Its horror elements are done very well here. I recommend the hardest difficulty available to you.

Super replayable and has an amazing arcade mode. This is the core value of a fighting game, and 3rd Strike does it better than everything else to this day.

I really don't like this game, even when trying to be optimistic about it. There's just no reason for the game to exist when you can play Devil May Cry 5. The different playable character's are just not fun to play.

A nearly flawless title that is demanding of a remake as much as Dragon Quest 9: Sentinels of the Starry Skies does.

"Oh boy, the screen cut to black and the credits rolled, Kiryu is dead for real this time isn't he?" I say as I insert the disc for the next Yakuza game with his face on it.

Definitely look into the soundtrack for this one, so many sleeper hits.

I think it's cute how the story goes out of its way to make so many references to Travis Strikes Again because they know nobody played that game, but you take it a step too far when you start bringing up the untranslated art books and inaccessible Japanese exclusive video games, Suda.

You nailed that finale though.

Ubisoft, this is the best you've got.

Octopath Traveler's engine should just become open source so that it can be the sequel to RPGMaker it was designed to be.

They hired the voice actor for Winston from Overwatch to voice Kaito in the English dub. This was a huge point of entertainment for me.

It's crazy how authentic the Halo online experience was for literally everyone who played it. I would be invited to a random Xbox Live party and just play a bunch of random mini games that were endlessly entertaining. None of the people from these parties has been seen since.

It's so funny how even in 2003, video games were honest with their advertising. Devil May Cry 2 has an ad where he jumps through a broken window, his cape flourishes in the empty white background while he sh oo ts t he g un. That's Devil May Cry 2, alright.

Kazuma Kaneko's artwork feels beautifully realized in this game.

Much like Torna, Future Redeemed is the dlc expansion that feels like an entire extra game. It takes what exists from the base game, and condenses it down into something very fine tuned, well paced, with better combat and a side of better music.

I always enjoyed how slow this game was. The gameplay, not so much, but everything outside of it was just, nice.