Addicting combat and I can't wait for vengeance it might not fix the story that much with it's new path but there's still hope. But they are adding a nahobino Jack frost so that's already gonna be peak. Also after playing final fantasy xv I realized they suffer the same fate. Game goes through development hell, devs try to innovate on the franchise, and the story feels half baked.

Peak it might be. Finally, played it in full a year ago after playing in bits and pieces after getting it as a gift. I mean hey the combat may be frustrating sometimes in certain battles but the story and music makes up for all of that. It started my under year long journey of Xenoblade and I'm so glad what a great series. Shulk the goat.

Definitely not up there with the first game imo but still really great. The characters are pretty fun honestly. The music especially the title screen oohhhh so good. The combat while confusing at first if you look up a tutorial becomes so rewarding and fun. The story is pretty good but really pays off in the end especially when we hear a familiar voice (you know who and if you dont please don't search it up!!!). There's and overwhelming amount of content though even in new game plus that I wish I could play. Really there are just two negatives the gacha system is insane for a console game and the navigation system is ass and unhelpful!

Really tight and enjoyable experience just wish I had time to go back and 100%

Just a quirky and fun platformer definitely one of the goats.


It's fucking Minecraft my enjoyment and time played will always fluctuate but I'll always enjoy it. I feel I need to play more because there's so much content that's added while I'm away that I feel overwhelmed but it looks like so much fun wish I had and endless amount of free time!

Just a good old 3d platformer fun with some great dlc. Please play on steam the workshop support is so great those guys do so much for the game.

Perfect conclusion to the saga but man I was so close to 100%ing but didn't wanna grind. Music fire ofc and combat still on fleek!!!! The ending as a whole was just wild won't get in depth but OMG had me out of my chair like xc2 did.

Music is fire and combat it the best I've played in a warriors game. First and only (p5r and p3r are just 1 achievement off 💀 ) game I 100%ed. We need more persona sequels like this one. Hope the next persona game has the world exploring vibe this one had.

Took awhile to finally play but yeah it's Zelda! Just a pretty good experience overall nothing insane for me but for the kids who played it in the 90s it must've been world changing.

Sometimes I have the urge to go back and try to 100% it's just the perfect Lego star wars game for me and I wish I had the time to play it more but there's just so much content. I barely scratched the surface.

It makes you feel like spiderman plain and simple. Where was this all my life? The combat may get a little repetitive but going stealth around in bases is so cool and rewarding. Oh and uh duh the web slinging is so great.

It's the combat man so much fun trying to dodge and the action commands are crazy fun. I understand what I was missing out on. Can't wait to delve in again with the remake.

I need to go back and get all the endings. I think it just suffers from having no good way of grinding. People will tell you smt games don't need grinding but they really do if you wanna fuse anything worth a damn. I just dropped the difficulty because I wasn't having that much fun. The combat I still think is decent and smirking is a fun albeit broken at times mechanic. The music is def top tier though and especially the storyline.