30 Days VGM Challenge

Inspired by my good friend wheatie, check her list out. No duplicates and the songs picked don't necessarily reflect my favorites of each category.

1 - Title Screen Music
Hollow Knight
2 - Opening Level Music
Prisoner's Awakening
4 - Music from a Console Exclusive
Gaur Plain
7 - Music from an Indie Game
World's End Valentine
8 - Music from a Shooter
Mad Moxxi's Bar
12 - Music that makes you sad
13 - Music you like from a game you don't like
Dearly Beloved
14 - Music featuring vocals
15 - Boss Battle Music
Spider Dance
17 - Music you never get tired of
I Really Want To Stay At Your House
19 - Cover of music from different artist
The Edge of Dawn (AmaLee Cover)
20 - Racing Game Music
Toad's Factory
21 - Music you associate with frustration
The Legend Descends
23 - Underrated Music
24 - Music you constantly have stuck in your head
Katamari on the Swing
25 - Music that gets you pumped
Storm Rising (Climax)
26 - Music you like from a game you haven't played
It Has To Be This Way
27 - Handheld Game Music
Nimbasa City
28 - Music that makes you nostalgic
11 PM
29 - Final Boss Music


3 months ago

I really want to stay at your house is such a great track. I listened to it loads before I had even played the game. It's on my MP3 player everywhere I go still. Good choice.

3 months ago

So had a bit more time to listen through all these, thoughts on some:

- Haven't played Dead Cells but that track was a bit more laid back and atmospheric than I expected. The guitar really makes it something special.
- The second of these lists with great music from Xenoblade Chronicles. I really must try this at some point.
- Mad Moxxi's Bar! Great track, used to love hearing it going in there.
- I could have put Dearly Beloved and Simple and Clean from Kingdom Hearts on the same spot, I considered it lol. Great track though.
- Iceborne Fatalis fight was utterly epic. Just insanely brutal. Beating it the first time once such a sense of euphoria. Monster Hunter music is epic almost top to bottom.

Great choices.

3 months ago

@FallenGrace Didn't expect anyone to actually listen to those songs here in detail, so thanks for your interest! I'm also glad to hear you agree with some of those picks, considering most of them are from "modern" games, as I never really played many retro games (this became especially obvious in comparison to your VGM list :p)

3 months ago

That's just because I'm a lot older than you I suspect. I was there at the time for the 8 and 16 bit generation so played a lot of them at the time :P

I'm always interested in more gaming music. I have some great songs on my walkman from games I've never played. That Dead Cells track might make it on there for the same reason lol.

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