Одна из самых уникальных игр на консолях 7-ого поколения. Представляет из себя смесь таких жанров как битемап, шутемап, разбавленное моментами интерактивного кино. Огромным приемуществом данной игры можно выделить зрелищность, прямая концентрация эпичности просто зашкаливает в каждом моменте, даже простая расправа с рядовым врагом представляет из себя небольшое зрелище, которое может быть приправлено дополнительным фрагментом добивания с помощью qte, если вам удасться свалить врага с ног или подставиться под определённый вид атаки. Фрагменты с qte так же сделаны на довольно достойном уровне. В отличие от того же Бога Войны, в частях которого qte-элементы расположены лишь по бокам экрана, из-за чего это требует большей концетрации, что может вызвать дискомфорт - в Гневе Асуры всё проще, необходимые qte появляются прямо по центру экрана, всегда сопряжены с тем, что происходит на экране, из-за этого их приятно нажимать. История довольно незамысловатая, которая является лишь двигателем для босс-раша.

А теперь перейдём к минусам:
Некоторые боссы самоуничтожаются самостоятельно, что лишает возможности подраться с ними.
QTE на финальном боссе часто повторяются, из-за чего градус эпичности может упасть.
Шутемап моменты для кого-то могут показаться неудобными или излишне скучными.
Поэтому только 4 из 5

Well, this game can rightfully be called the best 3D beatemup of the 6th generation console era. Released at the dawn of the era, it didn't show beautiful graphics, wasn't technically up-to-date and didn't have an interesting plot. However, it gave full control over the actions of the protagonist due to a very flexible system of customization of blows and variety of these blows. The character is clumsy, because of which it is very difficult to change the direction of movement, but in battle it is compensated by the ability to sharply move away from enemies to the sides. Thanks to a very thought-out AI of enemies you are unlikely to have completely identical fights even for many passes, because of which the game can be called quite replayable not only in its genre, but also in principle, because the number of experiments with the variety of blows is quite large and depends only on your style of play. If you loved the old beatemaps from 8-16 bit consoles, you should definitely play God Hand, no exceptions. The only downside to the game is that the game's difficulty bar is dynamic and few people will be able to complete the game when the bar reaches its last mark. I'm not kidding, this is true hardcore.

It's a very clunky game in many situations, but it tries to smooth things out, sometimes well, sometimes ineptly.

The final straw was that while learning the magic tree I decided to make it a Peco wizard as it seemed logical to me, later I found out that it turns out it is a wizard for mages, and Peco as I knew it is pure physical power. I decided to remove this wizard, but to my regret it was impossible. I decided to ignore it and train Nina and Momo, unfortunately for me Peco was needed on the team to talk to the tree. That was my last straw, the accumulated irritation.

What annoyed me:
- Very slow and inconvenient world exploring, constant backtracking and no teleport, it pissed me off quite a bit
- EXTREMELY high frequency of random battles
- Clunky fishing mini-game(Which is still needed for one of the masters, lol)
- Changing squad members, changing skills between characters can only be done at camp, which you have to camp, go in and open a book every time, and all that loading and time. Plus, it partially devalues taverns in town
- The dungeons are almost completely devoid of their individuality
- The game is as similar to the SNES games as possible, being a PS1 game. I easily forgave that to some Dragon Quest 7 because of its great dialog with NPCs and co-parties and interesting exploration of locations. This one, on the other hand, is just cheap archaic.

What I did like:
- I am very impressed with the difficulty of the fights, they are quite challenging and there is no feeling of boredom during them almost ever
- The game has auto-fighting, a very useful thing when you go to low-level locations.
- I liked the soundtrack
- The pacing isn't something expressive, but it's on the level
- High level of 2D animation, really liked the attention to detail

It's unlikely I'll ever want to replay it, I have very huge hopes for its sequel, which I've had parts of called "The most underrated game for the PS 1".

It's too easy to spend all your ammo in this game and be left completely naked and helpless, which is why I highly discourage it for most people, since it's based on the "don't waste ammo on anyone but bosses" gameplay more than anything else in the series. I don't like it, a lot. However, the graphical execution here is just phenomenal for 2017, kinda pluses no more

One of the most anime games I've seen in my life, I laughed a lot mentally while playing it. I wouldn't recommend starting to play it despite it being chronologically the first game in the series not only because of the partial spoiler-final for the other games in the series, but also because it answers more fan questions than letting you just play yourself and enjoy the story, I'd even say it ranks alongside Dream Drop Distance in terms of importance of understanding the plot of the other installments.

Terrible combat system, forcing to grind, lack of combat dynamics (seriously, the parts of Nintendo DS were much better in this respect, and the PSP "can do more" than DS, because of which all the fights looked very scripted, and some of them are objectively unfair.

It's unlikely that Nomura was inspired by Nier 2010 (Simply because BBS came out 3.5 months before Nier 2010) when he created BBS, when he came up with an idea like, "Let's go through the same thing 3 times with some minor changes?". It's objectively a dumb way to present the story. What was the difficulty of giving the opportunity to pass for each character different locations and make these runs shorter, more succinctly integrated into the narrative? Meh.

The phrase "Everyone in this game is an idiot" fits this game perfectly. Idiot Terra, no comment, idiot+infantile Ventus, self-sacrificing idiot Aqua, blind idiot Erakus, corrupt idiot Braig, generic-anime-evil-villain because "I wonder what would happen if the world was plunged into darkness again" Xeanort, yeah, that's funny.

One of the most graphically perfect games for the PSP? Yes.

I think I've said all I need to say.

Тебя выкинут на полупустую арену с сотнями одинаковых болванчиков, которых тебе нужно убить потому что "вставить причину", потом ты полетаешь на драконе с одним из самых убогих управлений в истории видеоигр, чтобы убить ещё несколько сотен одинаковых болванчиков. Повторить это несколько десятков раз, чтобы осознать, что для получения "истинной концовки" тебе нужно вернуться на эти одинаковые арены, чтобы выполнить условия, которые тебе никто никогда не напишет, чтобы вступить в битву с финальным боссом игры, которая заключается в том, как часто ты умеешь нажимать паузу и рассчитывать действия наперёд.

Поздравляю, Йоко Таро, ты лучший игровой тролль 2003 года.

No, FF9 has totally bored me.

- Casual
- Most of the music is either fucking mediocre or ok, there's very little memorable music.
- Exploring locations is VERY boring, FF7 was way fucking better.
- VERY drawn out because of that camera overtaking thing
- The mechanics of the trans takes a very long time to charge, because of which very rarely get used in contrast to the limits of the seven. Well, and the fact that most of the buffs and debuffs make sense exclusively on bosses, while any ordinary enemy is killed by literally two blows
- very underplayed with the spirit of the fairy tale, if they had paid more attention to this atmosphere, then I might have finished the game.
- dull card game

Liked the ability learning system, but with caveats:

- A huge portion of the abilities are either too imba, which vanshots opponents, or only get in the way like the autozelier for example
- You have to keep your old armor and weapons and swing until you fill the skill scale, it would be better if they would allow you to use an item to switch skills between weapons and armor.
Often it happens that some of the abilities of the item can not be opened for a given character, because of this you have to either put on stupidly because of stats, or stupidly because of 1 skill.

I don't understand the mass hysteria about this part at all. 7th = better in all respects except character models outside of combat, including soundtrack, combat system, plot and exploration of locations

I've been thinking for a long time what grade this Zelda deserves and realized that it can't jump above 3, and 2.5 is too low for it.

Even despite the minor QoL in the remaster after a whole 10 years this game still feels weird. Let's start with the worst part, which is the controls. The idea of playing as Link by controlling his abilities with your own hands felt amazing and desirable, but the implementation was lame, so much so that in 2011 you even had to use Wiimote+ for better responsiveness. But even the motion in the joycons of the Switch couldn't cope and I had to recalibrate the sensor every damn time.

This results in a deplorable feature, the registration of movements is difficult, because of this it is sometimes unpleasant to hit enemies, and after all it is a significant part of gameplay. The AI of the enemies also leaves much to be desired, although in the beginning you are convinced that the procedure of stupid jamming will not help you, but after getting Neiru's flame the game becomes too easy, everyone dies very quickly except for the fat bokoblin with a shield. It's depressing.

The game has pretty stupid backtracking, because of which you have to fly slowly on a bird to the old locations every time, but why, if you could just make a teleporter?

The quests in the game are worked out pretty well, or at least steadily provoke to explore the locations and interact with the joycons. However, it is worth noting the ultimate pointlessness of this activity, because you are given not rupees, not pieces of hearts, and idiotic crystals of happiness , which you exchange for rupees and increase inventory. Why were there various rewards for skulltula in Ocarina of Time, and this was almost 15 years before Skyward? It's not clear. However, the fact remains that the rewards for good quests are retarded.

The hub, which contains everything from shields and arrows to potions and the warehouse - are not needed almost the whole game, after 10 hours / after buying the last of the three shields you can basically forget about its existence except for a couple of quests and if you only need potions, although the game is so casual that you can live without them, especially there are fairies. Only Biddle on the chopper will make any sense the entire game, gifting you with inventory slots and badges that further ocassualize the gameplay.

Now what to praise for:
- As always, the soundtrack is gorgeous
- Despite the chamber-like nature of the locations - they're fun to explore, especially the first two locations
- One of the best storylines in the series in my humble opinion, standing next to Twilight Princess and Botva
- Visual style - interesting, you can put it in the pluses as well
- Sometimes the motion still gives you a bit of fun
- Some of the best dungeons in the series, this is where they put everything they have into it

I would recommend playing this Zelda only when you've played ALL the significant Zeldas from Link to the Past to Botw.

In a few more years, a huge number of people will associate this game with childhood. Just like Ocarina of Time did back in the day. 20 years apart, but it was still worth it.

Well, I've been waiting for this game for a relatively long time, you could almost say since the release of the port of the second Bayonetta to Switch. The only downside of that part for me was not really high difficulty, and also its duration, I would have liked more, yes. However, I was satisfied with the sequel(Unlike the first part, it's clunky, yes). From the trailers and gameplay videos I liked the game a lot. I found the first hour or two of gameplay extremely enjoyable, however things started to fall apart closer to chapter 4. I started to notice that I wasn't using my ability boosters at all (Which I did in the first part, but didn't do in the second part because it was too much fun). They never fixed it. I broke down on the Chinese multiverse, I realized the platforming was too bad and finding animals was more tiring than enjoyable. Having a lot of weapons, but having some of them partially replicate the muvset of the existing ones is not a good realization of the "the more the better" idea. Jumping around multiverse is bad unless it's Kingdom Hearts, I learned that a long time ago and Bayonetta 3 was no exception. A lot of people berate the summoned creatures, but they're perfectly fine. This is one of the most, if not the most graphically perfect game on Switch, that's its undoubted plus. However, in some aspects, I would even prefer the first part to the third.

No one could even hit me in this game

Она довольно оригинальная, удобная, когда это необходимо. В принципе, этого достаточно, чтобы быть РПГ на СНЕС, которая может играться нормально даже спустя 30 лет. А ещё саундтрек хороший, да.

Слишком много расписывать, вы просто поиграйте и почувствуйте наконец-то живых, по-настоящему живых персонажей и политическую философию в вашей игре, которая не боится показывать своё лицо

УЁБОК, который издевается, если вам нервы дороги, то просто послушайте саундтрек и посмотрите кат-сцены на ютубе, я на этот высер потратил 23 часа, а вам не советую