It's pretty cool but I kept having a bug of stuff not spawning so I couldn't complete the objectives

Text book definition of Style over substance, even on casual playthrough I can finish this game in under 5 hours but its an amazing 5 hours.

Jack of all trades master of none really sums up Starfield. It's both a game I love but also falls short in so many ways, I'll definitely come back in 6-12 months but unless there's some big changes I don't see myself replaying this game as much as say Skyrim or Fallout.

Your classic Far Cry action set in the gorgeous fictional region of Hope County. As much as I enjoy this game I've always found myself struggling to finish it for whatever reason

Easily the best thing to come out this year. It's the culmination of 3 years worth of updates, knowledge and experience from the Cyberpunk team wrapped up in 1 neat package. Some of the best gaming has to offer.

I got more satisfaction catching a gold Northern Pike after like 4 hours than I did beating Elden Ring. Truly the dark souls of fishing games

The best combat of the FromSoft games, but doesn't quite hit that exploration/adventure hit that the souls game do

The ultimate zombie experience.

In the best way possible solo play can be a truly lonely and miserable experience sometimes, which is great for those looking for that type of experience. It isn't the experience I want personally so I prefer to play multiplayer with friends which changes the flow and pace quite a bit but to a more enjoyable one for me.

Tons of mods and options to really change the game to how you want to experience it

I didn't think I'd ever stoop this low and consider my self a "dead by daylight player" but here we are.

I'd love to be able to say "yeh this game sucks its unbalanced and boring" but honestly, I kinda like it? I used to be an avid dbd hater even after trying to play it a couple times, because its one of those games that if you dont have friends to teach you how to play or are very dedicated to learning you just won't get into. It's definitely the kind of game that the better you become the more you can enjoy it.

It's kind of like Destiny where people say things that at first sound like cryptic code you need a degree in cryptology to decypher but over time you learn to understand this cryptic language and start speaking it yourself. "damn this surv has bt...oh my god I got sabo'd...I'm slugging cause of this 3 gen...scratch mirror myers"

Overall if you have friends who play already then I'd say its worth giving a shot, but otherwise if you're playing solo I don't think it's worth learning unless you're very dedicated.


This is everything I love in a game, yet I find my self struggling to ever get into it? Just thinking about everything there is to do in this game kinda overwhelms me and I can never shake the feeling I'm "missing out" on content. One day I'll force myself to actually sit and playthrough it

Bethesdas first foray into the Fallout universe is still my favourite, it retains that edge and dark humour the originals are known, which later entries have less and less of, without overdoing it and delving into the cringe territory

A fun short 10 or so hour adventure (ignore the 30 hours, its mostly in photomode), with a simple but decent and story stunning visuals. The combat is its biggest let down, wtih its "souls-lite" style, which mostly ends up being either too easy or boss battles just being frustrating. Would recommend playing on easier modes and enjoying your time with it


Outstanding visual and audio design,smooth traversal and simple gameplay all layered on a simple but intriguing story, with surprisingly likeable characters, makes for a polished and memorable short experience.

An interesting story and world filled with uninteresting characters and quests