Reviews from

in the past

Really like Frey and the magic parkour traversal in this game, kind of reminds me of Gravity Rush mixed with a bit of Soul Sacrifice.

DW7's only competition IMO. The voice acting is so delightfully cheesy, the content is endless, LuBu is a threat, gameplay is really fun and arcadey, Music is surprisingly really good. This was my first Dynasty Warriors. I never played DW3 so to me, this is peak classic DW.

A rather bad facsimile of an adventure RPG game. It has many of the components of games like Ultima, but has no idea what it's doing with them.

Pra mim essa DLC é desnecessária, é até que legalzinha pra matar aquela vontade de voltar pro jogo, mas sendo sincero nem ferrando que vale 114,00... só voltei pra ela por que queria manter o meu jogo platinado na Steam.

I've always wanted to get into the Rance games for a long time (Pretty much when I first saw the anime based of this game) This year I finally decided to dive into the first game.

The story is pretty ok but nothing too special. The writing is funny (The dialogue was the best part of the game) and I found the characters charming (best girl is Millie). I even liked Rance himself who is objectively a horrible person. I hate most harem anime because the protagonist are the most pathetic losers who for some reason every girl loves him, I can tell you from personal experience in my school years that being a shy wimp with zero self confidence does not get you bitches. So yeah it's nice to have a harem story where the main character is a fucking chad.

Sadly the gameplay really drags this game down to under 3 stars. If it had even played like a super basic turn based jrpg I would have liked this game 10 times more but you are stuck with this shitty poker chip system. By the end of the game I was kind of just wanting it to be over but I did have a cool moment where I defeated the final boss with 1hp left and finishing it with a critical hit, so I left the game on a positive note lol.

The h scenes are also a big part of Rance and If you can't handle rape scenes then I wouldn't blame you for staying far away.

Overall I can't say there is much reason to play this game when you can just watch the anime version. I hear the future games get pretty amazing so I'm gonna keep on playing.

The only bad is the catching mechanic, too bad u have to use it a lot

It was like Persona but mid. Didn't do anything bad, but didn't do anything good either. Best part of the game was the ridiculousness of the child system.

i know how people feel about this game but i would do anything for ryuki

The Lost Vikings wasn't the first game to let you swap between characters to solve puzzles, but as would quickly become a trademark of the soon to be Blizzard Entertainment, they took an existing concept, and polished it up to look better and play better. This was one of the earliest examples that would start to build their reputation for quality design. The levels are varied, the puzzles are mostly well done, and the audiovisuals round it all off nicely with a cartoonish and whimsical feel.

funny and silly, i like these things so this game is good

O universo desse jogo é incrível. É um mundo real de velho oeste completo com fauna e flora, personagens com rotinas de vida e o restante dispensa comentários.

O jogo começa ruim, mas depois você até que pega um carinho por ele e fica menos pior, mas não chega a ficar bom não.
É um cospobre do God of War, hack'n'slash padrão, sem muita variação. A alegria maior é quando termina ele.

Em termos de conquistas ele é bem fácil, basicamente pede pra zerar no difícil e pegar os coletáveis, que também são os itens que aumentam a vida e a "mana" do personagem, então precisam ser coletados de qualquer maneira. Depois de zerar só precisa de um farmzinho rapido e pronto.
Uma coisa chata é que tem uma conquista para terminar uma missão em coop, mas com dois controles plugados você faz sozinho.

Its not the perfect remake, but its still amazing

I platinum'd this game in 4 weeks. The way they told the story was actually really good and easy to recommend to others. My favorite Dynasty Warriors

Its amazing, good charactes, good plot, amazing gameplay and persona music

If I had to describe this, I would say this game is a fun 1-2 hour game, that's a mix between Celeste and Animal Crossing, that's just an adventure with really good difficulty scaling (not that there's much difficulty in the first place). And a bunch of side missions off to the side around the island your on, that are actually rather enjoyable. It's just a fun way to spend an afternoon, and a really nice game in general.

Super Monkey Ball: Step & Roll is a very bad game. For one, there is the obvious controller issue. I played the game with a Wii Remote, which I assume is the better way to play the game, and it was horrible to control. While I cannot attest to how the game controls with the Wii Balance Board, I will say I cannot imagine it being any better. The levels range from boring to frustrating and annoying. There was only really one level that I actually found fun or interesting. The game is LITTERED with statue obstacles that for whatever reason bump you so far that you lose any and all control of your character. This will lead to you not having enough time to beat the stage. Some of the levels also require a strange level of precision that I can't imagine either the Wii Remote or Balance Board would excel at. The game also forces you to sit through the credits after every single world, just like Banana Blitz. I don't even think this game would be any better if you used a regular controller, it would just be even more boring.

Como grande parte dos jogos antigos, é perceptível a preocupação dos produtores em fazer um trabalho de qualidade.

Good Story, Good Characters, Good Mons, Good DLC, but the bugs, frame rate and crashes destroy it

I’m always mixed on whether to call Mega Man 1 a classic or a genuine method of torture, but I probably lean more towards the latter.

Mega Man 1 at least deserves some praise in how much it establishes the franchise’s identity in just its first installment. The simple run and gun platforming gameplay, stages themed after bosses whose powers you obtain upon their defeat, getting to play in any order you want, the striking visual style for an NES game, catchy tunes, etc. While future entries are much more refined and make a number of big and small additions, the core formula remained pretty much completely in tact. So clearly the fault in Mega Man 1 isn’t the concept…so what is it?

Mega Man 1 is designed like an absolute nightmare, featuring some of the most unfair difficulty you will ever see. No, I’m not just bad at the game. Mega Man 1 has a huge reputation for this. The difficulty of the game can easily be described as an equivalent to “Most Difficult Stage Ever” levels in Super Mario Maker where you’ll quickly find that all they did was spam the most obnoxious enemies and obstacles they could find starting from frame 1. There’s no class to Mega Man 1’s difficulty. It’s just a relentless beating full of enemy and projectile spam whose patterns are near impossible to react to by themselves let alone in groups, brutal knockback, pixel perfect jumps, etc. It’s like the game is genuinely out for blood and never lets up for even a second. With certain things moving impossibly fast or enemies being placed right at the entrance of a new screen before you can even move more than an inch, there’s many instances where it feels damage is actually unavoidable. Even the most minor of slip ups can cost you your entire run of a stage. Due to the difficulty spawning pretty much exclusively by bad design, it never feels rewarding. Every time you beat a stage, you don’t feel proud of yourself. You just feel relief knowing you’re closer to the end.

In the end, Mega Man 1 establishes a great formula for the games that followed it but…offers extremely frustrating poor design of its own with difficulty so unfair the game just becomes a chore to finish. Thankfully starting from as soon as its sequel: Mega Man 2, the series would see a lot of refinement and bring out the real potential of the Mega Man formula. But Mega Man 1? Yeah…not all legends are glorious at the start of their story.

I actually enjoyed this game, but the dlc could be a little better

Jogo bem subestimado, diga-se de passagem, a história é muito boa e até hj espero uma continuação.

i get why people like this game but i kinda can't stand playing it