3's probably and more consistent than 1, but some levels I find to be pretty bland (Deep Sea, Hibernation Chamber, second half of Magnetic Field) though they're still enjoyable because you're playing as Zero of course it's fun. Bosses in Z4 are very not consistent however, sometimes they're the best the series has to offer like Fenri Lunaedge or Sol Titantion, and then other times you're fighting Mino Magnus or Heat Gemblem.

I don't really know how to wrap things up here, Zero 4 is still a Zero game so it's great but I just don't enjoy it as much as I do some of the previous games.

Foi uma decisão ousada fazer o último jogo da série o mais diferente da franquia, mas depois de três jogos bem parecidos, uma mudança na fórmula de Mega Man Zero foi um pouco de ar fresco, apesar de nem todas as mudanças que este jogo trouxe serem positivas.

A única arma alternativa deste jogo é a Zero Knuckle, que permite que você roube armas dos outros inimigos que encontra nas fases. É uma ideia boa, e permite uma variedade muito maior em como enfrentar chefes e inimigos mas... nenhuma das armas do jogo conseguem ser boas o suficiente para eu considerar usá-las no lugar do Z saber e do Buster, então eu praticamente só usei a Knuckle para cumprir Puzzles.

Os chips elementais estão ausentes pela primeira vez, porém os chefes ainda conservam suas fraquezas e resistências, o que é um incentivo maior a utilizar as Ex skills elementais que você adquire conseguindo altos ranks nas missões que, assim como MMZ3, eu fiz o possível para ter todas. Outra nova possibilidade é o sistema de clima, onde você pode jogar cada fase em uma versão fácil ou difícil, porém perdendo a chance de conseguir a ex skill do chefe da fase caso escolha a primeira opção.

O sistema de Cyber Elf foi inteiro retrabalhado: Agora você apenas tem uma elf principal, e conforme ela vai subindo de nível, você vai escolhendo habilidades novas. Por causa disso, o sistema de elf é muito menos personalizável e muito menos interessante que em seu anterior.

Os body chips agora não são mais itens escondidos nas fases: Você precisa construí-los utilizando chips que consegue ao vencer inimigos. Apesar de este jogo ter uma imensa quantidade de combinações possíveis e receitas de chips, ele também retorna com o grinding massante para conseguir as peças que você quer, algo que nunca foi divertido de se ter presente na série MMZ.

MMZ4 é um amontoado de ideias e mecânicas novas, algumas que funcionam bem, outras não, porém em um jogo com um level design ainda consistente, como é característico da série, e portanto, dificilmente seria uma má experiência.

gotta replay to be completely sure

I have never "did it and never looked back" for anything harder in my whole life than picking the easy mode for this game. I played three of these already, guys. Three in a row

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I never cared about justice, and I don't recall ever calling myself a hero... I have always only fought for the people I believe in. I won't hesitate... If an enemy appears in front of me, I will destroy it!

hardest lines Zero has ever said it still stuck with me despite MMZ3 still being the peak of the games for me but MMZ4 solidifies Zero as such a great protagonist even more

This game is great and a good ending to the series, though I think a lot of Zero 4 is somewhat frustrating design wise, but I think the story carries the experience for me, especially after marathoning the rest of the series

Except for the story, this is a complete embarasment from start to finish, Zero 3 was almost perfect and this game ruined everything good about its predecessor, its fucking annoying as hell.
The worst map design of the series, extremely boring ost, god awfull chip system making you need to FARM to get stuff, extremely bad EX Skills, the Thunder shot is the worst power I've ever seen.
The only good things are still Zero's gameplay, the story (a really satisfying conclusion to the Zero Saga) and the new Cyber Elf system, even though the one in Zero 3 is good as well.

While it has a few issues that ultimately keep me from putting it above its predecessor and cementing the Zero series as a constant ladder of quality, it's hard to view Zero 4 as anything but an excellent title, with gameplay that's as solid as ever, and a plot that caps off the series' narrative on an extremely heartfelt and somber note.

the best thing mega man has ever produced (and i have played)
this game fixed issues i didnt know i had with the others. its re-balancing of all the systems of the series adds so much to the game, and i cannot wait to replay it.
the story is excellent, as per the usual in zero games. x could never.
levels are fun and memorable, and i think its a neat idea to make ex skills behind doing a harder version of the level instead of the ranking system (minus one boss). however, this does lead to the ranking system being kinda pointless... oh the horror
elves are condensed into an upgrade system, which is a good thing. making the fun elves permanently lower your score is frustrating as hell.
outstanding game, and i do not get why its ignored so much to the point i didnt know it existed when i first played these games. mega man fans are weird

I think this one does a fair job as a send off but it's pretty mediocre in most other regards.

"I never cared about justice, and I don't recall calling myself a hero. I have always fought only for the people I believe in. I won't hesitate.. if an enemy appears in front of me, I'll terminate it!"

Listen, compared to Megaman Zero 2 and 3, I definitely think this game is a step down from those. I totally understand the fact that Inti probably realized they could only improve so much on Zero 3, and instead of opting to make another game just like it, wanted to take risks and shake things up. It's what leads to things such as the weather system, the new Cyber-Elf system, and the parts system. However, I feel the weather system makes it too easy to get EX Skills, as the requirement is now simply beating the boss when the weather is in their favor, not too hard a task; it also means ranks are obsolete again. The part system also has a lot of parts you outright don't know the recipes for lest you look them up; and you can't just throw shit in there and see if you can make something cool out of them, because you'll end up making junk that scraps your parts. Lastly, I think Zero 4's biggest problem is in its level design; a bit better than the first game still, but I feel on a first-time playthrough it's definitely nowhere near as engaging as Zero 2 or 3. Perhaps I'll appreciate it more on an inevitable replay, but as it stands I do wish it could have been better.

So yeah, Zero 4's a game I got some problems with, unfortunately. And in a lesser series, I'd feel disappointed and not much else.

But y'know what? This isn't a lesser series. It's Megaman Zero, motherfucker, and while Zero 4 may disappoint a little, it makes up for it by being such an awesome conclusion to the series at the same time. Zero's physics still hard carry the level design at its lowest, there's still some really cool levels in there such as Artificial Sun and the endgame stages, the music somehow manages to go harder with every passing title and Zero 4 absolutely does not let up in that department, and this may genuinely be the best boss lineup I've seen not just in this series, but of all the Megaman games I've played so far. And Zero 4's story is arguably its biggest strength in my opinion, because it wraps up Zero's story in such an awesome way that you'd never believe Zero 3 was supposed to be the last game. That finale to this game may genuinely cement Zero as one of my favorite characters across gaming period.

Zero 4 fumbles, yeah. And while playing through the game, I did feel disappointed, sure. But damn, after finishing this game, I just can't help but fall (down) in love with it for what it does right.

Even before I started seriously getting into Megaman, I've always had my eye on this series thanks to friends of mine who preached it; and it paid off immensely, cementing this series as a whole as one of the best gaming experiences I've had in a long-ass while, even in spite of the absolute pain and frustration my skill issue (and sometimes the games' issues) has caused me. And I'd like to thank Josh_The_Fourth and leo0 for being the major players that got me into it; you two are awesome.

Rock on, Zero.

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Replaying as an adult via the Mega Man Zero/ZX Collection on Switch

Hmm. I didn't remember liking this one all that much when I was a kid, but with an average rating of 3.9 stars, I thought maybe I just had missed something. Nope, this is my least favorite game in the series. While it does improve on some things, other design choices are not enjoyable.

For the first time in the series, the story feels out of place and most of the plot points make no sense. Humans run from the city to a very obviously-chosen area, then Weil sends out his goons to destroy the area and the 10 or so humans that live there. The main non-Weil antagonist is a "good" reploid that does terrible things because he thinks there's no point in resisting, so I might as well assist in the atrocities. Zero and Ceil have no reason to feel any attachment or camaraderie with Neige but act as if they've been friends for years. Ceil has been mentally defeated by the seemingly endless fighting (good character development) but that is portrayed by just making her whine all the time and repeating the same lines about "are we doing the right thing?" constantly. Finally, Craft deciding that clearly, the solution is to kill all the humans is just nonsensical.

The combat gameplay in MMZ4 was done as well as ever (they didn't change much from MMZ3, if anything) and the level design was pretty good, but most of the bosses are forgettable at best and frustrating at worst. One boss can toss you into an instant-kill pit. One boss can't be hurt at certain phases of his fight, but it's unclear when that is the case and when it isn't. One boss heals for no reason, just prolonging a very repetitive fight.
The Zero Knuckle is the worst subweapon they came up with in the whole series. It was a great idea to be able to interact with enemies with this item. Remove shields, or take their weapons. But it is useless when it isn't holding anything and most of the stolen weapons are clunky and not terribly useful for anything other than novelty. You're almost always much better off just using the buster and the sword.

The cyber-elf system is a MASSIVE overcorrect from the complexities of the previous games. You have 1 elf that levels up as you feed it and complete levels. Not exactly the worst idea in theory, but the max level of the elf means that you only get to use a limited number of the elf's abilities at any given time, and not all of them are that great. This is very limiting and the progression system does not feel satisfying.

Another cool concept that didn't feel good in practice is the crafting system where you create chips from enemy parts.
Enemies don't drop enough parts to make you feel comfortable experimenting, and there are too few opportunities where you are given a recipe. There are a few clues that you can get to blindly use your parts to make a chip that you hopefully want, and there are a few people you can talk to that will give you a recipe. But the timing of when they'll give them to you means that you'll likely assume that the game isn't going to give you recipes at all and you'll have to find them another way. But you never find them! (more on this in a minute)

One positive thing! I enjoyed that you got an EX skill from the bosses, no matter your rating level, as long as you played their level on the hard version. This is a much better method. You get to play the game how you want without a feature being locked away from you just because you aren't speed-running. The weather system was a fun way to bring the whole "saving nature" narrative into the gameplay and it is a cool thing that you can go back to the levels under different weather conditions and you can run through them in a different way.

Finally, because everything was so simplified, there are no cyber-elves to find and so there was basically nothing to explore the levels for. There are a few levels where exploration rewards you with a rare part, and one where you are rewarded with a subtank, but other levels have areas that feel secret or optional but your reward is just an HP refill. How lame is that? There should have been a chip recipe hidden somewhere on every level.

This was the first of all 4 games where I was ready to be done with before it was over.

Confesso que fiquei Triste pelo final, mas assim...megaman zero e Zx não são os meus MEGAMANs favoritos, por forçar bastante na história, não q o X e o clássico não ficassem, mas ainda prefiro o X.

Zero 4 is a decent game and has some improvements over Zero 3, but it also has some really questionable choices like the crafting system and the weather stages, the latter resulting in some of the most obnoxious levels I've played in Mega Man, the music isn't as good too, and many tracks have an annoying electronic high-pitch sound to it that really got in my nerves due to how overused it is. MMZ4 ends the series in a positive note, but it would benefit from some fine-tuning.

bro I'm gonna fucking cry that ending is so good yet honestly pretty fucking sad to me, zero my boy you make me wanna cry tears of joy and sadness

Encerramento foda. Meu jogo favorito (com exceção de umineko) junto de MMZ3. Essa franquia dá o final que o Zero merece, durante a franquia X inteira ele morre várias vezes, porém aqui ele tem um final digno do melhor personagem de toda a franquia Mega Man, durante toda a franquia ele sempre se questiona pelo oque está lutando e aqui, lutando ao lado de Ciel ele consegue no final achar a resposta, simplesmente maravilhoso.

"I never cared about justice, and I don't recall ever calling myself a hero... I have always only fought for the people I believe in. I won't hesitate... If an enemy appears in front of me, I will destroy it! Ciel... Believe in me!"
-Zero, in your last words.

Strangely, this 4th game is the most beginner friendly of the games, which is weird since Mega Man Zero is the one of the Only mega man series where there is a chronological story, with this game being the final chapter of this story. It’s very much easy, and very fun, but it does make a few changes from zero 3 that make it not as good as zero 3. It feels as if these changes were made for the sake of changing the game, and being different. While these changes don’t make the game as good as 3, I still really enjoyed the final chapter of the Zero series.