212 Reviews liked by Gumty

Pinche juego todo estúpido (Lo volvería a jugar)

Cuando un JRPG de DS trata el tema de la depresión de una mucho mejor manera que cualquier RPG indie mid inspirado en Earthbound

While the first game was carried on the back of its vibes, Overdose is legitimately solid and fun. The first is the quintessential rental game, but this is the kind of game you find in the bargain bin and fist pump to yourself over, knowing that you'll have a ton of fun with it at that price. Beyond the Grave is not a massive, lurching chunk fo meat here, but everything else is expanded on and feels so much better that it's an acceptable tradeoff.

Si no me ven backlogeando de nuevo, busquén a un tal "desgraciado verde", alias "yosé"

Acabo de experimentar las mejores 13 horas que tuve en mi vida.....
No solo se ha vuelto en uno de mis JRPG's favoritos y en mi favorito de la quinta generación,sino que también fue una experiencia casi perfecta en todo aspecto,un sistema jugable muy único dentro de los JRPG's y que logra adaptar la esencia de un rail shooter a el género,un mundo satisfactorio de explorar,y lo mas extraño de todo,una historia que a pesar de ser sumamente minimalista y no muy detallada,logra ser una historia que maneja perfectamente sus temáticas,siendo una historia fantástica que vale mucho la pena darle una chance,por muchos aspectos que la hacen brillar
Definitivamente este resulta ser uno de los JRPG's mas únicos y vanguardistas que he jugado,es una experiencia que si te gusta el género,de verdad debes darle una oportunidad,vale mucho la pena jugarlo,sobretodo si experimentas primero sus fantásticos predecesores

Fire Emblem is the Pokémon of the Strategy Role-Playing genre.

While it can be fun at times, it's very causal and is designed for meatbrains. In its decades since the first game’s release in 1990, there has not been enough innovation to warrant its prolonged, continued existence. For example, the stories and narratives of this series is almost always low quality and shallow, like the Megami Tensei series. It's always "Hot people good, ugly incest breed, run by dragon lord bad". Even when it goes into more humanizing elements of its antagonists, it's far from the first game to do such a thing. 1994's Langrisser II had a lot of humanization in many of its main baddies. And it's fleshed out remake, 1995's Der Langrisser, included the option to side with those people. 1995's Tactics Ogre: Let Us Cling Together and 1997's Final Fantasy Tactics included well fleshed out narratives and horrific war-based stories. In those two games, it truly feels as if you are fighting in a horrific state conflict. In Fire Emblem, it just feels like 10 or so people fighting, like in a JRPG. While cutscenes may say otherwise, this immersive feel is critical during gameplay. And Tactics Ogre and Final Fantasy Tactics truly show that in their gameplay. The dating simulation elements of Fire Emblem are truly barebones. 1996's Langrisser III and Sakura Wars are two examples of dating sim elements in SRPGs. While Langrisser III's dating sim content is horrific in its ending outcomes, Sakura Wars is an amazing example of a Doukyuusei clone, while being extremely original. The true innovation of the series, like in 1996's Genealogy of the Holy War and 1999's Thracia 776, were completely and immediately scraped, never to be used again. Genealogy's level design is grand and immersive. They never did it again. Thracia 776, being a very challenging endurance with major changes to the core gameplay and RNG, was forgetten about. And the core gameplay as never innovated. Yes, other SRPG series don't innovate much with the core gameplay. However, those series don't live long. Langrisser only was around for 7 years, and got 5 games. Shining Force was around for 6 years, and got 3 games. But Fire Emblem has outlived those series, getting nearly 20 games. Any gameplay changes are regulated to spinoffs. Even Kaga ditched the square tile based gameplay in favor of hexagons, like more tradiational strategy games.

As for Three Houses, it's an awful game. One of the many lackluster strategy titles of the system. Skip it. Play a better SRPG.

While streaming this game I got a headache, three friends got nauseous and a fourth one fell asleep just for him to comment an hour later that he had an awful dream regarding cockroaches.

An actual physical and psychological hazard, don't play it.

Para la mayoría, resumir Sin & Punishment suele reducirse a algo tan sencillo como señalar sus locuras y esperar que ello le haga justicia; una acción realmente floja que no empieza siquiera a esbozar las proezas de lo que posiblemente sea el mejor videojuego de la consola: un inquebrantable estilo, una dirección cinematográfica que apoya al ritmo, una banda sonora frenética que se acopla perfectamente a su acción, un fuerte pulido en sus controles para nunca romper el flujo de juego, una cohesión brillante entre sus sistemas para atrapar al jugador en su bucle, un diseño de enemigos que prevé de un reto justo y variado, y una serie de niveles que otorgan un sentimiento de escala constante a sus eventos.

Sin embargo, lo que se suele ignorar es la narrativa que su caótico relato ofrece al paquete, el cual nos esconde un mensaje sobre los desafíos de la intimidad humana, y nos advierte del cómo construir relaciones sin afecto y vulnerabilidad nos lleva a la manipulación, y a algo no muy diferente de bestias sin libre albedrío. Se acopla admirablemente a las pretensiones jugables: es un trabajo que, al igual que sus protagonistas, entiende perfectamente su propia naturaleza, dejando a relucir la total sinceridad de sus creadores.

~ ANÁLISIS COMPLETO: https://youtu.be/GxGmLpnvPxM ~

This your new car, the Crinale is a speed demon that epitomizes Rivelta's design philosophy.
You've got a new engine RIVELTA R765DV, fire it up.
(better than type 4)

Sin duda alguna el Xenogears de los Xenoblade

Los que diseñaron estos niveles son unos bastardos XD
De los primeros juegos que realmente bromean con su diseño, dando un remate cada cierto tiempo.

Amazing gameplay, amazing music, and scuffed as fuck facial animations in the opening. Would be 5 stars if there was more content and a better storyline.