People who only watch movies will love this

Reddit's pretentiousness if it was a visual novel

Better than the shitty KID A thing from epic fuck /mu/core

Play on highest diffculty, enjoy kino

"zoomer who cant focus" game

I love when rpgs absolutely mog me for my shitty stat distribution but im not doing a 3rd run sorry

Also the magic gimmick is fun when you're not being pressured to cast them at the speed of light because an enemy is crushing hard, but it is fun to cast!

The only good thing is the soundtrack and like, two levels, its ok in general i guess

This is like earthworm jim but without the funny

Indie 90's inspired metroidvania with flash style but... Le indie!

Nothing new to see here

Appeal to people that dont play good videogames in a narrative way, make them forget the game sucks

Technically impressive, but it just feels like another of those "eerie empty places" horror that all the kids nowadays like

Late game is so fucking bad it makes the whole game fall apart

All of this game is extremely mid to a point where people cant realize it and will either love it or hate it.

The story is mid
The music is mid
The character design is mid
The dungeons are mid
The character development is non existant

This is probably the most entry level JRPG ever to exist and that's why people love it