631 Reviews liked by Bugmanguy

the best kirby game, period. Kirby fights capitalism

bonded with my best friend over this game when we were kids

This was cool in like 2014.
Still cool in 2024.

If I have to do another Galactic Ranger mission, I’m gonna drown them in the same orange they drowned the art direction in.

Pikmin Treasures will have names like “Rotary of Smelliness” and the object is a blunt

I've always seen John Romero as the Icarus of gaming, with his wax wings made from his ego, and the Sun being every single day after Daikatana was released.

head so good I call her Brain Lord yuh

RE4make follows in the original story close enough, but creates a new experience through changes to gameplay and characters. For example: RE4make Leon would wait 1000 years for Ada, while original Leon would fuck 1000 girls to replicate the feeling.

B-Movie horror perfection. It blends horror and comedy so effortlessly that it makes it feel like the entire RE franchise was made for this game. Also, I wish I could fuck Leon.

goddamn they REALLY wanted us to play mahjong with that cover, didn't they...

Kirby fits firmly into the "games you buy a younger relative and then secretly complete yourself while they're asleep" type game.

Born to listen to the OST, forced to play the game.

A beautiful collage of art, culture, and legend; bound together by mythos and painted into existence with grace and serenity. It's also 1 of 2 (two) games where you can piss on enemies.

It feels like they were trying to make the "Come and See" of video games, which I can respect, but they missed and made "The Last Jedi" of video games instead.

the best Pokemon game DON'T AT ME. (white notwithstanding)

I love how much ambition they had with this game. Beautiful sprite animation, an actual compelling story, and a region filled with completely new Pokemon.

What's most disappointing is that we'll probably NEVER get another Pokemon game like this ever again