Classic Series Megaman Ranked

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Mega Man 11
Mega Man 11
- The Double Gear system feels like an evolution of the series compared to 9 and 10 playing it safe. It's extremely fun to play around with and the fact bosses use them makes for the best boss encounters in the series
- The 2.5D graphics look great
- The weapon selection might be my favourite in the series, from weapons that help with maneuvering like Pile Driver, to a great shield with Acid Barrier to providing good coverage like Bounce Ball or just packing a fucking punch like Chain Blast. All the areas are covered and I got use out of all of them.
- I do like the game expanding on Wily and Light's backstory even if it's really minor stuff
- Weapon Wheel and Rush Coil always being on the Triangle button are super nice quality of life changes

- Some frustrating levels, Acid, Torch and Bounce man specifically (Bounce man wasn't hard but the bouncing got frustrating)
- Weaker soundtrack compared to 1-10


Mega Man Powered Up
Mega Man Powered Up


Mega Man 7
Mega Man 7
- You don't lose your charge if you're hit while charging.
- Decent selection of weapons, Thunder Bolt and Junk Shield being the standouts
- Lots of hidden stuff to find which I appreciate. Collectibles like Auto's Bolt. the homing punch, the Protoman fight just make the levels and experience as a whole much more memorable
- Obviously with it being on the SNES the graphics received a major boost
- Auto's shop is a good addition and makes restocking on lives and E-Tanks much easier
- You can scroll through weapons now without going to the menu every single time
- Intro and Mid stages are a cool addition
- You can now cycle through weapons with the shoulder buttons instead of clumsily having to go to the menu every single time

- The Boss fights fall apart after you beat 1 Robot Master
- The Super Adaptor, while a really cool addition. Is so useful that you'll never want to use any other weapons once you get it
- Wily Capsule 7 is a pain
- Why can we only pick from 4 Robot Masters? It's unnecessary and makes the order of fighting bosses more confusing


Mega Man 9
Mega Man 9
- One of the strongest soundtracks in the Classic Series
- Hands down the best weapons in the Classic Series, Hornet Chaser, Black Hole Bomb, Jewel Satelite and Magma Bazooka are the standouts but I got use out of every weapon. Despite this, the levels are more focused on platforming that shooting down a bunch of enemies so the weapons never break the game like the Metal Blade did in MM2.
- Some of the best level design in Classic Megaman. I really enjoyed Hornet Mans, Tornado Mans and Galaxy Mans stages

- The Wily Stages are too difficult imo. The rest of the game is challenging but fair whereas the Wily stages just overstay their welcome and throw spikes at you everywhere
- As much as I love the game, I have to admit it does regress, not just graphically, but by taking away so much elements that made the classic series what it is, I just feel like the game is missing something. Besides removing the charge shot and slide, was there any need to remove quality of life changes like being able to toggle through weapons with shoulder buttons?


Mega Man 8
Mega Man 8
- Being able to use the Buster and Robot Master weapons simultaneously is a great addition
- Beautiful PS1 Sprite quality
- Hilarious Voice Acting
- What you can buy has been expanded, various different perks can be brought to upgrade megaman's movement and buster, though not all can be bought in one playthrough thus encouraging replayability

- Terrible Voice Acting
- Level Design is focused on a lot of gimmicks. Some good, I enjoy Tengu and Swordman's stages but Astro's, Frost's and Wily 1 are some of the worst levels in the series
- Weak assortment of weapons, Grenade and Astro Crush are the only good ones.
- Getting bolts is a huge pain in the ass compared to Megaman 7 since you have to really go out of your way to collect them
- I don't understand why they limited you to only being able to pick from 4 robot masters again


Mega Man 10
Mega Man 10
- Best Robot Master fights in the series, they don't mindlessly run into you nor do they absolutely break in two if you have their weakness.
- Some fun levels, Sheep Mans being my favourite.
- Acquiring bolts is way easier than in 9 and doesn't require excessive grinding
- Shoulder buttons are back to be used to toggle through weapons
- Strong replayability via having Protoman and Bass playable

- Weapons received a significant downgrade from 9. Triple Blade and Water Shield are okay but that's about it. A better arrangement than MM4 or 5, but nothing amazing. About on par with MM7.

Overall Thoughts - This game is solid all around but it just a tad behind MM9 in terms of music, stage design, weapons. Everything. It's a bit like MM5 in playing it super safe to its detriment, but it's still a solid game whereas MM5 was mediocre in everything


Mega Man 6
Mega Man 6
- Added Rush Adaptors, multiple pathways and the Weapon Get in this game actually shows what the weapon does
- Weapon selection is a big step up from 4 and 5. I got a lot of use out of Centaur Flash, Silver Tomahawk, Flame Blast etc.
- Much better Robot Master design, all the robot masters being based on countries and their levels representing those countries makes the backgrounds extremely memorable

- It's probably the easiest game out of the bunch
- Like Megaman 5 (but not nearly to the same extent), it doesn't add too much new to the formula


Mega Man 2
Mega Man 2
- Added E-Tanks and introduced 8 Robot Masters instead of 6
- Very good level design. I just beat MM9 but I still remember the stages of Bubbleman, Airman and especially Quickman
- Iconic Soundtrack
- Controls feel better than 1, Still not perfect though
- Much better selection of weapons, Air Shooter packs a punch at close range, Time Stopper is great for platforming hazards and the Quick Shooter is a good alternative to the Mega Buster but...

- The Metal Blade is so overpowered you'll never bother with any other special weapon once you get it
- Boobeam Trap is an absolute pain and the fact that you have to grind for weapon energy if you mess up is one of the instances where the game reminds you it had a rough development.

Overall Thoughts - Honestly, I feel the game is overrated. It makes immense improvements over MM1 but compared to the rest of the series, it's hard to go back to for me, if not for Doc Robots I'd say 3 is a way better game.


Mega Man 3
Mega Man 3
- Introduced Rush and the Slide
- Perfected Controls, Megaman no longer feels like he's on ice like he did in 1 and 2.
- This game has the best assortment of weapon from the first 8 classic series entries. Nothing is as broken as the Metal Blade which makes the weapons much more balanced. Search Snake, Shadow Blade, Needle Cannon and Magnet Missile are all weapons I used constantly.
- The game is very ambitious, having you fight copies of the Megaman 2 bosses does extend game time...which is something

- Doc Robots suck, their hitboxes are huge, they're harder than their Megaman 2 counterparts and they all involve going through levels you've already beaten which is such a drag to play through. Kills the great momentum the game had up until that point, especially with how you have to learn a whole new weakness chain.
- Wily's Castle is braindead easy and not memorable at all.


Mega Man 4
Mega Man 4
- Added Eddie and The Charge Shot
- Dr Cossack's castle is a way better way of extending game time than the Doc Robots
- Graphically the game is an upgrade over the previous title with the title sequence and level design
- All your weapons are on one select screen, you don't need to scroll through 2 screens to find your weapon

- That Ending tho
- The weapons in this game are near useless, aside from Rain Flush and maaaaaybe Skull Barrier and Flash Stopper I never used any of these
- Level design is largely forgettable with a bigger emphasis on spikes and cheap enemy placement, Dust Man's level is the worst


Mega Man 5
Mega Man 5
- Added Beat
- Best looking Megaman game on the NES imo

- Terrible Assortment of weapons, Charge Kick and Power Stone are basically memes and the Charge Shot being OP in this game meant it's the only thing I used for the whole adventure.
- If you get hit while charging, you lose the charge, it didn't work like that in 4 why is it like that here?
- This game adds NOTHING major to the series, aside from Beat who isn't a big deal the level design is mostly forgettable with some good ones like Wave Man, Gravity Man and...that's about it. This game could cease to exist and it wouldn't impact the series at all


Mega Man & Bass
Mega Man & Bass
- Amazing selection of weapons, got use out of almost all of them
- Amazing Graphics by SNES Standards
- Playing as Bass and his added abilities is so much fun
- The Discs are a pretty fun read

- No E-Tanks
- Megaman being a playable character, this should've been a Bass only game since Megaman struggles so much more than Bass mostly since he has no double jump
- Reused bosses from Megaman 8
- THE LEVEL DESIGN - From the level dragging out for too long like Ground Man's stage to the frustrating platforming of Tengu Man's stage to random One Hit Kill scenario's like in Burner Man's stage. This game has it all and it's such a chore to play through. No other megaman game made me dread what a level has to offer more than this one
- Reuses a lot of elements from Megaman 8, from 2 Robot Masters to a lot of enemies
- King's Fortress 2 - Worst designed stage in all of Megaman, fuck all 50934 of it's bossfights

- Side Note - I only beat this game as Bass, if I suffered through a full playthrough using Megaman, this game would be worse than X7


Mega Man
Mega Man
- Laid down the basic formula of a Megaman game.
- Some good tunes

- Yellow Devil
- The weapons suck aside from Elec Beam
- Level Design is really generic and forgettable, Cutman's level could basically be any robot masters level aside from the enemies that throw scissors at you
- Megaman controls like he's on ice


1 Comment

2 years ago

Great list. I share almost the same top

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