The Elephant scene traumatized me

You can't tell me that this isn't peak gaming.
Each level a new enemy or item is introduced.
The difficulty curve is perfect.
The game becomes faster the better you play, and slower when you miss a couple of times.

Lousy goddamn stupid capsules

Stages are shorter and less frustrating than the first game. Weapons are more fun to play around with. Wily's Castle stages were better, and the boss rush has a health pick up after each fight which made it easier. An overall decent game.

I hope Ice Man dies of hypothermia.

An improvement in level design, soundtrack and visuals. The special stages were somehow more frustrating than in the previous game, but the Super Sonic transformation was worth it.

It would be more fun if they added, like, a YELLOW character with a funny name like Tails or something.

A masterclass in masochism and absurd level design.
and this is coming from a guy who used save states at the start of each level

Ichiban convinced me to replay this game

They still didn't hug in the end

A neat little game with a cool premise and a surprisingly good story.
I really liked the art direction and the bosses design. I really liked the Dark Souls references.
The soundtrack was was very serene, somewhat reminiscent to Child of Light and Hollow Knight. I'm also a sucker for adaptive soundtrack, so it was a nice touch.
The encounters were fun and engaging and the hidden secrets were so much fun to find.
Some enemies had a couple of poorly telegraphed attacks, but other than that, it was a very enjoyable experience.
The last couple of fights were awesome.

A much more polished experience than the previous game.
The weapons are better and more practical and so much more fun to use.
The writing is good and it surprised me at times. The introduction of Emperor Nefarious was so cool.
The game was awesome from start to finish and the exploration was less tedious and the planets were so much more fun to explore thanks to the addition of the Hoverboots.
Looking for collectibles was easier due to being able to mark its location on the map, so it was a nice QoL improvement.
The added dash button made the combat more fun and engaging.
All in all, a pretty solid game and I'm looking forward to the next entry.

A great entry in the Yakuza series with possibly the best combat.
The story was somehow more convoluted than Yakuza 4, but the finale wraps it up nicely.
The game has so much more content than any other entry and the substories was of more quality than 3 and 4.
Kiryu's part is my second favorite. The Taxi missions and races were really enjoyable and I spent about 4 hours trying to finish all of them.
My favorite part has to be Haruka's. I just love rhythm games and the story ties with the whole game in a great way. Saejima's part was somewhat less enjoyable, especially the second half. The first half of Shinada's part gave me a stroke, but I really liked him as a character. His reactions and mannerisms felt so real than any other protagonist.
The final chapter was overwhelming to say the least and I really liked how the game ended. Fuck the final boss though, he had like a million health bars.
Truly an amazing experience.
They should have made a spin-off of Haruka's part called Haruka Kiwami or something.

==> Minor spoilers ahead

"You can finally say with absolute conviction that it's all been worth it. It has all paid off. All roads no matter how treacherous brought you to this glory. Every obscure plot thread, every batshit twist, ..., every bit of dubious narrative legerdemain, ALL of it you now realize was designed with excruciating precision to achieve this singular, magnificent result." - Homestuck, page 7928

I can safely say without a doubt that this is my favorite piece of media ever. The well written story, the nonlinear storytelling, the characters, the soundtrack, the weird plot shit [sic], the time traveling shenanigans; all of this combined have created one of the greatest stories ever told. There are many moments that will leave you speechless. There is no such experience as seeing [s] Cascade, or [s] Caliborn: Enter the first time. This shit is peak fiction.

Homestuck is very debatable, from people saying how Act 1 is boring and painful to go through, the second half being worse than the first, and finally how the ending is rushed.
Act 1 really sets the tone of the story and is important in understanding how the game works and lays the foundation for later. Considering it is only about 250 pages in an 8000-page long comic, I'm not complaining.
The second half is not worse than the first, it's just different. It was made as a sequel to the first, and that is a very important distinction. The tone and direction the story takes are way different in the second half. My only complaints are the kinda slow start of Act 6, especially after the explosive ending of Act 5, and Act 6 Intermission 3 felt kinda boring after a while. Other than that, there were many great moments in Act 6. And really, you can't complain after seeing something like [s] Caliborn: Enter; I spent about a week just watching it and have not dared to move to the next page.
The rushed ending I kinda agree with. Act 7 could have benefitted from being like 6 minutes longer or something, but it has served its purpose and it was one of the best animations I've ever seen.
I wanted to write a longer review, but you can't really talk about Homestuck without spoiling a bunch of things and I'd hate to spoil this masterpiece to anyone.

So, if you're reading this, please give Homestuck a read. It will be worth your time.
I most likely will start rereading this a couple of months from now, so, there is that.

it's a comic and it's a game and it's awesome.
end of story.