this game is like the absolute peak of 'oh thats just mario', not in terms of how good it it but in terms of being as basic as possible, the big gimmick in this game is that they brought back one old power up, thats the thing meant to set this game apart, they werent very ambitious with this one

okay this one im a whole lot more fond of, i think this one has better galaxies and better missions, overall its just the first game but even better for me

call me crazy but i think this game is very overrated?? it was a whole lot of fun do not get me wrong but i dont really find it mindblowing its just very good and fun to play, i prefer 2 a whole lot more, this game is very beautiful though

very charming game especially when it came out, its very basic but im pretty fine with that in this case because it was the first, dont expect alot and you will have a fun time

other than the controls, this game is a major upgrade over the original in every way, more characters, more levels, more stars, its mario 64 but better, but the controls happen to be bad enough that it pulls it down to being about equal to me

i mean, i like it, i think its very unique and theres nothing quite like it in the series, i love fludd and how it works, i love the music, i love the visuals, but i would say this game has even worse collectibles than 64 which is unfortunate because i really like a lot of things about this game, i think the positives are good enough that they balance with the negatives, and i would rate this and 64 the same

what hasnt been said about this game, i think its a tad overrated but also i understand why everyone loves it as much as they do, i think alot of the stars are annoying to get, the 100 coin challenges are mind numbing, but other than that its pretty great

you can call me crazy all you want but i think this is one of the best 2d games mario has to offer, it has the most interesting level themes in the series and the level design itself is pretty fun, all this while being on the original game boy too its very impressive

very charming tiny little game, do not expect anything special, its a neat 30 minute long game, this basically super mario bros lite

this is for sure the popular opinion but it is true, this is the best traditional 2d mario, very replayable, extremely fun, great level design, i can go on, great game

this is by far the most influential 2d mario game and i see why, however i do not like this game as much as the first one, although i do believe overall it is an improvement, the games new variety of power-ups are fun, the game looks pretty nice, and its got a great soundtrack, i just think some of the levels are really lame and this started the autoscroller trend which is extremely prevalent in this game unfortunately

this one is hard to explain, i dont find it very replayable and i think its a downgrade from the first game, but i like alot of the ideas it adds, having four characters with unique properties each is really cool especially for the time and i like the music alot, i think alot of the levels suck though unfortunately

not a fan of this one, bullshit level designs (even if intentional are still bullshit and i am not a fan of bullshit) this is like if you got some guy who makes annoying mario maker levels to make a full game

you would expect this game to be incredibly aged but no it still holds up really well, id say its only huge faults are because games later on after this improved upon it so its kinda odd going back but it remains a great time, its very fun to try beat levels as fast as possible

my least favorite game ever, can’t believe i spent £60 on this, it pisses me off so much genuinely