Mainline Mario Ranked

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Everything about this game is just so nostalgic and beautiful, I adore this game even without the rose-tinted glasses. I don’t think there’ll ever be a better Mario game than this.
Honestly better than every other Mario (except Galaxy), I love this game so much, it’s visuals, music, aesthetic, mechanics, bosses etc. It’s different in presentation but in the best way possible.
Second best 3D Mario, it was a super fun experience with so much to do. Every world was fun to explore and every world had some banger music. Hoping for a sequel soon.
I can easily see why this is some people’s favorite Mario, it’s such an upgrade compared to it’s NES counterparts in graphics, world, mechanics, music and overall charm.
An amazing game with a beautiful soundtrack obviously following in the footsteps of the previous entry, I really like the ideas and new things here but in the end the first will always be the best one.
I don’t really know why I like this game more but I just do. I love this game to bits and while other titles since have been much more unique and even fun, this’ll always hold a special place in my heart.
Although this game adds so much upon the original, I still think the original is better. Don’t get me wrong I love this game too, I just think that 64 was a lot more fun personally.
A great improvement from the original, I think this game provides a lot more unique fun gameplay that can be replayed by anyone anytime. I can see how this could be someone’s favorite Mario.
An underrated gem in my opinion with one of the best Mario soundtracks, beautiful graphics, fun power-ups, fun levels and just an overall great Mario game.
The most unique apart from Super Mario Bros 2 when it comes to mainline games I’d say, I think this game has a lot of ideas it explores and while most of it can be a lot of fun, some aren’t unfortunately.
The best New Super Mario Bros entry, with the best music, worlds, mini games, bonus content and overall charm, this was my first Mario and I still adore it to this day.
This was one of my first Mario games that I used to play at my Uncle’s place, I love this game and mostly everything it did. Nothing will ever top the multiplayer bullshittery me and my cousins experienced.
This is more like it, this sequel improves on literally everything from the previous handheld game. Better power-ups, levels and so on, this is just a better game.
Didn’t know whether to put this here or not but Yoshi’s Island is here too so why not? This is a fun game and the start of a separate franchise, I think 2 executed a lot of ideas better but this game is still good.
Kinda underrated in my opinion, good levels, great music (as always) with some fun gameplay. Unfortunately this game just feels so incredibly basic so I still prefer 3D World but even so, this is still good entry.
The game that started it all, in all fairness it’s nothing special nowadays. It’s a good game don’t get me wrong but it’s just a standard Mario game, it just has such an impact and importance.
New Super Mario Bros 4, doesn’t really feel that new anymore to be honest. It’s everything we’ve come to know from 2D Mario, it just doesn’t have an identity of it’s own unfortunately.
It’s good, got nothing really to add. Handheld Mario so obviously it has its setbacks, has a lot of creativity but it also all just feels so clunky. Overall though I’d say it’s fine.
Probably one of the most unique mainline Mario games, it suffers from some different issues but overall it can be fun and the bosses are interesting.
Extremely forgettable and just a meh game, it’s not anything special or unique except for the abundance of coins and power-ups based on coins. It’s still New Super Mario Bros but it really just overstayed it’s welcome.
Fuck this game, like honestly I’m not inept but the original Mario was already kinda hard, this is just bash your head on the table hard. I’m never replaying this shite.
I guess this is a mainline game? People in rankings and whatnot always have it there so I might as well too. This is a boring and unenjoyable experience where I’d rather just play anything else.

1 Comment

1 month ago

Excellent list!

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