A surprisingly deep game given its length and number of powers/mechanics. The execution of the last section of the game felt a bit off compared to everything that came before it, but overall the puzzles themselves were phenomenal and didn't ever feel like they overstayed their welcome.

Great battle system, but the excessive random encounters and awful map/dungeon design choices caused the experience as a whole to be really rough. I could deal with the gameplay frustrations and obtuse story progression moments for a while, but I quit after a stupid death late in the power plant section if that says anything.

Everything else about this release is still the same amazing game, but I can't give this version more than a 4/5 because the combat system isn't nearly as good as the DS version. I ended up playing 1-player 2-controllers and it actually felt better than playing normally, so I'd recommend giving that a try if you are a fan of the combat from the original game as it's the closest thing you're gonna get.

A wonderful start to a fantastic, charming RPG series.

I hadn't played an Ace Attorney game until I decided to get the trilogy on the Switch, and I am so disappointed in myself for sleeping on this series for as long as I did.


If you hate the concept of escort missions, stay far away from this game.

A lot of people say this game is so bad that it's funny, but I don't think it's that kind of bad. It's just normal bad.

I don't know why everybody says this is a metroidvania, but if that's how we're classifying this game, then it's subpar at best.

Obviously this is the weakest game in the series, but given that it almost didn't see the light of day, I'm just glad it actually ended up getting done at all. Carlos is hype.

I personally still think the first game is the best in the series, but I could not at all fault someone if they said this was their favorite.

Everything about this game is incredible from the gameplay to the story to the characters to the atmosphere. It also has possibly the most "holy sh*t" moment in any visual novel I've played.