I dont know shit about my hero academia but they gave the pink haired girl boob reduction surgery so i should rate this 0/5

I opened my eyes and realized this whole franchise is just a mexican psyop there is no fucking way marathon has better level design than halo ce and 2

Overrated tech demo that ruined a generation of gamers and open world games

This feels like pre-bo2 cod with the bo3 abilities element with some of the qol stuff of modern cod.
I don't have any strong opinions about it, but I think it's pretty fun for what it is, thinking of it as a cod killer is pretty dumb, and it doesn't feel as fast paced as people seem to show it, will probably play again every now and then.

I guess this is where respawn got their time machine fetish for that section
First impressions: Bioshock with a less impressive intro but ACTUAL GOOD FEELING GAMEPLAY, and its not even outstanding, it just feels good in comparison to whatever irrational was trying to do with bioshock. and it somehow gets better i think the TN- i mean TMD is a great tool, quite the step up raven from the boring gore in quake 4 to the really cool looking dismemberment, and it gets better, the tmd melee blasting away all the limbs of enemies, makes me wish it didnt use any ammo for that, AND IT GETS BETTER:
Im gonna be honest i havent felt a dopamine rush like this in a videogame since i played max payne 1 and 3, but the seeker rifle, my fucking god... shoot, hold right click, and just see their limbs blast away, fuck.

My only hope at this point is that the pacing doesnt go to shit and that it doesnt do the old system bioshock thing of "oooo you have to go this way! oh no wait sorry the path has just been blocked you have to go the other way oh sorry you have to look for this thing to go that way, teehee!".

I will also not talk about how this really looks like generic military shooter late 2000s that's already been said and i have nothing to add

I'll probably finish this

edit: i didnt lol

The metal gear solid 4 of the souls series

Illusion classic and kino

Really surprised it feels a little bit less like shit to play AND the fact that the level design is really good compared to its predecessors but goddamn its still so fucking boring it makes me sad

I guess it's time to replay it... RIP
"A bit closer to heaven."

Going into this game after having it in my library for so long and reading a bit of it just to get an idea out of the two screenshots i saw two years ago made me a bit happy, "oh boy so its a stealth game?" not really "and also an immersive sim?" maybe. My butt feels kind of sore now after just going through a miserable 4 missions but that's the general aftertaste this game gives me, the aftermath of being anally molested by a vomit made slime, leaving aside its general aesthetic and the theme of the game, that have already been said in these backloggd reviews, this barely feels like an stealth oriented game and an immersive sim. yes having a silenced weapon is fun but if the only "tactical stealth" elements that your game incorporates at the start are shoot before they see you, and a barely working uh... visibility indicator? that shows up randomly then... i can only smile at you awkwardly...

Not finishing this.

You can see this was a rail shooter originally

Omega 3 fatty acids are good for your heart.


Visually beautiful, annoyingly long