Apparently, it is only made by one person. Which doesn't seem that way in most of my playthrough, but I will take that into account.

I don't typically play side-scroller, but I will say that the combat is really engaging and fun. It has a complex system, which can get pretty formulaic late in the game, but I guess it's a given, considering how broken you can get later on.

The soundtrack is actually incredibly hype.

The story is where it's at. You started off playing as a hero with a bird looking for someone dear to him and you get this feeling that something is.. off. It's nothing special or unique at first glance, but this game is the epitome of going from 0 to 100. Never in a million years would I have ever guess the game's final sequence of moments or even the hours leading up to it judging from how it starts. There are a lot of plot twists that you won't expect and fortunately it's quite well done. It does get pretty "anime" at times, not in a bad way mostly, I would say it's part of the game's charm.

The characters, especially the main cast, have a soul and personality and not just there to push the MC. They all have their own goals and role to play.

My only complaint for this game is that, it does get slightly dragged near the end. There are new elements but some things are also recycled. Since, it is made just by one person, I will let that slide. Though at this point you're probably too invested for this to make you lose interest anyways.

Overall, this is hands down one of the best Indie games I've played, especially in terms of narrative. KEIZO really poured his soul into this, and I hope to see more of his work.

I liked it, but I do have mixed thoughts regarding this game.

For one, the controls are pretty unique and cool at first glance, until it doesn't work as well as it could. It will not be responsive at times, and when it does it may not respond instantaneously which could be fatal. It also won't definitely be precise. When it does work, it's pretty cool. When it doesn't (which it will multiple times), it will be frustrating.

The story is alright, it's definitely more story driven than most other Zelda games, but it still follows the traditional formula of the games as well. The overworld looks really nice, and isn't just an empty wasteland. I find both the bosses and dungeons good, some more than others. Though they're not as consistent as in TP but none is bad. The final boss fight, in particular is incredible.

My biggest gripe with this game is the blatant bloat throughout the storyline. Zelda games always follow the formula of collecting multiple items through sections like dungeons, this can happen once or twice more. Skyward sword does this, but took it 3 steps further. At the very least in other Zelda games, the items you collect as "fillers" for the main items are usually important, though it is also true at times for this game, it is also not for most of it. This doesn't stop until the end. Multiple times in the storyline, assuming you need to retrieve 3 items, each may need you doing filler quests like fetch quests or collecting multiple other useless items or backtracking. For example. even near the end of the story, you need to collect 17 different items (which doesn't do anything) as a form of "test" in an area to get 1 out of 3 of the main items you actually need. The game will throw excuses like "it's a test" a lot, and though it makes sense in the beginning, they still throw you that near the end of the game after you've already done 10 other "tests" and got your "upgraded" gears. I personally don't mind this formula as long as it's executed well, which it doesn't in this game and just ends up as blatant padding.

However, aside from that and some gripes with the controls, everything else is done well and I still have fun playing this game. Though, I definitely won't be giving this a replay any time in the near future.

10/10 Peak Characters, World Building, Story and the perfect RPG Journey.

Now I can finally enjoy other games this year without the temptation bugging me to replay the whole trilogy again for the 4th time
(Will happen again next year)

The best YS story period and probably even in most action RPGs.

The combat is alright, I don't mind party-based combat that the new Ys adapts, but the combat in this game is really broken, flash guard and rolls are so easy to abuse.

The characters are really good, especially Dana which is truly the best heroine in the series along with probably Feena.
The music is one of the best in the series, I still listen to it to this day.

The story starts out slow to introduce you to the world and the casts but after a certain chapter it really took off while keeping the intensity going.

Plus the true ending is bittersweet.

As like the previous games, it has an amazing casts of characters. The ending could be better, but other than that, it is a really epic finale for the trilogy. The Citadel might also be one of the best DLC I have ever played.

Decided to try out this game after hearing everyone praising it endlessly. Turns out, it's now one of the best stories I've experienced.

For a story from a game more than a decade old, it defies every expectation. There's little to no clichés, and all in all just a deep meaningful story that is unique even until now. Definitely one of Matsuno's Magnum Opus.

It also has probably one of the most complex but methodical gameplay mechanic for an SRPG. It's undoubtedly very challenging but it's also satisfying once you get the hang of it. It is also possible to break the game, as I did with my DK Ramza.

Overall, as it is an old game, it's obviously not without flaws but it's also really that good.

Despite the usual "Collect these 4 things" plot repeating a couple of times, I really enjoyed playing it. It has one of the best overworld, tone, dungeons and bosses. I also love how Link and Zelda looks in this game, it's for sure one of their best designs. So far, this is definitely among the highest in the series for me.

Never have a game mindf^ked me this much on the revelation, legit took some time to process what I've experienced before after reaching "that" part, the amount of foreshadowing that just clicked once you've figured everything out is insane.

The ending is also really epic and sweet at the same time, granted a lot of the parts feels quite forced, but honestly it's still one of the most mind-twisting games I've ever experienced.

Though the most mind-blowing part is that someone actually came up with a story like this and managed to put at least some sense into it. Definitely one of Uchikoshi's best works. I don't know if I like it more than the first one, but I do know that they're both definitely his Magnum Opus. Hopefully there's more AI games in the future.

The third case of this game beats most cases in the WHOLE series, that should tell you a lot.

Personally i think this along with the first game is the best in the series, it's not even close.

Epic story, one of the best casts in video game history, and the last mission being the culmination of all your choices and actions is a masterpiece. Perfect example of an RPG.

Played this a while ago and it blew me away, everything added in Royal exceed my expectations. Replaying it once again and I still enjoyed it as much if not more than the first time I've played it.

The game is definitely not perfect but it is one of those few games which I've sunk easily 100+ hours on again and stiIl wish I'd see more of the casts. Easily one of my favourites.

Replayed this game like 4 times, story is really well written and i still enjoyed it everytime I played it. There's always a new dialogue path I took in every playthrough which leads to different outcomes which I very much like. Plus Revan is based.

Best Assassin's Creed game for me story-wise, and also a touching finale to Ezio's story.

Definitely one of the more okay ones for me.

A big Improvement in pretty much everything from Yakuza 3. The combat is still far from perfect and is still very frustrating at times, but it's also much more smoother than 3, so I'll take what I can get. The story by itself is very interesting and engaging, at the very least when everything is still shrouded in mystery, however when you reach the plot-twists it all comes crumbling down. I saw a lot of people complain about that as well and I do get it now, the twists are either the same thing repeatedly or just dumb and at times even both, I think some of it aren't even necessary at all, like it's just there for the shock factor.

The final chapter actually feels like the peak of the story, though it slows down a bit to info dump you, but the climax of this game and the boss fight gauntlet are one of the most epic moments in the whole series. Definitely a certified "Me and the boys" moment. So I'll give them that.

Another thing I really love in this game is the characters, I went in thinking I'll probably like them just a bit, at least not as much as I like Kiryu, but now I honestly find them more interesting than Kiryu (At least in this game), Akiyama and Tanimura especially. The new main characters and their interactions are definitely the strongest point of this game for me.

It's uh really mid, and the animation is really really awkward, so it's great they really improved that in AI:SF and AI:NI.
The characters are alright i guess... though they made Junpei an emo which can be cool at first but at other times he can be an ass.

Plus Sigma is a completely different guy, all serious unlike in the previous entry which make perfect sense but I wasn't so attached to him compared to in VLR because of that, was hoping he at least maintain some quirkiness.

Some story beats are really good and the concept introduced are nice while some can be somewhat out of the blue or outrageous, even the whole plot twist with what the villain "can do" seems a bit anime like it's really forced out of nowhere.

The ending is also one of the biggest cop out I've ever seen, remember being so frustrated for days after seeing it, they build up this plot from the previous 2 games only to have one of the most cop out ending in the history of gaming itself, it's really disappointing.