In Other Waters has a very minimalist interface, but its one of the things I like so much about it. You play as an AI guiding a biologist through an unknown planet and uncover its crazy mysteries. Such a breath of fresh air.

Graphics are upgraded, but does not faithfully remaster how the original meant it to be.

This review was written before the game released

The devs are well aware that this game is a sinking ship, theyre going to milk the nostalgia for as long as they can though.

Great story, as expected.
But if you miss a key item and get lost, expect to spend many hours trying to figure out what you missed.

Aside from the checkpoints and vehicles, this game is a massive upgrade from CE. The ending is a huge cliffhanger though.

Originally plagued by its horrible progression, BTDB2 has since been fixed and the devs are hard at work balancing the game.

Half of the features of this game don't even work.

Though the story is equally as good (and depressing) as the main game, I think the way that this game handles exploration is a bit different in the DLC.

One of the reasons why I liked the base game so much was because of the way that it seemed like there was so much to explore, but in reality, they were cleverly guiding you through the solar system so that you wouldn't get lost or overwhelmed. The DLC felt like the exact opposite, I constantly felt lost even though the area I had to explore felt way smaller than the other parts of the solar system. Don't get me wrong, I loved the DLC for its incredibly emotional story, but I don't think it was as good as the main game because of how they handled the exploration.

This is a really good example of how sometimes forcing your player to explore an open world makes a game a lot worse.

Fun at times, but at other times it feels like I'm just walking through corridor after corridor. Them reusing maps for multiple levels was a bit frustrating, especially attack on the control room and two betrayals. Those levels felt endless.

This game made me realize that the reason I don't like exploration games isn't because I actually dislike them, but rather because they just haven't been doing it right.

Sure, the game has its issues. But at the end of the day, its a really polished extract shooter with a solid progression system and its free.

Bottom of the barrel battle royale, literally play any other battle royale.