In Review - 2021

As the year draws to a close, I reflect on my choices in entertainment.

First-time logs only. Loosely ranked.

God bless, and godspeed as we approach 2022.

9/10 [A]
This game is 16 years old at the time of writing and somehow no game since has come within light years of the sheer scale and weight the Colossi wield.
10/10 [A+]
Truly inspirational to me in a way nothing else has been in years. Every character, every storyline, every moment is something I think about near-constantly, and I only wish I was capable of giving this thing the in-depth write-up it deserves.
10/10 [A+]
My worst enemy: Basic Mathematics.
9/10 [A]
I am furiously downloading as much malware as possible to get Spamton to manifest on my desktop and steal my credit card information.
9/10 [A]
MASK de Smith is a luchador in a 3-piece suit that dual-wields grenade launchers and has a suplex counter, instantly making him the greatest character in fiction.
9/10 [A]
A game of firsts: My first Suda51 joint, my first non-surface level Visual Novel, my first review on this site I could actually say I was proud of. It changed how I think about the media I consume and how I articulate my writing. I would give Tetsu ¥50,000, no questions asked.
8/10 [B+]
You can't replace any of the lackluster rearrangements with the original soundtrack but you can replace it with Automata's soundtrack instead. The combat has the sheen of Automata but doesn't understand what that would do to the overall feel of the original. There's an achievement for looking up Kaine's skirt. Yet I still cried at every plot beat I did in NieR (2010), still 100%'d it, still enjoyed nearly every minute of it like I did before. The epitome of a mixed bag.
9/10 [A]
Left unfinished and abandoned by its struggling creator, Type Dreams is still the most visually striking, euphoric game I've seen in a long time, and was a personal exercise in the importance of gaming preservation.


8/10 [B+]
This is what the .torrent file sees inside my Ethernet cord.
9/10 [A]
A cast that looks like budget cosplayers filming a live-action anime recreation parody vid for 2008-era YouTube engage in double-jump airdash backdash air footsies while Trip Hop blares in the background. It's the milestone of Poverty Fighters and I personally wouldn't have it any other way.
?/10 [Unrated]
A case where I agree with both camps on this game and its message: It is a pointless self-fellation sessions AND a poignant tale of the relation between artist and critic. Honestly the kind of thing you need to play for yourself and form your own opinion on.


9/10 [A]
When I stopped moving and took in the image of Ico and Yorda hand-in-hand overlooking the sea beyond the citadel, the joy of video games was made apparent to me once more.
7/10 [B]
Added this to IGDB myself. Very solid game, even though I don't understand Japanese. Looked up the creator's Twitter to see what they were up to nowadays and found out they draw Pokemon porn for a living. Wild world out there.
8/10 [B+]
When level 3 starts and "POINT OF NO RETURN" starts playing? Hooo baby, that's when the magic happens!
8/10 [B+]
Symphony of the Night but for people with anime poisoning. Spritework so good it 's unbelievable. A soundtrack with a bass player who won't quit. I still haven't beaten a mainline 2hu game yet.
8/10 [B+]
Album of the year. My buddy bought a gaming laptop just for Strive and the first thing we did was watch story mode in one 4 hour sitting and cheer every time we caught a look at That Man's fuckin' Yeezys.
8/10 [B+]
7/10 [B]
Can't really begin to overstate how much I love this niche flavor of horror. RPG Maker Horror with a uniquely Russian taste that I desperately want more of.
8/10 [B+]
"truly crazy how luxurious it is to hop on a game before it becomes a hot button discussion topic filtered thru layers of cringe media and personality cults" - fairywands
10/10 [A+]
After Nocturne's True Demon Ending became its legacy, V dares to ask: "Okay, What Now?" A flimsy, woefully undercooked tale of rebirth and ascension in a land bereft of its creator, carried entirely by it's stellar gameplay; the culmination of 30 years of experimentation and refinement.
8/10 [B+]
Yeah, it's unfinished. Yeah, Dante got the short end of the stick with his level design. Shut up, listen to "Sworn Through Swords" and suplex a Bianco Angelo. Live a little!
6/10 [C+]
Not the CBT I was expecting, but in the most sincere, non-patronizing, unironic way possible: I'm glad that this is allowed to exist.
5/10 [C]
It's like a playable episode of South Park (derogatory)
7/10 [B]
Fuck Tha World It Ain't Real I Bend Tha Spoon Wit My Mind
6/10 [C+]
This game takes no prisoners and delights in kicking you while you are down. Heard it gets exponentially better from here on out.
7/10 [B]
Low-poly piggy models :)
5/10 [C]
An unknown indie game talked about in hushed whispers, a bizarre multi-media Yume Nikki-like from a corner of the web that feels lost to time, by an enigmatic, reclusive creator. Too bad it's a total snoozefest. If you can find it though, their other game "14/???" is worth a look.
8/10 [B+]
Users much smarter than little ol' me have written much better write-ups that go into so much more depth than I could ever hope to gleam from this (like this one here.) Absolutely harrowing hour-long experience packed to the brim with ideas and subtext. I seriously need to check out the rest of Etherane's work.
7/10 [B]
Like being alone with your existential dread except someone keeps splicing in the hallway scene from Oldboy every few minutes.
?/10 [Unrated]
I've been trying to expand my horizons and experience stories from people who've walked paths I've never really heard of. Poignant in a way I can't relate to but I know will resonate deeply with others who've been there.
6/10 [C+]
The DJ puts on "24/7 -Stage 05-". The entire Earth is knocked out of orbit by 1 cm as the entire club loses their shit and jumps to the rhythm, causing a worldwide climate shift and the eventual drifting of Earth into Neptune.
4/10 [D+]
Friends don't recommend friends mediocre eroge.
4/10 [D+]
Interesting how HATRED would rip this off wholesale, but without understanding the greater cultural context that made Postal interesting, from its unique place in gaming history to its deconstruction of Boomer Shooter tropes and violence in the media.
?/10 [Unrated]
"Only a few lines resonated with me but I'm glad games like this are being made [...] Keep making very personal games even if the 'target audience' is you and only you." - Cyrano
6/10 [C+]
Eurojank Silent Hill. What it wasn't copying from 2, it was taking in an interesting direction, and maybe if there was another game by Vatra after this, they could've made something that was at the very least worth your while.
6/10 [C+]
Our main antagonist eats raw uranium then makes out with the main character.
1/10 [F-]
This, Postal, and Postal 2 have firmly pidgeonholed me into "Backloggd's Resident Mass Shooting Game Reviewer" and that's the kind of prestigious title you can put on a business card.
2/10 [F]
So like, I didn't know Chin was a heroin addict until I was researching info for my review, and I don't know why that's so fucking funny to me.
3/10 [D]
I quit part-ways through this game to play UMvC3 with my 8 y/o brother. He runs a team of Spider Man/Sentinel/Hulk because he likes big guys (and Spiderman). Pure joy untouched by the realities of competitive viability.


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