There was a cult and I was a lamb. Got what I was promised.

Got it for Free on the Epic Games Launcher over a year ago. Played a little and then shelved it. Idk why I shelved it but this website finally reminded me to complete it! Totally worth it!


The Chinese got me in their grasp. Help

Angry guy jumps around and kills demons to cool music.

Played through this games with a friend some time ago! Fun times!

I got like 900 in when factoring in mods and I just know I will play through it again some day!

I think I won like 1 or 2 rounds does that count as completed?

Funny man with chicken mask tells me to kill or something idk.

Cool Particle effects + yeeting stuff at enemies is fun also fun music and gameplay especially in that one part with the shifting rooms!

Started playing it some months after release. During the journey my brain deactivated and suddenly I had like 150 hours of playtime and the whole map+dlc was explored and finished. It wasn't even that good Todd what have you done to my brain???

Played through the campaign on game pass. Glad I didn't spend money on this. 😂