Backloggd Showdown #3: Third Dimensions the Charm

The Results are in!
A much smaller showdown than the past 2, with only 42 games voted for across 117 votes.
For the third showdown we're going in to the third dimension.
This showdown's theme is your favourite game series transitions into 3D.

Big new rule: In the past 2 showdowns there's been problems with the huge amount of games voted for with the relatively small amount of voters, resulting in a lot of ties of games with 2 or 3 votes. So to try and prevent that I'm adding a little point system. The first 3 votes on your list now give that game 2 points instead of 1. You can opt out of this if you want, just say something like "Opting out of double points". You can also make 1 or 2 votes count for double and opt out of the rest.

Showdown specific rules:
-This should be focused on 3D gameplay as opposed to only changing the models to 3D while keeping, say, side scrolling platforming.

-The game has to have existed in 2D before its first 3D game. A game that existed in 2.5D before doesn't break eligibility. A game that splits itself evenly into 2D and 3D sections does not count. Not only for voting on, but if such a game existed before the first full 3D game then you cannot vote for that full 3D game because the idea of the showdown is to emphasize big leaps to 3D, so if a series already had a game that was 50% 3D beforehand it kinda ruins the big leap. A series that only briefly experimented in 3D for a level or two, or special stages is fine.

-Sometimes a game will get a 3D spinoff before a "mainline" 3D entry (Kirby Air Ride vs Kirby and the Forgotten Land), in these cases you can vote for one or the other, but not both. If a spinoff series ALSO gets a 3D entry after an initial 2D entry then you can vote for both (Mario Kart 64 and Super Mario 64 for example). In case it's still a bit confusing the first comment will have a bit of clarification for you.

-There's a lot of debate around exactly what some series counts for the "first 3D game". I've seen debates about whether Sonic 3D Blast, Sonic Fighters or Sonic Jam was Sonic's first 3D game. This isn't a debate so when picking your games just go with the one you feel counts. Obviously in that case Sonic Adventure would always be eligible since it's the first "mainline" one.

General Rules/Tips:
-The big new rule as stated at the top.

-Write your list in the comments. You can include up to 10 games in your list. If you add more than 10, anything after 10 will be ignored. You can add less than 10 if you want, and all will be counted.

-Try to be as clear as possible which game you're voting for. I generally just write the answers into an Excel spreadsheet, so if your answer differs from the "common" way a game is listed it may not be immediately noticeable that it's the same game and I add it as a new entry. Some examples are: Saying just "Toy Story 2" instead of "Toy Story 2: Buzz Lightyear to the Rescue!". While the latter is more popular, a game just called "Toy Story 2" exists on the Game Boy Color, so without any indication it's the console game, I'd count it as a vote for the GBC game. Resident Evil vs Resident Evil (Remake), if you just say Resident Evil it's a vote for the original. Mother 2 vs Earthbound, luckily I know these are the same game, but for cases where I might not know, it's always best to go with the commonly spelled version, or put both names.

-If you want to change a vote, don't delete your original comment as it could throw off the count. Just write a new comment saying "I want to swap X for Y"

21 Points (12 votes)
13 points (9 votes)
5 points (4 votes)
11 points (7 votes)
8 points (6 votes)
7 points (5 votes)
5 points (5 votes)
7 points (4 votes)
12 points (6 votes)


4 months ago

Just a bit of further clarification on what is and isn't eligible to vote for:

2D Game > 3D Spinoff > 3D Game

You'd be able to vote for EITHER the 3D game or the 3D spinoff, but not both.

2D Game > 2D Spinoff > 3D Spinoff > 3D Game

You'd be able to vote for both the 3D Spinoff and the 3D game, as the spinoff is now its own series which also started with a 2D game.

2D Game > 2D Spinoff 1 > 3D Spinoff 1 > 3D Spinoff 2 > 3D Game

You can vote for 3D Spinoff 1 and 3D game, but not 3D spinoff 2 because the series has already entered 3D by then. A spinoff can only count if it's the first 3D entry in a series, or if it becomes its own series that started with a 2D game.

4 months ago

My votes:

1. Final Fantasy VII
2. The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
3. Super Mario 64
4. Worms 3D
5. Gex: Enter The Gecko
6. Kirby and the Forgotten Land
7. F-Zero X
8. Grand Theft Auto III
9. Spark the Electric Jester 2
10. Mario Kart 64
1. Plants vs. Zombies Garden Warfare
2. Super Mario 64
3. F-zero X
4. Mario Kart 64
5. Sackboy: A Big Adventure
6. Kirby and the Forgotten Land
7. The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
8. Pokemon X and Y

4 months ago

Not going to be able to vote for 10 this time, sadly...

1. The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
2. Final Fantasy VII
3. F-Zero X
4. Metroid Prime
5. Mario Kart 64
6. Sonic Adventure
7. Super Mario 64

4 months ago

1. Metroid Prime
2. Ys VI: Ark of Napishtim
3. Mega Man Legends
4. Super Mario 64
5. Grand Theft Auto III
6. Maximo: Ghosts to Glory [technically a spinoff in the Ghosts 'N' Goblins franchise]
7. Sonic Adventure
8. Duke Nukem 3D
9. Bomberman 64
10. Shining Force III

4 months ago

Gonna leave it at just 8 since I actually haven't played many games that fit this, but this year I'll play Ocarina of Time and Metal Gear Solid and probably those two would crack my top, but right now, these are my votes:

1. Super Mario 64
2. Sonic Adventure
3. Star Fox 64
4.Kirby and the Forgotten Land
5. Rayman 2
6.Metroid Prime
7.Risk of Rain 2
8.Kid Icarus Uprising

4 months ago

1. Rayman 2
2. Super Mario 64
3. Final Fantasy VII
4. Picross 3D
5. Metal Gear Solid
6. Ocarina of Time
7. Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time

4 months ago

@DeemonAndGames Isn't the first Star Fox also a 3D game?

Also you reminded me of Kid Icarus Uprising so I'm changing a vote
Old vote: Gex: Enter the Gecko
New vote: Kid Icarus Uprising

4 months ago

1. Super Mario 64
2. Baldur's Gate 3 (this counts right?)
3. Sonic Adventure
4. Mario Kart 64
5. Dragon Quest 8
6. Tales of Symphonia
7. Pokemon X and Y
8. Kid Icarus Uprising
I've run out of things to say. Noticing a trend with this one...

4 months ago

Metroid Prime
F-Zero X
Sonic Adventure
Metal Gear Solid
Ninja Gaiden (2004)
Wario World
Bomberman 64
Mortal Kombat 4 (It's 2.5D, but there's 3D side-stepping among other things that make use of it)
Ecco the Dolphin: Defender of the Future
Picross 3D

4 months ago

@Clearin Now that you mention it yeah, maybe it's just because 64 has a ton more of interesting visuals and set pieces, but that doesn't change the fact the original is 3D too. In that case, apologies for the confusion and you can just ignore that one vote.

4 months ago

As always, what a fun prompt! Here’s my votes:

1. Metal Gear Solid
2. Final Fantasy VII
3. Wolfenstein 3D
4. Duke Nukem 3D
5. Street Fighter IV
6. Sonic Adventure
7. Risk of Rain 2
8. Pokemon Snap
1. Final Fantasy VII
2. Metroid Prime
3. Super Mario 64
4. Kirby and the Forgotten Land
5. Metal Gear Solid
6. Celeste 64
7. Kid Icarus Uprising

That's all I can muster

4 months ago

The double points are a good idea! I can only name a handful games that fit the criteria this time:
1. Super Mario 64
2. The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
3. Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time
4. Pokémon Snap
5. Sonic Adventure

4 months ago

Pokémon Snap is on the edge a bit since "Hey You, Pikachu!" came out first...but only in Japan. In western countries Snap came out first, so I'll let it slide, especially since this showdown has people already struggling to get enough games lol.

4 months ago

I don't want to be a killjoy but... I find it a bit ironic that you put so much detail in writing the rules about what is or is not considered transition to 3D, and anyway your first vote is for Final Fantasy VII, a game that, outside the overworld map, consists of prerendered scenarios (which should count as swapping exploration between 2d and 3d, which is forbidden in the rules "A game that splits itself evenly into 2D and 3D sections does not count. "), and battles don't count as 3D gameplay either, because the gameplay in battles is still moving through commands. I mean, SNES Mario Kart has more 3D involved gameplay than FF7... but it's not my list, so don't mind me and please don't hate me for a simple opinion, this is just for fun, not a personal attack.

Just to clarify, I understand where the consideration for FF7 comes from, after all, the presentation of Final Fantasy games was greatly enhanced thanks to the aggressive use of 3D graphics for the first time seen in the series. But I'm going to make this comparison, Zelda Ocarina of Time is a transition to 3D because for example, to shoot arrows you have to switch to a first person view where you have to see the whole environment in its three dimensions to find the target, which makes Ocarina of Time simply because of that cannot be conceived as a 2D game. In FF7, what important aspect of the gameplay would be lost if Final Fantasy VII were 2D?

4 months ago

The rules are more of just a way to try and get around gamings ability to have so many edge cases and make sure everyone is on the same page. When researching "first 3D games in series" there are so many disagreements about things - is Kirby 64 the first true 3D Kirby game because of 3D models, or is it Forgotten Land? And as mentioned in the description there's a lot of games people consider the first 3D Sonic game.
Ultimately since showdown 1 there's been a kind of "what you consider to fit the criteria will be counted".

I don't really like writing the rules because of how messy things get, but I feel if I don't then there'll just be a lot of questions about if X or Y counts. In the future I may do away with restrictions and just go a bit further with the prompt and let people decide for themselves what counts or doesn't, though that might leave results with tons of games following different criteria.

FF7 is on a lot of "Best transitions to 3D" lists so I just went with it. The change seemed pretty significant to me personally. And if someone does have an opinion that doesn't quite match with the majority understanding then it won't matter because that game wouldn't show in the top 10 anyway. Though in this case it seems a lot of people count FF7

4 months ago

1. Metroid Prime
2. Super Mario 64
3. Ys VI: Ark of Napishtim
4. The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
5. Rayman 2
6. Shinobi (2002)
7. Metal Gear Solid
8. Risk of Rain 2
9. Ninja Gaiden (2004)
10. Xanadu Next

4 months ago

1. Final Fantasy VII
2. Super Mario 64
3. Metal Gear Solid
4. Fallout 3
5. The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
6. SpongeBob SquarePants: Revenge of the Flying Dutchman
7. Kid Icarus Uprising
8. Sonic Adventure
9. Pac-Man World
10. Celeste 64: Fragments of the Mountain

4 months ago

1. Sonic Adventure (1998, Dreamcast)
2. Kirby and the Forgotten Land (2022, Switch)
3. Street Fighter IV (2008, Arcade)
4. Rayman 2: The Great Escape (1999, PC)
5. Grand Theft Auto III (2001, PS2)
6. Metroid Prime (2002, Gamecube)
7. Picross 3D (2009, DS)
8. Tales of Symphonia (2003, Gamecube)
9. Mega Man Legends (1997, PS1)
10. Super Mario 64 (1996, Nintendo 64)

4 months ago

2 days left bump

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