4630 reviews liked by Archagent

essential gaming if your favorite part of puzzle games is when you use bullshit to subvert a puzzle entirely

Imagina Devil May Cry pero en vez de tener gameplay te meten un stylus por la uretra

I don't know, man. There's plenty to like here—charming characters, a cute story, semi-compelling political drama, good (enough) maps, gorgeous GBA aesthetic, whatever. But I've been frustrated and dragging my feet playing this. There is a tiny little fence between me and having fun, and no matter what I do, I cannot hop over it and be compelled to finish this game. That fence is named Seth.

Let me be clear. Lovely guy. Seems really sweet. But he is a sponge on the hypothalamus of my brain. He sucks up every drop of serotonin produced while playing this game. Instead of pumping my fist and shaking hands with another comically muscular man before we ride in a helicopter and are tricked into a death battle with a technologically superior alien species that only one of us escapes alive, I'm sucking my thumb and honk-shooing in my nightcap and gown beside a brick-and-mortar fireplace. Seth is the single most overpowered character I have ever seen in any video game. Still, with like 5 or 6 chapters left in the entire game, he one-shots every normal enemy and two-shots every boss. What are we doing here? Seth bends the very map design around him. Choke-points are no longer threatening. I stand slack-jawed as I drop the red-haired menace in front of 300 enemy goons, praying they will be enough to end his reign. Yet he stands steadfast as they all line up and take turns missing every attack and dying instantly. The Australian government cannot produce enough iron lances to feed into the Seth-powered enemy chipper. He is less a man and more an industrial machine.

Seth has ruined the thrill of permadeath. He has ruined my investment in the combat. He has stolen my crops, and he has pillaged my coffers. I never want to see this man again!

There is a lot to be said about how novel the pacing of this game is and how much I enjoy saving only at the end of chapters (and the chapter structure itself), but I'll save it for when I actually finish one of these things.

"he might as well just have made this in klik'n'play... not that there's anything wrong with that"

Highly recommend for how in depth the settings are. There’s even a switch that lets me cause everyone who has ever opposed me to die of a heart attack.

muita ambição dos cara. queria dar uma nota alta mas é desproporcional demais um jogo desses num GBA e acaba criando um monte de problema: desde os controles apertadíssimos até coisas características da série, tipo o uso do menu (só serve pra trocar de item. nem o mapa das "dungeons" soa importante aqui. o modelo fica extremamente maçante com o decorrer do jogo)

não tem porque ficar pegando conchinha e juntando dinheirinho a não ser pela lógica "completacionista" (à essa altura do campeonato? pelo amor de deus, né?), então a mecânica das "kinstones" acaba parecendo inútil demais e maçante demais também, tirando as que são mandatórias. nem as habilidades da espada são tão úteis assim já que o jogo é extremamente fácil e simples. nem juntar todos os corações se faz necessário!! o jogo não exige isso tudo pqp!!!! desperdício de um monte de ideia muito boa, e o pior é que a maioria dos problemas não tem solução. o formato e as proporções do jogo apenas não encaixam com a plataforma. lamentável

praticamente Zerado, mas marcado como Abandonado porque larguei o jogo na última fase da última luta do último chefe: a habilidade "peril beam" é uma ideia terrível em um jogo tão fácil, é inútil como quase todas as outras e só serviu pra quebrar o "timing" da mecânica da luta. foi a gota d'água depois de já estar tão cansada de insistir num jogo lotado de "loops" sem razão de existir. terrível terrível terrível

1 estrela pelos gráficos lindos e a outra pelo potencial desperdiçado da mecânica de "minish"

This game disappointed me so fucking hard, that i've been regularly checking for negative reviews here in seek of validation, despite playing the game a year ago.

Why am I like this.