I love this game. I own the board game and what drew me to it was the aesthetic. Beautiful artwork and wonderfully designed, it is a game with an incredible amount of replay value. There are so many different strategies and ways to play with the birds having many different perks to aid you in your quest to victory. The digital version streams line things and is quite simple to pick up and play. You can play bots, you can play people online or locally. If you love the board game you love his. The European expansion has just come out and the other expansions will be coming as well. I love this game and I play it all the time.

I’ve always wanted to play this game. The graphics looked good. The idea of a Pokémon fighting game is great. But as I played it, it was fun but got boring very quick. It’s an arena fighter and instead of an arcade mode they have a story mode where you fight your way up the ranks against cpus and in tournaments. The aesthetic looks very mute and muddy and can use some more flash and polish. Arenas look bland an uninteresting and your characters design looks very generic. The Pokémon they picked for the roster are cool and they each have their own feel but this game gets very boring quick. Online works and I got into matches very quick. There was some stuttering and lag but that may be due more to the switch than the game itself. Overall the game is boring he fighting can feel sluggish and it’s just not my style. I hope they make a sequel with some more charm added because the concept is great.

This game is a dungeon crawler in which you drive a car around dungeons and fight/recruit digimon. You can join one of three teams with forte in specific Digimon types. Essentially your starter Digimon selection once you picked that Digimon you can only recruit Digimon of this type until a little later in the game. Battles are slow as you and your team of 3 Digimon take down opponents. Once they level up enough they can digivolve but this game pads things out with level caps. Once you hit a level cap you have to combine two Digimon together at similar levels to dedigivolve it into a more powerful lower level Digimon. Then rinse and repeat until you get to a high enough level to beat the game. You can also upgrade your car to survive traps and rougher terrain in later dungeons. The amount of Digimon in the game is great as you can create a lot of variety with different teams of Digimon. Levels are very bland and for the most part will look the same for the entire game. Some of he music is catchy and having once loved this game as a kid. It does not hold up today.

I thoroughly enjoyed his dlc. It plays like an awesome last chapter to this game and feels like a definite ending for the courier. A man who knows you is taunting you and beckoning you to come and stop him. Along the way you’ll face off new threats, powerful enemies and you’ll unlock new weaponry. At the end you can either kill the last boss or talk him out of his plan. I love this game. This dlc is hard and is meant to be played after you’ve beaten the other dlcs. It’s pretty tough. But it’s a great send off to a great game.

Interesting compilation. You get Sonic Cd (US ver), Sonic R, and Sonic the fighters. In addition to that you can unlock all the Sonic game gear games and vectorman 1 and 2. At the time this wa sweat because you got to play Sonic cd and fighters. Sonic R was not great. The presentation is nice. It oozes nostalgia like mega collection but not as good. You could unlock a bunch of secrets and art and music in the gallery by completing missions. Overall it’s ok. Mega collection is better due to better games .

Play as Mario and Luigi and beat up turtles and crabs. It’s fine but gets repetitive.

Play as Megaman, Bass, Protoman, and Duo through three different scenarios. Along the way you’ll fight robot masters in a arcade like style. Beat Wily and save the day. The music remixes are great and the game is fun alone. But multiplayer is where this game shines. Play with you and a friend beat robot masters and race to see who gets the power up first. The graphics are nice and each character has their own unique move set. It’s so fun

This game was one of the first compilations I could remember. I grew up with all these games on the sega and to have them all on one disc was awesome! You can’t save in the games(unless it’s Sonic 3) so that’s kind of rough. The unlockables are good but l feel like they could’ve added more. You can unlock some extra games and that’s it. The game where are all solid. You get Sonic 1- knuckles in their complete state with near perfect emulation. You also get 3d blast, Spinnall, and mean bean machine. The presentation oozes with nostalgia. It’s probably one of the best Sonic compilations out there.

This is a fun remake of the original Megaman x. The snes one is still superior but this is great. The graphics are 2d 3d. They added dialogue between X and the mavericks as well as an unlockable character after you beat the game. You can also unlock a 30 minute prologue movie that has great animation. The remixed music is ok. I don’t understand why you can’t unlock the original game. I think that would’ve made this remake a classic. All in all. It’s fun.

I’m lowering the review because of this. Back in 2004 I got all megamans 1-8 plus the power fighters and the power battles. Plus interviews, remixed music and concept art. Granted, this game does have more concept art and listenable soundtracks but that’s it. In this compilation you get 1-6 and then have to pay extra money for vol 2 to get 7-10. I just feel like they could fit them all onto one disc. The games all run well and it is the only way to play these games and they are good for the most part.

This game is janky kong! It’s very different from rules you may know if you played yugioh and follows more of rules from the Bandai days. You can summon monsters without any tributes. If you get the strongest monster you can fly through this game but good luck with that as this game is grindy. In story mode you’ll beat people in card games and unlock one card. Not packs one card. This is how this game pads your playing experience. In the mode known as free duel you can play against opponents you’ve beaten in story mode and this is where you will spend most of your time. Unlock high level cards is difficult. It’s all luck based. Even if you beat a player at a high rank and get the highest grade it does not guarantee you’ll get a good card. Another way to do good at this game is to fuse your monsters. You can fuse any of your monster cards and depending on the combination you can create a powerful card. Overall this game can be beaten in 30 minutes with the right cards or months depending on your willingness to grind.

This game is fun and feels like more a platformer than the first n64 game. As bomberman you must save the galaxy and a princess. You’ll transform into vehicles, you’ll fight bosses and you’ll die a lot. This game can be difficult and there are no checkpoints. The levels are short but later on this can get frustrating as the levels can get very hard. The soundtrack is one of my favorites. It’s chill and groovy. The atmosphere this game has is very chill…until it gets frustrating. It’s fun and I enjoy it.

It’s fun. Use to play this in the arcade for hours and beat it many times. As Homer, Lisa, Marge, and Bart you must save Maggie from the clutches of Mr Burns. This game is developed by Konami in the 90s so there are some translation errors. It feels like it can be hard to hit your opponents at times and the levels can feel like a fever dream. It’s fun and a good beatem up!

It’s fun and you can unlock a lot of card for free. The problem is that this is not an easy game to get into if your new to Yugioh. That’s not this games fault. You can press auto and the game will play itself and does a good job winning. There are lots of events and I had a good time playing it. But I just couldn’t understand what I was doing and got bored. I think the barrier to entry for yugioh might be a little high.

A fun party game full of different board games you can play from chess, checkers, poker, and more. The aesthetic is charming with your character being a little figurine. But outside of multiplayer it’s not as fun and can get boring easy.