This game looked like Stardew Valley meets Pokémon ….we’ll… I guess it is lol
Which sounds fun on paper but it gets very boring and uninteresting very fast. Ooblets is a life sim where you move to an island, get a shack in the woods, and your very own monster. You farm crops and have dance battles with your monsters instead of your typical “Pokémon” battles. You do side quests, you do missions and develop friendships with the town folks. I love this stuff but this game ended up being so boring . Play Stardew Valley. Play Animal Crossing. Play Pokémon. But this game just isn’t that great unfortunately. I mean I was very excited to play his game for years and sadly it was not worth the wait.

This game is really fun. I’ve dabbled in Pikmin. Dipped my toes in the stream with Pikmin 1 and 2. I was looking for great switch games (yes this was a Wii U game. We’ll aware. Wasn’t playing games at that time) and people suggested it. It was fun. You get these little plant creatures who are willing to help you on your quest to find food for your planet. You fight aliens and find artifacts to upgrade your space ship. You can play as multiple characters and there are multiple types of Pikmin each with their own abilities. It’s a calm yet frantic game and I was loving every minute of it and then it just ends. I was really getting into the game and next thing I know I’m at the last boss! I didn’t even know it was the last boss. So that was a bummer. You get to play some extra modes with Louie and Olimar and there is a mission mode that couldn’t get into. Overall Pikmin 3 is a fun time. Stoked to check out Pikmin 4 this summer

This game is super fun and addicting. It starts very slow but once it gets going and you understand the mechanics it gets really fun!!!! So basically this game is a total homage to Castlevania except instead of a platformer or meteoidvania it plays more like a bullet he’ll game. Hordes of enemies come at you and you attack them. You can pick multiple characters (many of which you unlock overtime) and as you level up you upgrade and unlock new abilities. Over time you unlock more levels, game modes, weapons, and more. This game has tons of secrets. It’s a fun game and it’s free. Can you really complain? You can even put in codes later if you don’t want to waste time unlocking things. It’s great.

I love Classic Sonic. Sonic 3 and knuckles is a my favorite game! So when I saw that they were releasing these gems on the switch I was stoked! Unfortunately this game was botched. The deluxe edition gives you some extra music and some illustrations, it was not worth the extra price. The games themselves are great (for the most part) as you can play updated versions of each of the games with updated graphics and some added characters. There is also a mission mode as well which is ok. With two styles of game play it makes the games more welcoming for beginners with Story mode. There are some great animated cut scenes added as well. The games all run fine for the most part with Sonic 3 and knuckles having the most issues. Some of the music has changed and some audio queues are different and it makes it hard to play if your use to how the game use to run. Also the physics seem to be off ramps don’t always work how they should, wall clipping etc. It’s really sad especially when there are mods and Roma that did a better job with the game. Heck the original version runs better than this in some ways. A sad thing sets did was take these games out of the iTunes Store and out of the sets genesis collection. Sad thing is if you bought all these games through this Avenue it would be cheaper than this collection. The extras you get in this game aren’t great either. It’s a sad collection really because you can tell there is love out in but that it’s also very rushed. Don’t buy this collection for full price please get it on sale.

This game is ok. It can be fun. Gameplay wise everything is the same but now you can duck for the first time in the series. The maverick designs are great and the level design is ok. One thing that bugs me about this game is that you constantly get interrupted with tutorials. It really stifles momentum and you can’t skip it. The music is good as usual and the story is interesting.

A charming little remake of the game boy classic. This was my first time playing the game and to preface, I am not the biggest Zelda fan. I think the world is cool, the series has great music and good games but it’s not really my style. However I did enjoy this game. The graphics are charming as it’s made in a toy like style with classic Zelda music. The game is very easy. Probably one of the easiest Zelda’s I’ve played. I do think the game can get quite cryptic in regards to what your suppose to do. There are numerous fetch quest and the game is quite short.

It is probably one of the most unique Zelda games I’ve played filled with a ton of Nintendo references through out. The story is very different for the series as well, which is refreshing. But the game did start to drag and eventually it felt like a task to finish.I don’t think this game is worth 60 dollars in fact it feels like it could’ve fit on the 3ds for 30 bucks. It’s short and I don’t feel there is enough here to warrant the price tag. Unless your a die hard fan, rent it or wait for a sale.

Yeah. Uh, it stores Pokémon and seems to be fine. I haven’t played since gen 5 and only started getting back into the series with gen 8. So don’t have anything to compare it too.

I was pleasantly surprised with this game. I played Bloodstained and thought it was ok. For context, I’m a huge Castlevania fan and love the series. I saw this was on sale and picked it up. It’s fun. I’ve longed for more of the old school Castlevania games and this game definitely scratches that itch. The sprite work is great, the characters control well and the levels are fun. The music bops but not as hard as Castlevania. This game is a prequel to Bloodstained and tells the story of the characters and how they met. If you love old school gaming or are a Castlevania fan , you’ll love it. If not, you might just think it’s ok.

I bought this game for 5 bucks and all I can say is meh.

I’m not a huge Fire Emblem fan, so, keep that in mind. I played awakening and am aware of the million FE characters added in to Smash so that’s about all I got. I’m also not a big tactical role playing fan either ,but, I do like anime. Many people have told me this is there favorite game on the switch and that it was one of the best you could play. So I was curious. I started with Blue Lions and was digging Dmitri and his crew. The game play was fun. And I enjoyed the side quest and character interactions. But the story never grabbed me. Eventually half way through the game I just started skipping cut scenes because I just didn’t care.

I enjoyed Claude’s character and was hoping the game would change more considering it’s a new crew and it does , but not by much. It felt monotonous just repeat the same missions all over again. There were some changes but not enough to wow me. By the time I beat Claude’s story I was so burnt out and at this point don’t care to finish the black eagles story line. I’ll just look up the ending on YouTube. The combat is fun and I loved how you level up and customize your characters classes, that was great. I like that you can influence who your characters can marry and enjoyed seeing the characters interactions. I like that you can recruit characters from other houses and how it adds to the story.

The game looks great for a switch title as well and the music could be pretty epic at times. I always felt my characters were super over powered and didn’t feel a lot of challenge. Some characters were interesting but I felt like I didn’t care for most of them or their designs too much. All in all this one just didn’t do it for me. I know it’s a beloved title and if you enjoy please do but for me, it just didn’t hit.

This is probably the most fun and most disappointing experience I’ve had with a Pokémon game. First off, the music slaps and is probably some of the best we’ve had in a while with this franchise. Story wise the game actually mixes things up. Instead of just your typical collect the badges and beat the elite four plot, you have two other stories with some nice changes.(Game even made me tear up a bit at points) The characters are actually interesting and I actually cared about them. The game is open world but there is no level scaling but you can tackle the game in any order you want. The raid battles in the game are super fun. I had fun just doing raid battles for hours wih friends or people online. Multiplayer is fun and works ok. The final chapter of the game is wonderful and a major highlight. I did not see this game ending in the way that it did. Well done game freak. Now what’s disappointing about this game is how close to a classic in ends up being. The graphics are whack. Yes it’s a switch but I know it’s capable of more. A lot of the new Pokémon designs are just goofy. There are some great moms here but a lot are average at best. No voice acting. This one is just jarring. You have these emotional moments and it’s just awkward without any voice acting. The game is super buggy and, as hilarious as it is at times, just embarrassing for a triple A title. You can’t do anything in towns other than enter shops. No houses, hotels, or just anything interesting. The shops you can enter ,most of the time, are just menus. It feels like the game was rushed. If they gave it another year heck even six months then I believe this game could’ve had these things polished more. Pokémon violet is a massive leap in the right direction but it slips and falls on its face as well. It’s like going to Dennys, it’s enjoyable but you feel ashamed you ate there after leaving.

I’m not a huge Kirby fan but I’ve played a few games in the series that I really enjoyed. This game caught me because it looked like they were trying something different. A Kirby game in 3d in which looks like it takes place in a post apocalyptic earth with upgradable abilities? Count me in. I played through the game ,beat it and I don’t think I’ve appreciated difficulty in video games as much as I have playing this. This game is too easy and can feel mindless at times. Most Kirby games have this issue and it’s actually a reason why I find it hard to get into the series. I beat the game on hard mode and it was a cake walk. The second half of the game does get harder but not by much. The game is charming and cute. The music is pretty good. The level design is interesting and incorporates some fun ideas. There’s a town where you can play mini games, fight in a arena, and more. The story is a little messy with the ending feeling like it races from 50 to a hundred. The ending fight was fun and was hype. But a lack of challenge was really distracting. I don’t need my games to be Souls like but some level of real challenge is appreciated. It was fun but not enough for me to consider this a switch classic. If your a Kirby fan you will love it. If you want to take a break from rpgs or more intense games, then play it. I just beat Dragon Quest 11 and it was nice to play something light after that undertaking. If you don’t play platformers, this won’t be the one to change your mind.

This game is fun. I’m a sucker for character customization and this game lets you do that to the full. (For the time) You make your character and he starts out as a minstrel but soon after you get to create your own party. You customize their look and class. Armor also changes their look as well! Then your off! This is the first Dragon Quest game to get rid of random battles and it is such a nice change of pace. The story is interesting but a bit straightforward in terms of flow. You’ll see nothing to ground breaking here but it gets the job done. Back in the day you could connect with your friends and tackle dungeons together that would have special bosses and loot. For the time the game was great. But with that feature now being made obsolete it does the change the game. The game is however absolutely worth your time and in your collection. It’s fun, catchy tunes, and great art design by Akira Toriyama!

What a game. I am a big fan of the Dragon Quest series. From its character design to fantastic score , it’s a charming series that I’m continually drawn to. Having just finished the game, I can say that’s it good. The characters are likeable, the world is expansive, and the game is fun. A lot of the rpg elements of the series have becoming more user/beginner friendly and that is not a complaint. The game didn’t feel challenging however. If you complete all the side quests, you will breeze through it. I don’t recall grinding even a little. They have also added a chart system where you can customize your characters spells and special moves. Think of it as a pseudo job system where you can choose what you want your characters to specialize in.If your new to jrpgs and the Dragon Quest series then this is a good place to start. The game is long taking about 80 hours for the main quest and adding an extra 10-15 with extra content. I had a good time with Dragon Quest but towards the end it started to drag and it’s characters became very one note. There are some story beats that are interesting and also silly. But when I beat it I felt a little sad as I didn’t want it to end. The game is worth a shot and is a recommendation from me.

This a good game. Crash controls well. When I died it felt like it was my fault and not the game being cheap. The graphics look good on the switch and it runs well. No stuttering or laggy graphics. The game is tough. Like in my opinion really tough. There are a ton of gems to collect that unlock costumes but it sometimes doesn’t feel fun with how difficult it can be and I normally don’t get annoyed at games with a high difficulty curb. If you’ve never played crash it could be a rude awakening but if your a fan of the series hen check it out.