Really solid demake. Plays pretty much exactly like Takedown does, plus some new cars and levels, minus some weird rubberbanding.

Pretty casual-friendly BR. I normally suck at these but with all the challenges and other stuff going on in the map, you can lose a match and still feel like you accomplished something.

If you liked 1, there's a good chance you'll like this. A huge step-up from 1 in my opinion. 1 was too annoying at the end so I played this on Sweet, but I think Sweet may have been too easy! I like how streamlined everything is, which is apparently what people liked about 1 so much. But I could not stand the tedium.

The combat was great. I enjoyed the variety that some of the levels brought, and in this game it felt like Travis could actually get some real combos going. The bosses were super entertaining. The minigames themselves were fine; most of the jobs are fun. Story-wise, nothing crazy. The same kind of pointless, all over the place nonsense that 1 had. But I like that Travis seemed to grow up a little bit.

One of the most ghetto games I’ve ever played, and I don’t ever use the term “ghetto”

The gunplay is great, but the Battle Royale mode is very frustrating. It’s mostly getting jumped by opportunists when you’re weakened from just finishing a fight, and then doing that to another team. The game really shines when you play other game modes, like Deathmatch.

And all the characters’ dialogue is very obnoxious.

Really cute visuals and music. Each mini story is really unique, and the stories towards the end are enough of a challenge to keep me interested.

As someone who never played Pikmin before, this is a perfect introduction to the series.

The Pikmin are so cute, I love the music and environments, and the simple gameplay of controlling Pikmin is something I’ve never really experienced.

My only gripe is the Pikmin can be very clumsy, especially when it comes to narrow spaces and inclines. It was also pretty short; I managed to beat it in a few hours. But I’m excited to play the rest of the series!

The random jank would be fine if the servers worked. Expect frequent disconnects in the pre-game lobby. Otherwise I enjoy the slow-paced combat; adding weight to the Gundams makes it feel realistic.

Super cute game that showcases the controller really well. The little Sony easter eggs are a treat.

I cannot force myself to pick this up again for the life of me. It became incredibly boring and repetitive after only a week and a half(in game time).

The game looks prettier than Heat and I think it has the better map and an interesting story, but the music is worse and the dialogue itself sucks. Part of me thinks there's less customization options. Also, this game didn't ship with cops in multiplayer??? How can you do that in a Need For Speed game...

I wouldn't pay more than $20 for this. Heat with mods may be the better choice.

Coming from Skyrim this game feels very empty. I get it's a post-apocalyptic world, but I was really missing some of the liveliness and random encounters in Skyrim. Gave New Vegas a few separate tries but I'm done for good.

This game is a great buy for portable play on the Switch. It runs surprisingly well and looks pretty good. It’s super satisfying to play as a cop and tear through the racers on Hot Pursuit. Unfortunately the physics make it frustrating to play when you start using the high-end cars.

Drifting feels good but if you’re trying to make small adjustments, like changing lanes, the cars are total boats. Hitting traffic is a 50-50 chance, which sucks when you’re doing Rapid Responses and you get penalized +3 seconds/civilian you hit. Rubberbanding can be pretty obnoxious as a cop or as a racer. If you manage to stop somebody with a roadblock, you have to wait to see whether the game will reset the AI and launch them at 80mph+ or will have them accelerate like normal. As a racer, even if you’re dominating the entire race it always ends within a 1 or 2-second margin where you’re one spike strip or guard rail bump from losing.

Another weird issue is when you unpause the game, you don’t regain control of your car for another 2 or 3 seconds. When you trigger an in-game cutscene(like taking a car down) sometimes the game won’t autopilot and you’ll end up running off the road.

I don’t remember if the original was this clunky and awkward, but Hot Pursuit is still super entertaining and it seems like a very faithful remaster.

either this game is stupid or I am

Hey! Pikmin is kinda boring… After playing this I think one of Pikmin’s strongest suits is being able to explore a 3D space to approach a puzzle from different perspectives. You can flex your creative muscle in ways that aren’t really there in 2D.

Miles’ powers were a ton of fun. The mobility in both combat and traveling around the city was fluid. Minus some odd bugs, it feels good and smooth. Also, the photo mode is GORGEOUS. I loved the options it offers.

I personally enjoyed how short the main story was. For better or worse the dialogue was run-of-the-mill Marvel corny. It really does play out like an actual movie.