I genuinely feel that this is the best game in the series. Combat is snappy and responsive. The roster is insane. One big love letter to gaming industry as a whole. I only wish Sakurai loved Little Mac as much as I do.

It's about on Brawl level for me. Maybe a little worse. It's just bland.

A milestone in the franchise, being the first to introduce 3rd party characters to the roster. Still fun on occasion even if I don't care for the art direction all that much. Online was also a fucking nightmare. Hopefully that's not a problem going forward. Haha.

It's pretty good, though not my favorite of the series.

Like classic Mario Party, the OG Smash Bros. is still a fun party game. Are there better options? Certainly. But always worth a match or ten.

The definitive way to play the original Metroid.

It's fantastic. Just as good as Super Metroid in many ways. An excellent game for beginners to the franchise.

I'm reminded of why I dislike the OG Gameboy because of this game.

Rough around the edges, but still a solid game.

Vast improvement over the OG.

If you say that you beat the Yellow Devil legit, you're lying.

The original Halo trilogy is in the same ballpark as the first three Metal Gear Solid games for me. Somehow, Bungie managed to do it. They created three of the best games ever made. No notes. Play them.

Gameplay is vastly improved from the first. Duel wielding is a gift from god. The only downside is the fact that Legendary is the most untested difficulty curve I've ever experienced in a game. Other than that, it's fantastic. The most quotable game ever made.

Damn it feels good when a studio knocks it outta the park on the first go.