I can't make up my mind about this game, some days i think its great and some days i think its a mess.

Fuck yeah this game is probably the smoothest ever, you can recommend it to anybody and 98.7% they would enjoy it.
CapGods on Fire!.


Good one but needed more content.

Janky mess but its a great janky mess.
Best game of 2018 imo, aside from production values this game puts RDR2 and GoW to shame.

Maybe you should try getting a job

Meh, not a big fan of this game, its good but i didnt enjoy it.

Good game, but there are some things i didnt like about it, like for example the depths and how boring they are after you spend more than 1 hour there, the enemies who are the same except with different colours and the shrines are bland and boring and huge downgrade from breath of the wild.

But its a good game and i enjoyed making zonai devices to travel the world.

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If you dont like this game you have bad taste in RPGs

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Some people go into absolute seethe mode when you praise this game and thats probably the best thing i like about it. (Stay mad)