Flaws in games I love

inspired by Midrulean's list (https://www.backloggd.com/u/Midrulean/list/flaws-in-games-i-love/).

Includes every game I have given a 10 and some games I have given a 9. Top 10 are top 10 games, rest is in no specific order

Feels somewhat rushed for the PS5’s launch, i can understand the length though considering it’s not a full sequel
The writing does kinda fall apart at some parts, and also Ohya's confidant is useless.
You have an online worse than fucking Smash Bros. How?
That yellow thing in the corner of the main menu.
Those stupid fucking MJ/Miles stealth missions.
The concept of having to restart from the beginning of the chapter if you fail at a part of Chapter 8
"7.8/10 too many moons" - IGN
Nintendo could have removed Pink Gold Peach, but they didn't.
The story was just... kinda there, but considering they moreso focused on delivering the greatest open world in gaming history, I can forgive it.
The scoring system makes the game feel less co op and moreso competitive.
Teddie. Just the entire fucking character of Teddie.
Whoever designed these controls deserves to be fired.
I mean, the game can be pretty unbalanced and feel barebones.
Nintendo didn't bother fixing the control issues from the first game.
The item balancing is filled with jank.
Tripping amirite guys
You can long jump across entire planets whole planets due to some flaws in the controls.
Valve, for the love of God, support your game.
The controls feel kinda weird due to being on handheld…
(Laughs in bugginess


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