Same name, different game.

What's in a name?

For clarity thinking different games rather than ports and remakes but will add if there is a good case for it!

Power Strike II
Power Strike II
Power Strike II
Power Strike II
Prince of Persia
Prince of Persia
Prince of Persia
Prince of Persia
Tomb Raider
Tomb Raider
Tomb Raider
Tomb Raider
Sonic the Hedgehog 2
Sonic the Hedgehog 2
Sonic the Hedgehog 2
Sonic the Hedgehog 2
Sonic the Hedgehog
Sonic the Hedgehog
Sonic the Hedgehog
Sonic the Hedgehog
Sonic the Hedgehog
Sonic the Hedgehog
God of War
God of War
God of War
God of War


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1 month ago

Metal Gear Solid (PS1) and Metal Gear Solid (GBC), although the latter has a different name in Japan
Disregard my comment, misread the list

1 month ago

Double Dragon (Arcade/NES/every other known platform) and Double Dragon (Neo Geo)!

1 month ago

hades and hades

1 month ago

@stovetop - I had no idea that was a thing and it's a totally different game from what I can see. Not a port? Wow.

@NOWITSREYNTIME17 - I'm never good at being clear on lists with how I'm thinking. I saw your comment and you are right but remakes are mostly the same game really even with differences. I've made a note to the top. If they are wildly different enough with identical names I'm willing to add them though :)

@Dreamboat - The Neo Geo is a fighter if I recall? that works!

@theia - Perfect! Thanks.

1 month ago

@FallenGrace Yeah in Japan its called Ghost Babel and its honestly not too bad, especially considering what its on

1 month ago

As far as I can tell there are at least 10 different games named "Spider-Man" :D

1 month ago

There's two games named Clock Tower (the 1996 Clock Tower is named Clock Tower II in Japan but just Clock Tower in the US).

1 month ago

Super Mario Bros. 2? (Lost Levels and Super Mario USA)
Alien vs Predator (Capcom, Atari, Fox Interactive, Sega)
Doom (1993, 2016)
Wipeout (1972, 1974, 1989, 1995, and more debatably, 2010)

1 month ago

waiting for the next Alone in the Dark reboot :D
I had two more games to add to the list:
Neverwinter Nights and Neverwinter Nights
Fable and Fable

1 month ago

Star Fox (1983), Starfox (1987), and Star Fox (1993)

1 month ago

Tetris (1984), Tetris (1987), Tetris (1988), Tetris (1989), Tetris (1990), Tetris (1991), Tetris (1992), Tetris (2009), Tetris (2010) and Tetris (2014)

1 month ago

Turok for N64 and Turok for 7th gen consoles, DOOM (1993) and DOOM (2016)

1 month ago

Pinball (1979), Pinball (1981), Pinball (1983), Pinball (1984), Pinball (1991), Pinball (1999), Pinball (2000), Pinball (also 2000), and Pinball (2017)

1 month ago

Michael Jackson's Moonwalker (Arcade) and Michael Jackson's Moonwalker (Console)

1 month ago

@Drax, @Gloominary, @letshugbro, @Rogueliker, AlexaLily - These are great, added a bunch thanks!

@87th - How I didn't think of Doom is beyond me....

1 month ago

Also, I just remembered that there are two games named Journey; one's after the band and the other one is the one you're likely familiar with

1 month ago

Thief and Thief. I thought the 2014 one shared it's name with the original 1998 one but that one's called Thief: The Dark Project so ig not.

1 month ago

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1 month ago

a lot of these entries feel like 'you vs the guy she tells you not to worry about' and personally I find that very amusing XD

as for my own suggestion, I gotta go with Castlevania vs Castlevania 🦇

1 month ago

@Latch - Great suggestion, I played Flock 2009 though never beat it.

@Wreith - Added Thief, that was a good call. I did delete the other as it removes the chances of people bringing weird ones or me stumbling on them on my own. Thank you though :)

@AWACS_Lucio - A bit of a loop hole I think as it was a localisation rename but, same name, different game they are!

@Fizza - This made me laugh but it's so true lol.

1 month ago

Here are my suggestions:

Donkey Kong and Donkey Kong (1994 - Game Boy)
Mega Man and Mega Man (1995 - Sega Game Gear)
Ratchet & Clank and Ratchet & Clank (2016 - Playstation 4)

Also, you could add Ninja Gaiden for NES, as it's a different game from the Arcade version already on the list (one is a beat em up and the other is a platformer)

This doesn't apply to the list, but interestingly the first Castlevania and Super Castlevania IV share the same name in Japan 悪魔城ドラキュラ.

1 month ago

Killer Instinct and Killer Instinct (2013 - Xbox One)

1 month ago

Final Fantasy II (Famicom Original) and Final Fantasy II (1991 - SNES Final Fantasy IV)
Final Fantasy III (Famicom Original) and Final Fantasy III (1994 - SNES Final Fantasy VI)

1 month ago

@FallenGrace completely understandable. I had no idea if it'd be acceptable and retrospectively I'm kinda glad it was deleted y'know lol.

1 month ago

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1 month ago

Punch-Out!! (1984/1990) and Punch-Out!! (2009)

1 month ago

Twisted Metal (PS1-1996) and Twisted Metal (PS3-2012)
Splatterhouse (Arcade -1988) and Splatterhouse (PS3 /360 - 2010)

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