"I'm kind of dumb, honestly" - Real and legal federal agent

It takes a special kind of developer to combine supreme horniness with one of the most gut wrenching stories in gaming but by god Yoko Taro did it

So close to being better than the original, but it feels like there are too many cooks in the writing kitchen. Too many different plot threads and directions that are just forced to end.

Leon Kennedy in RE4 is just the video game equivalent of Ryan Gosling in Drive in that dudes just wanna be him

I am not lying when I say that this game changed my life and I’ll forever be eternally grateful for that, even if it permanently brands me a weeb

Not to be hyperbolic but this game and series is so incredibly good simply because it has such a strong emotional connection to my life

Yes, it’s dumb. Yes, it’s nonsensical.

But it means the world to me

The most realistic writer sim of all time

I Used Rivers Of Blood And Only God Can Judge Me

I'm a sucker for sick, twisted, goofy little supernatural objects

Tighten up the gameplay and Control 2 will be one of the best ever made

Ayyy Peppino do a run and make da pizza pie

Getting some real Persona vibes from this one

Outer Worlds is so incredibly close to being a great experience but its marred by its lack of interesting gunplay and gun/armor models.

The Obisidian wit and storytelling is there (particularly in the DLCs) but the ending is entirely too unceremonious.

I'd hang out with Travis Touchdown and watch anime