The Game Awards 2023 - Nancyfly Thoughts

Not adding every game because there was a fuckton of them and quite frankly most of them blended together or have too generic of names for me to go look for them

This years game awards was... solid. There is a few things I'm pretty interested in but ultimately nothing super crazy for me was announced. I'm surprised how many games I thought could've been there turned out to not be there at all. What I really want out of a showcase like this is to have a good idea of what next year looks like and I don't feel like this show really helped with that. Very few games actually had release windows let alone dates which is fine but Idk. I feel like a State of Play or Xbox Showcase early next year is sorely needed as it still feels like most of next year is a mystery. Its both exciting but also a bit exhausting. The biggest thing we got was a Rise of Ronin date which is pretty cool, but nothing from Hellblade. Both Sony and Xbox have a completely unknown first party lineup for next year which is very interesting.

Besides all that honestly the only thing about the show that was actually upsetting rather than boring was the treatment of the awards. Most rapid fired off feels gross but isn't unusual, but when people do get a chance to talk they are rushed off the stage basically immediately. Sam Lake, a non native English speaker gets like 30 seconds to thank everyone for his award but we let Anthony Mackie take ages making an overlong joke and Simu Liu talk way too much about his leg. I get there's pressure because many people just want the reveals and dont care about the awards but its an important aspect of the show and shouldn't be treated like an obligation to be got out of the way as quickly as possible. Something needs to change.


Game looks great but Im so behind on soulslikes that the chance of me playing it without getting it for free is 0


Have not really played much Dredge yet and haven't gotten to Dave the Diver but this is pretty dope


Shadowdropped dlc is great but I really don't want to go back to this game, I feel like I got everything I wanted out of it already


They announced a bunch of new games/remakes at once which was baller. This is definitely the one I'm most interested in as I've always wanted to try the series


Mostly cgi trailer but a single player dinosaur horror game is such a hell yeah


Looks pretty stylish but need to know more before I say how interested I am


A cool CGI trailer but a CGI trailer nonetheless. I will likely forget about this but I am interested


bullshit lol

open world fully multiplayer planet made by twelve people, totally will be like that


Ah yes announcing a game that just started production. I refuse to get excited for something I wont see until 2027 at the earliest


Great news for monster hunter fans but as someone who doesn't care at all, this was a pretty unexciting closer for me. But who knows, maybe It'll be the one I end up liking (doubtful)



I am skeptical that this will turn out well but the way it was hyped up espec with Jordan Peele got me interested. cant wait to play it in 2042

However they showed us basically nothing about this game and took longer on it than they spent on all the accept speeches combined lol. Kojima is very popular and i find it hard to believe Geoff has bad intentions but this was a bit rude as well


Girl with good butt had me intrigued but I found out its some f2p thing and lost all interest


I actually took a break during this trailer but I've seen the game before and it looks cool, will play but only if it ever gets on gamepass


Not actually apart of TGA but it was delayed AGAIN and now its in late march right next to some big titles. What are y'all doin


Probably gonna float under most people's radars but im pretty hopeful for this one. An action game with romance as a central plot point is super exciting to me i hope its good


i tried not to really watch the trailer for this as I havent finished Remake yet but by god that song was beautiful


Lesbians? dontnod? Say no more


Honestly great trailer. Still not sure I'll like this one but its damn gorgeous and the UI is clean as hell


Looks sick not much else to say


Trailer was hyping me up a bit and im overall more interested than I was before. But then I saw its releasing the same day as Princess Peach Showtime and Dragons Dogma 2. Great :)


This is at least the third time this has been shown off at one of Geoff's shows and it still doesn't have a release date? this is getting ridiculous lmao


I actually think Starfield is pretty good for the most part but that ad patting themselves on the back that announced nothing was very cringe lol that combined with their recent responses to negative reviews is super embarrassing


where is this game lmao


Look, I don't care if Im the only one. But I think it looks pretty fun. And I really want to play as Harley


Really cool of EA to be publishing this. I don't know that I'll have time for indies next year but I hope its good


I don't care about Dead By Daylight but I will always be there to support Supermassive, love them


I am not the biggest BOTW fan and I have yet to play this. However It only winning one award yet being so acclaimed is crazy. I still believe BG3 earned everything it got but i cant help but feel like this got a bit snubbed even as a non fan


Played Trials of Mana earlier this year. Did not love it but I did have fun with it and def am curious about this
this is ridiculous but I love it
The destruction looks fun so I may give it a shot, shadowdropping now prob wasnt the smartest choice
A rogue like mode when tlou2 is also getting one soon is funny but at least its free. Probably won't play this as Its a big game but can't complain with free dlc. I liked Niflheim from 2018 so maybe itll be fun
I really don't understand why this game is getting a remake, and the trailer didn't show off the graphical enhancements super well. It also releasing right next to Rebirth is off. hope its good tho
Deserved all the awards it got, Sam Lake is a treasure

new game plus with new content is very interesting but i just deleted it to make space for other stuff so I'll probably just ask my friend how it is lol
Congrats on winning GOTY bb you deserved it
Great trailer, still my most anticipated of the year and unlikely to be topped


5 months ago

I'll wait for Senua as long as it takes. My worst fear was a release date 6 - 9 months from now as that would mean they would be crunching/cutting to make a date. A shadowdrop or no release date at all is what I was hoping for. As long as it's finished when it comes out, I want them to take as long as they want.

5 months ago

@cowboyjosh I totally understand that, but at the same time they have shown the game quite a few times with very little information and if they're not ready they shouldn't be at so many showcases imo

5 months ago

I don't understand why games are revealed years in advance. This should have been Hellblade 2's reveal since it has a 2024 release. I expect a few more of these in '24. Any game revealed with a '25 release date, I am not paying attention to. As for games like Blade and OD (don't get me started on Keighley's wankfest over Kojima) which are 4-6 years away, why show these now? Most people will either forget or stop caring by their release.

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