786 Reviews liked by Nilsenberg

Playing Neon White casually when I have several friends who consistently rank in the top 50 players in the world is very strange. My personal impressions are clouded more than a little by the secondhand excitement of watching someone grind out better and better times, cheering for them when they overtake their rival, laughing as they look at the excellent names on the leaderboard. I love Neon White the milieu and I've seen up close and personal why someone would adore this game.

I don't adore this game.

There were moments when I thought I might. In the early-middle chapters, the game achieved a graceful balance of complexity and precision that had me excited. The levels were bite-sized without being simple, the weapons were cleverly placed to introduce possibility without breaking the game, and I found myself improving my route run after run until I found something close to the best possible (even if my execution could never measure up to my friends').

But this joy was short-lived. New weapons were introduced that ran against the grain of the game, doubling down on onerous precision and execution requirements in a game that by its nature has plenty of both already. Optimal routing started requiring me to comb the screen for pixel-perfect shots, or (as I actually did for the last chapter) simply look them up online.

Even in its failures, there's a compellingly homemade quality about Neon White. It has such an excellent core idea that it's easy to forgive the various flawed design elements. And although Ben Esposito is a veteran game designer, this project requires a different kind of design than anything he's published previously, with crucial elements of play unfolding from tiny decisions—how many frames should this take? how much ammunition should that have? how will this type of gun inform the level design inform the player's experience?

I spent the latter third of this game waiting impatiently for it to either end or get better, so I doubt I'll pick it up again even if DLC drops. But I'm glad it exists, and I'm glad I played it through, if only so I'll have the context to fully appreciate watching my friends shave milliseconds off their personal bests.

it's been over 30 hours since i finished the game, and i thought by now i'd have something substantial to say but for now the only words i can muster in my forlorn state are "good game. great game. fuck. go play this game."

utterly fulfilling. beautiful to look at. depressing as hell. one of the best written things i've ever experienced. if i never played another game again i'd be fine considering the emotional exercise i got out of this (i'd like to praise the intelectual elements too but i feel too stupid to say anything about that just that it felt super smart in a genuine way).

an even better version of an already 5/5 game. an adventure game, a crpg (in the vein of planescape: torment), a detective sim, a sprawling choose-your-own-dementia jamboree, a dreary mucking-around in self-destruction, inner dreams, despair, love, hope (?!), and loads of politics. you're the sorry cop, the hobocop, the broke-dick disco king of dire debauchery. an absolute scumbag who, just maybe, wants the world to be better. you have the coolest partner, kim kitsuragi: a moral anchor of sorts—sympathetic, albeit amply capable of becoming... displeased with you. it all depends. there are many ways to blaze your trail through revachol. in the milieu of computer games, disco elysium is a rare flower reeking of human life, history, and the yearning of loneliness in a capitalist shit-world. breathe in the stink and let the heartless wind run its fingers through your hair.

I think Mikami understands to an unnatural degree that video games are fundamentally about problem-solving. Unlike an academic interpretation of "problem-solving" though, Mikami understands that the exercise of problem-solving is less about solving the actual problem but of learning new ways of thinking. Sure, other video games are problem-solving in a base sense, but Mikami's problems have that magical "Oh Shit" element to them; everyone who's done one playthrough of this game will instantly remember all three wolverine encounters, the first time they encountered Regenerators, the Krauser section, the entire 4-4 homestretch, etc. Consistent to all these amazing sections is that the game feels like it's adapting along with the player--as if Mikami was a math tutor guiding us along the workbook. "Ok you know how to deal with Wolverine now, but what if we stuck in you a locked cage with one of them? What if we put two of them in the same room? How would you adapt then?" You have to recontextualize and reinvent constantly, without forgetting the fundamentals that got you there. One of the fundamental pillars of a conservative mindset is the idea that change is risky--the problem might get worse if you approach in a new way, so it's safer to keep doing things the same way. RE4 looks at this mindset, kneecaps it, then gives it a head-exploding suplex--change is necessary, even if it is risky; use more of your resources, resupply, be more precise, exploit another weakness, or use a goddamn rocket launcher if you have to--just don't think the old way is the only way if you want to make it through. It's a constant escalation of gameplay, and that the narrative matches this escalation tit-for-tat is just aces. Literally one of the most radical games of all-time, in every sense of the word.

You can literally mod in child exploitation, orgies, executions, guns, dating, real-estate, better graphics, a better story, and a whole new region and still get bored of this game within 30 minutes.

It's impressive.

This review contains spoilers

ME - First, Notes. No, It's Declaration of Defeat.
LOGIC [Medium: Success] - What were you defeated against?
ELECTROCHEMISTRY [Impossible: Failure] - Disco.
INLAND EMPIRE [Impossible: Failure] - Myself.

ME - Below, I have written a very long loooooong and TOOOOOOG text.
HAND/EYE COORDINATION [Nedium: Success] - TOG, British TOG2 heavy tank. Famous for being a long, big and slow tank.
REACTION SPEED [Medium: Failure] - However, there is no response that good writing has been achieved.
PAIN THRESHOLD [Formidable: Failure] - It may be that the senses have been numbed by over-rewriting the text.
LOGIC [Medium: Success] - I myself prefer short sentences that get to the point.
ENDURANCE [Formidable: Failure] - I get really tired of writing long sentence...
ENCYCLOPEDIA [Impossible: Failure] - However, as far as searching the internet is concerned, no articles can be found that involve the Disco Elysium/DE' matters I am about to describe. So a lengthy explanation became necessary.
ME - Logic is essential when analysing and critiquing anything, not just games. Rather, analysis and critique rely on logic. I felt lost in a logic maze as I thought and wrote about DE. There are three causes.
VOLITION [Medium: Failure] - 1st, my motivation. I personally respect when I read good critiques and analyses. But I can't help it if I myself am not interested in logical writing work itself.
LOGIC [Medium: Failure] - 2nd, my logical ability. I'm not proud of it, but I'm not very smart.
INLAND EMPIRE [Impossible: Failure] - And the 3rd problem. This was very biggest. DE is a game created by a will... or something that transcends logic and intelligence. In other words, it is a mistake to try to put such games in the frame of logic again.
ME - And, due to the large amount of text, there are likely to be many typographical errors. There may be parts to be fixed over the next few days.
SAVOIR FAIRE [Formidable: Success] - Final and compromised edit made on 25/08/2022. Note, the passive skills checks and Thought cabinet in bold are from within the Disco Elysium text. Those that are not are fakes written by me.

# Conclusion
ME - The gameplay and mechanism of DE is not touched here. I leave it to the critics to explain and analyse how DE is a great RPG. Below, my six speculations.

1. Fifth(zero?) column/Ravachole/Anarchism
Robert Kurvitz/RK and ZA/UM are anarchists. If there is a real person as a model for Harry, it is Bakunin, not Marx. Most references to political ideology in DE are from the perspective of anarchists and not communists.
2. Passion/Destruction/Creation
Passion for destructive creation. Or passionate destructive creation.
3. Chance/Coincidence
Coincidence as violence exercised through die rolls. Coincidences that destroy all outcomes, worlds and events.
4. Reason/Intellect/Rationality
Zaum. Language beyond reason and intellect and rationality. This experimental language and concept is used to destroy and re-create word sense, sentence meaning, context and narrative itself in creative writing, including existing theories of writing.
5. Again, a summary of speculation
In light of the above 4 points, the DE’s aim is "destruction against any object or idea".
6. On meaning and value
That the world of this game is meaningless. And that our world may be meaningless too. But, is meaninglessness worthless?

ME - I have written many more, but the main points are these 6 points. Although it is not a text that can be called an analysis, there are two people who were the main references. And I believe that these 2 persons may be the CORE of DE. See link for overview.
Mikhail Alexandrovich Bakunin
Daniil Ivanovich Kharms
ENCYCLOPEDIA [Medium: Success] - In addition, I also consulted material on these three individuals.
Carl von Clausewitz
Henri-Louis Bergson
Charles de Gaulle
SAVOIR FAIRE [Easy: Success] - The following text is redundant and meaningless and can be skipped.

# 0. My DE playthrough
ME - I'm not a particular fan of novel games.
DRAMA [Trivial: Success] - 嘘だッ!/LIES!
REACTION SPEED [Legendary: Failure] - Ugh, I ain't lying.
COMPOSURE [Heroic: Failure] - T-then give me evidence that it's lies. Evidence/ショーコ.
ME - ...I think I've read more than the average amount of adventure, sound novels and visual novels, including some I haven't recorded in my logs. I can say that DE was the most difficult of them all. There are many reasons for this, including the fact that I'm not very familiar with foreign games, English is not my first language and the Japanese version of DE has not yet been release. However, DE felt there was something more to it. I want to know what that something is. As a result, it's a long. I don't think it's an enjoyable read because of the redundant explanations.
EMPATHY [Medium: Success] - But I had worked so hard to write it and I wanted someone to read it.
I forget what it was that led me to know about DE. Because it's the hottest game abroad? Because I read an article about DE on a Japanese game introduction website? I don't know anymore now. I think it was a foolish calculation to buy it even though I don't understand English very well. The stupid calculation of studying a language while playing a game.
VISUAL CALCULUS [Godly: Failure] - That foolish calculation, of course, backfires.
ME - But I am a würm, which is becoming extinct in Japan these days. Böök würm. Of course, I get angry at sloppy translations, esoteric technical books, or uninteresting bad books, and I throw the book itself. That's the weak of e-books. Throwing my device every time I come across a bad book would bankrupt me. kindle devices are expensive. Reading can make me angry and depressed. Yet I don't dislike reading itself. And foolish calculations that it might be a good way to learn a language. Unfounded confidence in reading. My million-word journey has begun.
VOLITION [Medium: Success] - Game start. Archetype is SENSITIVE.
ME - At the beginning, the protagonist's incoherent thinking is baffling. I have no idea what it means. I managed to get ready and left the room. A woman smoking a cigarette was in front of me as soon as I left the room. I associated her with Fiana from Armoured Trooper Votoms because of her facial modelling.
ENCYCLOPEDIA [Medium: Success] - Armored Trooper Votoms. Japanese robot animation. Aired in 1983. Hard-core content that does not look like anime. Next episode preview is poetic.
RHETORIC [Medium: Success] - The predator, the prey, and the scavenger of the scraps. A violent city where one cannot survive without fangs. A city armed with every manner of vice: Uoodo. Melkia's Sodom, born of the Hundred Years War. With the scent of cordite still clinging to him... Chirico finds himself surrounded dangerous people. Next time, 'Encounters’. Chirico drinks, and the coffee of Uoodo is bitter indeed.
ME - I sense from her voice that she is a ヤベー/dangerous woman.
RHETORIC [Legendary: Failure] - ヤベー, not Yekokataa. What is Yekokataa?
HALF LIGHT [Medium: Success] The original version of KLAASJE's voice gave the impression of a dangerous woman.
ME - At the bottom of the stairs is a no flower old Asian man.
ENCYCLOPEDIA [Medium: Success] - no flower/華がない. The Japanese expression 'hana ga nai/華がない' refers to people who are not flamboyant in appearance.
EMPATHY [Formidable: Success] - The modern way of putting it is... The character KIM gives me mixed feelings. I plan to write about him elsewhere.
ME - I leave the café and head for the victim's body. There were gremlin there throwing stones at the corpse. The most disappointing thing about the final cut version was that this gremlin's voice was changed. I don't remember where it was written, but there was a comment that the original version of Cuno was a truant and the FCver Cuno is a proper school going child, which made me laugh out loud.
ME - For now, I ignored this noisy gremlin. Click on hanging corpse; Harry vomits as ENDURANCE check fails. At this point, my own MORALE values were running out of steam. With tears in my eyes, I successfully complete the ENDURANCE and HAND/EYE COODINATION checks, lower the body to the ground and begin the autopsy. And when the option to touch the pubic area of the body came up, my eyes staring at the monitor became vacant. The eyes of a dead fish.
VOLITION [Impossible: Failure] - I closed the game window after losing my MORALE value due to DE' difficult English writing and dark jokes beyond comprehension.
ME - One day, a few days later, I read some DE developer interviews in the hope that they would help me play. One of the most striking statements came from the main writer.
ROBERT KURVITZ, DISCO OF GOD - "The main thing to understand about text is that people don't understand text."
ME - Looking back, I feel that these words were the catalyst for my positive attitude towards DE. I realised that I was being weirdly defensive because it was English in a game, and then I decided to change my attitude towards this game a little. Read with the senses, not with the mind. I responded to dark jokes that go beyond my common sense by consciously numbing my senses. Sense of seeing rather than reading the text.
PHYSICAL INSTRUMENT [Easy: Success] - Don’t think, feel.
ME - Whether in English or Japanese, what you see is the same text, whether on paper or on a monitor. The same thing I've done with all the books I've read and all the games I've played, I've applied to DE. I dared to read it diagonally, spit on it, shake the monitor, hitting pc, all sorts of things. I don't think I've ever muttered the F-word as much as I did in this game.
DRAMA [Heroic: Success] - THE TIME HATH COME.
ME - I then proceeded to investigate, in a style of compromise and incremental. After a long period of successes, failures and strays, he/I became a communist superstar cop and thus returned.
VOLITION [Easy: Success] - Started the 2nd round with a custom build.
ME - I completed the options and events I didn't read in the first round, failed the AUTHORITY check (93% chance!). and investigated with a gremlin who became KIM's replacement, obtained the flower and saw a surprising side of DESARTER. The result was an apocalyptic fascist cop. I read most of the text in 2 rounds. But I thought I didn't fully understand what the game was trying to say. It was around that time that I discovered this website, Backloggd. Around October 2021. I read through the many reviews in the hope that it would give me some insight.
REACTION SPEED [Heroic: Success] - This review in particular opened my eyes. Really excellent.
SUGGESTION [Godly: Success] - I don't think my writing is any better than Minaplo-san', so please jump to the link above immediately.
ME - Once I found Minaplo-san' review, I could say that I had almost achieved what I came to this site for. However, searches for 'anarchism' and 'Kharms', which I have been think and speculating about disco, did not turn up the articles I had hoped for.
INTERFACING [Godly: Failure] - Maybe my google searching is not the right one.
CONCEPTUALIZATION [Fomidable: Failure] - "Do I have to write my own, personalised DE' answer myself?"
ME - Despite that thought, DE is not a game that can be easily answered. ...Japan is on the Western side of the political spectrum, but is a non-European-American cultural area.
LOGIC [Heroic: Failure] - I'll not mention anything prior to 1945.
ME - For those living on such an island, the world of DE and Estonia are different worlds, and the Estonians who created it are otherworldly. Still, I didn't give up and wrote down little by little what came to my mind and what I had noticed. At this time, the total KB of DE-related text files had reached 500KB. It will not be long before it reaches 1MB. And it was only at the end of 2021 that I was able to output the whole skeleton -- outline, editing what I had written so far in Markdown format. This long text is the result of adding redundant sentences to the outline. The deadline is 30 May, the birthday of a certain revolutionary. It was then extended by another month and was finally completed today, 1 July, the anniversary of his death. Here is an itemised list of what I came up with.

## 0+ What I thought after 1 round of DE
-What is DE a game? Isn't really an RPG? What is an RPG in the first place?
-Considering RPGs with Uncle Bandage in Ultima Online. ©HIRANO KOHTA
-What is its narrative classification? Is it a mystery?
-About 24 SKILL. DE and Billy Milligan are not related in any way, are they? I'm a bit angry that some Japanese DE introduction articles mislead people into thinking Harry is a 24 multiple personality.
HALF LIGHT [Trivial: Success] - Japanese games journalism, especially Famitsu and Dengeki, is rubbish!
-24 discours instead of 24 skills? Pun?

## 0++ What I thought after 2 rounds of DE
-About the times and Don Quijote
-To make readers laugh out loud at the eccentricities of a crazy middle-aged man. That the roles and positions of Kim and Sancho are similar. DE is Don Quijote?
CERVANTES, LA LEYENDA ESPAÑOLA - "The benefits that Don Quixote will bring to the world when he comes to his senses are nothing compared to the pleasure his madness will give us." Don Quixote, Part 2
-The sorrows of the age itself. The sadness of the present day, which continues from the 20th century.
CHARLES DE GAULLE, L'HOMME DU 18 JUIN - "Uncertainty is the hallmark of the modern era. Conventional practices, future prospects, or the torrential denial of the doctrine of regulation. Moreover, never before have so many trials, losses and disillusionments, and also the various glimmers, shocks and threats of so many civilisations, so shaken the established order. The army, which is responsible for transforming the world, first suffers from this fact and weeps for its lost passion." - Le Fil de l'Epee
-I personally think Rene and de Gaulle are very similar. Ask a French person and they will say ‘Non'. The only thing that's the same is the way they died? They both died of heart attacks.
-And when de Gaulle died, when Rene died, they had someone to cry for them in their death. But when DESARTER dies, will anyone cry for him?

## 0+++ DE is really communist game?
VOLITION [Formidable: Success] - ...Writing from this point on was quite difficult.
ME - This section aims to observe the game of DE, with a focus on politics. The observation equipment is a Japanese-made old telescope. I'm unable and unwilling to examine the details of each political ideology and its forces.
CONCEPTUALIZATION [Formidable: Failure] - The additional quests in the final cut were interesting, but personally I think they are not necessary parts of the game.
ME - I'm not interested in political ideology. I threw Marx' Das Kapital away halfway through and don't remember it anymore, and I don't like communism. Nevertheless, I still find Marx's idea and thought useful and I read excerpts and summaries. And above all, I'm not European. Living in the Far East, I cannot act as a microscope. Only an Eastern European or European would be able to see DE in the high resolution of a microscope.
DRAMA [Imppossible: Failure] - Historically and --
EMPATHY [Imppossible: Failure] - Emotionally too.
ME - Before moving on to the main issue, I will briefly touch on the political forces in DE.
LOGIC [Medium: Success] - I'm not interested, but I need to preface this for what I'm about to explain...
ME - Firstly, communism. Based on Intellect. It is the most significant subject of DE and many people who have played DE consider it to be a communist game.
PERCEPTION(SIGHT) [Easy: Success] - Color is blue.
INLAND EMPIRE [Formidable: Success] - I only half agree with that impression, but I thought about the 'half I disagree with' in this long article.
ME - Secondly, moralism. Based on Psyche. DE and the biggest winners in the real world? Moralism has been criticised quite bitterly, although not very prominently.
SUGGESTION [Easy: Success] - e.g. Kingdom of concience’s solution.
PERCEPTION(SIGHT) - Color is purple.
ME - Thirdly, fascism. Based on Physique. Fascism is probably the most ridiculed thing in DE. At the same time feared? But I believe it is a reflection of RK and RK's home country, Igaunija/Estonia. The main reason for thinking this is due to the following ENCYCLOPEDIA.
ENCYCLOPEDIA [Godly: Success] - Igaunija -- a god-forsaken (and tiny) territory in Graad that has not once, but twice wasted its independence on microfascism. The less said about Igaunija the better. Matter of fact, let's stop saying things about it right now and continue what we were doing.
PERCEPTION(SIGHT) - Color is red.
ME - Fourth, liberalism. Based on Motorics. Surface winners in the DE world? The state dies, but capital does not.
RHETORIC [Legendary: Success] - "国破山河在 -- The country breaks, but mountains and rivers remain."
PERCEPTION(SIGHT) - Color is yellow.
ME - From here, many questions came to mind.
"Will communists honestly admit that communism has failed?"
"Are there communists who prefer disco?"
"I laughed a lot reading DE's writing and I've never laughed so much in any game I've ever played. But have any communist writers I know been so humorous?"
"Isn't it not always communists who can talk about communism?"
For example, religion. Some Buddhists and Muslims are familiar with Christianity. The reverse is also true.
The first example that came to my mind was a Protestant atheism researcher. He went from atheism to Marxist studies and became a diplomat in charge of the Soviet Union. Then he was arrested. Now he is a writer.
[Another example is a person who was more familiar with Buddhist teachings than the high priests of Buddhism. He is an artist.
CONCEPTUALIZATION [Godly: Success] - Art is an explosion!
ME - This has nothing to do with DE and communism, but there are probably many people on this site who are more familiar with the Japanese game than I am. Especially when it comes to Suda51' game, I have no chance.
ESPRIT DE CORPS [Heroic: Success] - I really enjoy reading the excellent analysis and reviews on this site and at the same time I appreciate
ME - When search 'communism and DE', we often saw accusations of being pro-communist in reviews and comments on DE. Each time, I thought half of those opinions and impressions were right, while the other half were wrong.
INLAND EMPIRE [Godly: Failure] - And I am probably half right and half wrong too. No, I may be all wrong.
ME - One day, I began to consider that DE was not written from a communist standpoint. They don't reflect, they don't admit failure. This is what I consider communist. Even assuming that RK was a former communist who had converted or abandoned his political beliefs, it was inconceivable to me that he would portray communism with jokes mixed in. ...Then I remembered that communism is not the only revolutionary force.
VISUAL CALCULUS [Godly: Success] - "So from which position do I assume DE was written?"
ME - Before moving on to the next item, I'll try to imitate DE here and do a red skills check.
HAND/EYE COORDINATION [Impossible: Failure] - Impossible to observe/snipe Europe from the Far East.
VOLITION [Challenging: Success] - But it should be worth a try.

1. [Inland Empire - Challenging 12] Is Robert Kurvitz really a communist? If he isn't a communist, what is he?

+1 Revachol? Reval? Ravachol?
+2 Pro-communism but at the same time critical.
+1 Harry's face isn’t resemble Marx(Mazov).
+1 Crypto-communist CINDY THE SKULL.
+1 DESERTER - "You're an inert lumpen with a gun."
+1 "Thank you to Marx and Engels for providing us political education."
+1 ENDURANCE [Godly: failure] - Uh oh. Organisation hasn't exactly been your strong suit, historically speaking...
-5 Not a matter of speculation. (No official data available).
-3 Political ideology isn't my interest.

This is a Red Check.
It can not be retried.



INLAND EMPIRE [Challenging: Success/Failure] - ANARCHISM.
PERCEPTION(SIGHT) [Impossible: Success] - Color is darkness or blackness or --
CONCEPTUALIZATION [Impossible: Success] - Nothing.
ANCIENT REPTILLAN BRAIN - I know you do, baby... I know...
ME - Whether this skills check is a success or a failure isn't clear to me.

# 1. 5th(zero?) column/Ravachole/Anarchism
"Let’s dance the Ravachole
Long live the sound, long live the sound
Let’s dance the Ravachole
Of the explosion!" - La Ravachole

Gregory resumed in high oratorical good humour. “An artist is identical with an anarchist,” he cried. “You might transpose the words anywhere. An anarchist is an artist. The man who throws a bomb is an artist, because he prefers a great moment to everything. He sees how much more valuable is one burst of blazing light, one peal of perfect thunder, than the mere common bodies of a few shapeless policemen. An artist disregards all governments, abolishes all conventions. The poet delights in disorder only. If it were not so, the most poetical thing in the world would be the Underground Railway.” - THE MAN WHO WAS THURSDAY

ME - Modern anarchism originated in Proudhon. Anarchism is a forgotten force, less conspicuous than communism. First, let me lay out the famous words of anarchists who were active at the same time as Marx. Stance on capital and property rights below.
PROUDHON - "Property is robbery."
ME - When I first read these words, I couldn't help but laugh.
RAVACHOL - "Anarchy is the obliteration of property."
ME - Aren't you guys too radical?
Indirect Modes of Taxation - Taxes are racist.
ME - I-is this true? Tell me Savvy.
SAVOIR FAIRE [Godly: Success] - This is true.
ME - Is Japan a racist state then? Japan is the world's most heavily taxed country.
SAVOIR FAIRE - Unfortunately, it is true.
ME - OH, MY GOD!/な、なんて事だッ!
COMPOSURE [Legendary: Failure] - ざわ・・・ざわ・・・
HALF LIGHT [Challenging: Failure] - The racist Ministry of Finance, the main source of this, must be destroyed as soon as possible!
ME - ...Tax discrimination aside, all four political forces broadly classified in DE recognise property itself. Even communists like DESARTER abhor the minions of capital but do not think of eliminating property itself. The only difference between any political ideology is how property rights are handled and who controls them. In other words, they recognise property itself, more or less. But not the anarchists, including Proudhon and Rabashol and others. Proudhon does not recognise property rights. When it comes to Ravashol, he denies property itself.
SAVOIR FAIRE - They are in denial of capital and property...
ENDURANCE [Medium: Success] - Änd they reject the pölitical institutions, the gövernment and the stäte...

BAKUNIN, DON QUIXOTE OF THE REVOLUTION - "The State a Historically Necessary Evil. It is not so with the State. And I do not hesitate to say that the State is an evil but a historically necessary evil, as necessary in the past as its complete extinction will be necessary sooner or later, just as necessary as primitive bestiality and theological divigations were necessary in the past. The State is not society; it is only one of its its historical forms, as brutal as it is abstract in character. Historically, it arose in all countries out of the marriage of violence, rapine, and pillage - in a word, of war and conquest - with the Gods created in succession by the theological fancies of the nations. From its very beginning it has been - and still remains - the divine sanction of brutal force and triumphant iniquity. Even in the most democratic countries, like the United States of America and Switzerland, it is simply the consecration of the privileges of some minority and the actual enslavement of the vast majority."

ME - The more I read the writings of anarchists, especially Bakunin, the more I came to believe that Harry's model was Bakunin. DE gives the middle finger to all political forces. Its stance is similar to Bakunin's attitude.
INLAND EMPIRE - But they could not kill PROPERTY and the state. Like the communists in DE.
ME - And It's also an unmissable fact that he predicts the future of communist regimes and proletarian dictatorships, including later Stalinism.
BAKUNIN, DON QUIXOTE OF THE REVOLUTION - "If you took the most ardent revolutionary, vested him in absolute power, within a year he would be worse than the Tsar himself."
ME - Criticism of communism had been made before the Russian Revolution by Bakunin, who had exceptional, if not theoretical, intuition. And history has moved on, as if to trace Bakunin's criticisms and predictions.
COMPOSURE [Formidable: Success] - The memo about Bakunin is still to follow, but before that I would like to take a break with a digression.

## 1+ What I thought after 3 rounds of DE
PERCEPTION(HEARING) [Godly: Failure] - errr....
-On geopolitics
-Mackinder and Spykman
-The geopolitical position of Estonia
-Estonia has a total population of approximately 1.3 million. In Japanese prefectures, this is equivalent to Yamaguchi, Ehime, Nara and Nagasaki.
-After all, DE and Revachol are merely a reflection of RK's homeland, Estonia.
-Japan's geopolitical position with history.
-On Tokugawa Ieyasu, the most boring man in the history of Japan.
PERCEPTION(HEARING) [Fomidable: Failure] - errrr.....
Kingdom of Conscience - Centrism isn't change -- not even incremental change. It is control. Over yourself and the world. Exercise it.
-The situation and assumptions are different in Japan and Estonia.
EMPATHY [Impossible: Failure] - The sorrows of a small country can only be understood by those born in a small country.
-Ideology is only ideology, not power.
HALF LIGHT [Formidable: Success] - Furthermore, for DE, all political ideologies are toys to be mocked.
PERCEPTION(HEARING) [Medium: Failure] - ....ERRRRR!!!
HIRANO KOHTA - "In Russia, soldiers can be harvested in the fields/畑. In China, soldiers can be harvested in the fields/田んぼ. In the USA, the entire land mass is made up of resources." - About Hearts of Iron
CONCEPTUALIZATION [Impossible: Success] - So ideology is colour. Not size itself.
AUTHORITY [Challenging: Success] - I don't care about political ideology. Look at the human.
ME - In this sense Cuno is saying the right thing.
YOU - "It‘s simple, Cuno. I have to find communism. Communism killed the hanged man."
CUNO - "Is that like a fucking street name or something?" The kid stops to think. "It's pretty cool to Cuno."
YOU - "The coolest, Cuno. But unfortunately it's an ideology, not a person."
CUNO - "C‘mon, pig..." The kid snaps his fingers. "Thoughts didn't kill Cuno's gimp. It was a person. Even Cuno can figure this shit out."
-Whichever political ideology you choose in DE, you will be ridiculed. In other words, we dance in the palm of anarchism's hand.
-The bottom line is whether or not to recognise the existence of the state.
-Is it better to have no state or to have one?

# 2. Passion/Destruction/Creation
BAKUNIN, DON QUIXOTE OF THE REVOLUTION - "The passion for destruction is a creative passion, too."

ME - Now, I will concentrate here on the lumpen-revolutionary Bakunin. First of all, I want you to look at this picture.
AUTHORITY [Heroic: Success] - Behold!
PERCEPTION (SMELL) [Medium: Success] - Smells like stray dogs...
RHETORIC [Impossible: Failure] - This is an indescribable smell.
SUGGESTION [Medium: Success] - Compared to this picture, I think Harry looks more like Bakunin than Marx. What do you think?
ME - Mikhail Alexandrovich Bakunin. One historian described him as.
"A man who, through his dramatic personality and experience, through his often misdirected but passionate actions, connected with, reflected, added to and sometimes derailed almost every aspect of Russian revolutionary thought." A friend of Bakunin described his features as. "Strength. Wild power. A profound movement in which the spirit is wild and turbulent. Constant, far-reaching desire. Dissatisfaction with the present. And furthermore, an exacerbation of the self in the present. Demon and fallen angel in human form." Another said. "Anarchism culminated with Bakunin and fell after his death."
LOGIC - Why Bakunin?
ME - The first thing was that Harry did not see any resemblance between Marx, the guru of communism, and Harry. Next I read the scene where DESERTER refers to Harry as a lumpen with a gun and it stuck in my mind. So I began to link anarchism and DE and to wonder if Harry was Bakunin rather than Marx. Neither Marx nor Lenin. Bakunin rejected all possible ideas. Not only the rejection of ideas, such as the aforementioned criticism of Marx and communism, but for him everything in the world is subject to destruction. There is very little combat in DE. But to me DE seems subversive and creative. DE is haunted by the specter of Bakunin, not Marx!
INLAND EMPIRE [Legendary: Success] - "な、なんだってー!!/W-wtf!?" by MMR.
ENCYCLOPEDIA [Legendary: Success] - MMR -- マガジンミステリー調査班/Magazine Mystery Reportage was a legendary occult manga that used to be serialised in Weekly Shonen Magazine.
PERCEPTION(HEARING) [Medium: Success] - It is similar to the tone and way of saying PLAISANCE.
PERCEPTION(SIGHT) [Medium: Success] - All the characters in this manga are like PLAISANCE.
COMPOSURE [Medium: Failure] - I half-seriously believe that the loss of anything analogous to this manga has made it easier for conspiracy theories to spread on the Japanese internet.
PAINTHRESHOLD [Medium: Success] - Ridiculous fiction has a immunity effect.
ME - What did Harry, obsessed with the incarnation of destruction in political ideology, destroy? The only person Harry could break was himself. The world of DE that Harry had to destroy was already broken when he was born. In 1991 -- RK was 7 years old -- the destruction/collapse of one utopian state simultaneously meant the creation of many states, including Estonia. This may also be a reflection of reality? The Soviet Union collapsed, has Estonia, which was part of the Giant Communist State, turned into a micro fascism state? Whether 1991 should be seen as a success or a failure, positive or negative, I do not know.
INLAND EMPIRE - I have noticed that Revachol is Estonia. But Estonia is not Revachol. But at the same time Revachol is Estonia.

## 2+ Remarkable trinity
ME - One of my hobbies is reading, especially books on war, which occupy half of my bookshelves. Of these, Clausewitz's theory of war is one of the classics I often return to. I particularly like the trinitarian theory/Remarkable trinity he preached and use it a lot when thinking about things. It is a useful concept that can be applied to anything, so in writing this text I have attempted to apply it to DE. If Bakunin's passion for destructive creation was at the core of DE, he thought that coincidence and reason were alongside that passion.
LOGIC [Medium: Success] - In my home country of Japan, where knowledge and discussion of war is taboo, but abroad, I think it is essential education.
PAIN THRESHOLD [Impossible: Failure] - Japan is a country allergic to war.
SUGGESTION [Easy: Success] - For those who do not know, I quote Clausewitz's outline of Remarkable Trinity.

1) primordial violence, hatred, and enmity, which are to be regarded as a blind natural force;
2) the play of chance and probability, within which the creative spirit is free to roam; and
3) its element of subordination, as an instrument of policy, which makes it subject to mere intellect.

ME - According to Clausewitz, the various elements of war can be divided into three main categories. Passion, Chance and Reason. DE' passion, as already mentioned, relies on the spirit of Bakunin. The next section is on coincidence.

# 3. Chance/Coincidence
YOU - "Yes. Coincidence is all that safeguards us."
NOVELTY DICEMAKER - "Yeah." She stares out of the window, not really hearing your words. "Or maybe it's the entire world that's cursed? It's such a precarious place. Nothing ever works out the way you wanted. That's why people like role-playing games. You can be whoever you want to be. You can try again. Still, there's something inherently violent even about dice rolls. It's like every time you cast a die, something disappears. Some alternative ending, or an entirely different world..." She picks up a pair of dice from the table and examines them under the light.

ME - I wrote a text about dice, TRPGs, wargames and war itself (Russo-Japanese War and World Wars), but omitted it. I don't feel the need to, and I think this her word explains it all. The next section is on reason or intellect.

# 4. Reason/Intellect/Rationality
KHARMS, THE FUTURIST POET - I told myself that I see the world. But the whole world was not accessible to my gaze, and I saw only parts of the world. And everything I saw I called parts of the world. And I examined the properties of these parts, and examining these properties, I wrought science. I understood that the parts have intelligent properties and that the same parts have unintelligent properties. I distinguished them and gave them names, And, depending on their properties, the parts of the world were intelligent or unintelligent.
And then I realized that I am the world.
But the world-is not me.
Although at the same time I am the world.
But the world’s not me.
And I’m the world.
But the world’s not me.
And I’m the world.
But the world’s not me.
And I’m the world.
And after that I didn't think anything more.

YOU - "Are you a thought reader?"
YOU - "Does that mean you're a thought reader?"
NOID - "Don't be a lunatic. Of course he isn't. Germaine here just yells random things. Odds are, sooner or later one of them will come off as thought reading."
LOGIC [Godly: Success] - So, it's not this one. It's the world that's the thought reader in this equation?
YOU - "So it's the world that's the thought reader?"
NOID - The young man picks up level and inspects it against he floodlight. The water sparkles in the small measuring tube.
"Yes," he says after a while. "I think it's correct to say that."

ME - The original language of DE is English. But isn't that only superficial? After playing DE for a long time, I came to such a question. I had no idea about Zaum (RU: зáумь), the original name of the ZA/UM company. There is no Zaum page on the Japanese Wikipedia. English Wikipedia was available and I read it. "zaum can be defined as experimental poetic language characterized by indeterminacy in meaning." I became interested in Zaum because of this statement. Next, I searched for Zaum in its katakana form Zaum. A page on Slavic cultural studies by Hokkaido University was found.(https://src-h.slav.hokudai.ac.jp/literature/literature-list.html) However, reading the papers here did not help me understand Zaum. I searched for a good, systematic book on Zaum. That is where I came across a book. Beyond Rationality(https://www.u-tokyo.ac.jp/biblioplaza/en/A_00143.html) This book dissects the concept of Zaum, with Daniil Harms at its centre.
INTERFACING [Impossible: Failure] - There is no feedback on Amazon reviews or on book review websites.
ENCYCLOPEDIA [Medium: Success] - It seems to be a common practice in academic books. It's said that if you publish an academic book in Japan, there are only two intended readers.
ME - I read through to the end. And I thought.
CONCEPTUALIZATION [Godly: Success] - "Zaum is what RK and ZA/UM tried to express in DE. The name of the organisation ZA/UM has an important meaning for them, it is both a means and an end."
ME - In order to consider the zaum used in DE, the three methods of zaum presented in "Beyond Rationality" are laid out below. The following quotations are taken from the bibliography.

1. "Phonetic zaum", transcending the meaning of words by swapping sounds.
2. "Semantic zaum", transcending the meaning of a sentence by swapping words.
3. "Obstructive zaum", dislocating context and obstructing narrative.

ME - The most commonly used of the 3 zaums in DE may be the phonetic zaum.
SUGGESTION [Medium: Success] - This scene made me laugh so hard I had to hold my stomach.
ME - I would be strongly convinced if the culprit who made me laugh so hard I could hardly breathe was phonetic zaum. I seriously believe that the success of the Japanese version of DE will be measured by whether many Japanese who play the Japanese version laugh here. ...If the Japanese translation of DE fails, I will mutter quietly.
PERCEPTION (HEARING) [Godly: Success] - Quietly, she mutters to herself: "He isn't doing what he's designed to do... isn't the spell working..."
ME - It is difficult to give examples of semantic zaum.
INLAND EMPIRE - Perhaps the whole of DE?
HALF LIGHT - τὰ ὅλα...
ME - Obstructive zaum may be typified by a sentence from the FC version of Moralism Quest.
KIM KITSURAGI - "... It's been long winter... Long and cold..."
ME - When I first read this, I thought it was a zaum interpretation of a certain novel, but maybe not.

CONCEPTUALIZATION - Next, On Zaum's concept.
ME - I stated in part 2+ that I was thinking of this text in reference to Clausewitz's theory of the Trinity. When DE is considered in terms of the Trinitarian theory, the most unique aspect is probably with regard to reason. This is because Zaum, as the name suggests, aims to transcend reason and intellect. The following quotes are taken from the bibliography.

OZAWA HIROYUKI, RUSSIAN LITERARY RESEARCHER - The Russian avant-garde of the early 20th century is said to be an artistic revolution, in contrast to the Russian Revolution that took place at the same time. However, the Russian avant-garde is not only an artistic revolution. It goes beyond art. Or it sought to extend the concept of art and renew the epistemological framework within which humans think about the world. As a result, it sought to transcend human beings. A prime example is the Cubo-Futurism language experiment, Zaum. Zaum is a neologism based on the phrase beyond reason and is a symbol for incomprehensible neologisms in general. And it is a concept that embodies the orientation of transcending reason and intellect. Zaum doesn't and should not remain at the level of language. Zaum goes beyond words, beyond sentences, beyond language, entering the realm of meaning. Beyond the level of language, Zaum-like paintings and Zaum-like architecture can be produced, as can Zaum-like poetry and novels written without Zaum. But they are all aiming for a Zaum-like horizon. P37-40
ME - Again, quoting from ibid.
OZAWA HIROYUKI, RUSSIAN LITERARY RESEARCHER - Definition of Zaum. Taken as a whole, the Russian avant-garde movement was driven by a destructiveness that sought to reject modern rational knowledge and an innovation that sought to grasp the world anew. Their interest in areas such as primitivism, intuition and theosophy, which are incompatible with the modern knowledge developed in Europe since the Enlightenment, speaks volumes. It is well known, for example, that the ability to intuit, proposed by the mystic Ouspenskii and the philosopher Bergson, as a means of grasping a reality greater than that which can be grasped by reason, strongly attracted the leaders of the Russian avant-garde. The orientation to transcend conventional intellect and grasp a new world was embodied in the Russian Futurists in the concept/method of Zaum. Naturally, many Futurist poets use Zaum, but not only are there marked differences in usage and form, but also in the purposes for which it is used. It is therefore extremely difficult to uniquely define Zaum. This book therefore focuses on the state of thought and art in Europe and Soviet=Russia at the beginning of the 20th century, when doubts were being cast on modern reason. In addition, considers words and concepts that have an orientation 'beyond reason and intellect' and that 'cannot be grasped by reason and intellect' as 'Zaum' or 'Zaum-like things'. P54-55

ME - I will further consider what it meant for DE to transcend reason and intellect. Marx, Engels, Lenin and communism failed and the USSR collapsed.
PERCEPTION(SIGHT) [Formidable: Success] - While turning away from some imperialist and communist state.
ME - This can be seen as a failure of intellect if expanded.
EMPATHY [Easy: Success] - Although my own true feelings are that there is no violent ideology that has had more violent results than communism.
ME - At the same time, this is still the case today. Europe, including Eastern Europe, continues to fail on the basis of reason and intellect.
SAVOIR FAIRE [Impossible: Failure] - My home country, Japan, continues to fail on a different vector.
ME - In this light, RK and ZA/UM' use of Zaum to create DE may be a manifestation of a strong will to transcend communism and, above all, to transcend intellect, psyche, physique and motorics power, even the five senses.
VOLITION [Formidable: Failure] - ...I would like to go into further depth about zaum, but I can't finish the sentence forever, so let me compromise here. And I don't even know how much of the quoted text is legal from a copyright point of view.

ME - Now, having played DE so far, read a great deal of text, and done a fair amount of research on Zaum, I thought. I wondered whether Zaum would work if Zaum-like texts written in DE were translated into Japanese.
REACTION SPEED [Easy: Success] - I immediately thought, "Impossible."
HALF LIGHT [Medium: Success] - I would certainly be internet lynched if this opinion was read by Japanese players looking forward to the Japanese version of DE. HA-HA-HA.
ME - It may not be something that a non-native English speaker can say, but normal English text can be managed with a good translator. However, in light of the above zaum methods and concepts, one has to be negative about translating DE in Japanese. In addition, this suspicion was further deepened by reading Harms' note on the 'language machine'.
KHARMS, THE FUTURIST POET - So far I know that there are four types of language machines. They are poetry, prayer, song and incantation. These machines are not constructed by calculation or thought, but by other methods. Its name is the alphabet.
ME - In other words, the question is whether Zaum and language machines work in Japanese, a non-alphabetic language. Translation problems, such as foreign literature, and differences and quality between languages are only minor issues. I cannot judge the extent to which DE incorporates the Zaum-like methods and concepts cited above. However, it is hard to imagine that they are so committed to Zaum that they use it in the name of their organisation, and that they do not use Zaum methods and concepts at all. As the concept of Zaum is alphabet-dependent and has methods/concepts that cannot be easily imitated, the Japanese version of DE will be a text of a different dimension, apart from the poor quality of the translated text. However, it is not without hope. Although it is not possible to determine this due to lack of documentation, it is said that Velimir Khlebnikov, a poet from the early days of zaum, referred to Chinese characters/漢字 and described them as 'the best conception transmission motif'.
INLAND EMPIRE [Formidable: Success] - In addition, and this is a scary speculation, ...RK may have also entrusted the success or failure of the translated version to chance and uncertainty.

# 5. Once again, a summary of speculation
LOGIC - Let me summarise again.

1. Passion for destructive creation. Or passionate destructive creation.
2. Violent event destruction is represented by dice. A system in which the success or failure of a thing is determined by a die roll.
3. Zaum. The linguistic method/concept, which transcends reason and intellect and destroys and creates existing sounds, meanings and narratives.

ME - Harry frequently speaks of prophecies that world will be doomed in the not-too-distant future. However, the only person Harry could actually destroy was himself. Self-destruction may have only made the situation worse. In Minaplo-san' words, Marx, DESERTER and communism could not kill capital. And Bakunin and anarchism could not kill capital, nor could they kill the state. Harry suffered with poverty, alcoholism, depression and, above all, a broken heart, and wanted to destroy it all. But he too could not destroy capital or the state. What he could destroy was himself, his own heart.

JEAN VICQUEMARE – "You know what he told me? 'I don't want to get better -- I want to get worse.' Those were his words."
YOU - "I don't want to get better -- I want to get worse."
KIM KITSURAGI - "I... uh, don't really know how to respond to that, lieutenant double-yefreitor."
KATSUTA KICHITARO, BAKUNIN' RESEARCHER - "Classical Marxist-Leninist revolutionary theory may be reduced to the paradoxical proposition that 'the worse it gets, the better it gets.'"

ME - But maybe a different world awaits at the end of self-destruction. Even if the world itself doesn't change, maybe I can see the world in a different way -- that's what the end of the DE story has made it seem to me.
KHARMS, THE FUTURIST POET - Will miracles exist? This is the question I want to hear the answer to.
ME - And... is the future really dead?
ME - No one knows what the world and the future will look like from now on. I don't even know what the day after tomorrow will be like. In any case, I look forward to the future of the ZA/UM, to its great development in the future, to the Great Leap Forward, to the Cultural Revolution.

# 6. On meaning and value
KHARMS, THE FUTURIST POET - I'm only interested in silly things. I'm only interested in things that do not have any practical significance whatsoever.

PISSF※※※※T - "What I mean by this is -- we are all Pissf※※※※ts. And that the world is inherently meaningless."
INLAND EMPIRE [Godly: Success] - That much is true.

ME - What I am writing now is probably pointless too. Readability, clarity, lack of contradictions, things I've thought of, things I've noticed, speculation. It's a jumble. I've given up trying to put it all together because there's no way I can put this stuff together. Compromise! My Volition and Endurance have reached their limits too. But does meaninglessness imply worthlessness?
EMPATHY [Heroic: Success] - Everything has no meaning. It is the lack of meaning that makes it valuable. And that value can only be understood by those who have experienced the same pain. Experience does not always lead to understanding, though.
HALF LIGHT [Heroic: Success] - The same is true of my country. The country is governed by two forms of violence: morality and order. And they are operated by the innate human traits of vice and jealousy. How wonderful.
VOLITION [Challenging: Success] - In honour of your shit, lieutenant-yefreitor. Which you kept together in the face of total, unrelenting terror. Day after day. Second by second.

# 跋文/Post script
ME - I am not very smart and have a remarkably low IQ. But I think that even I, who am not very smart, can see something if I try hard enough to think about it. I really wanted someone smarter than me to write a discussion of DE based on Zaum and anarchism. But no one writes about that, even after three years or so since the launch of DE. That's why I had to write such a long article to convince myself.
PERCEPTION(SIGHT) [Formidable: Failure] - It could be that I just can't find them because of the language wall.
ME - ...Between 2019 and 2020 I despaired of the game. I thought that I should graduate from the game. I will avoid specific explanations. I have no taste for hurting people who still love and enjoy Japanese games. So I wanted to distance myself from video games before I became completely disillusioned. About 20 years ago, a man was disappointed with Japanese animation and cinema. One day, that disappointment disappeared with a film.
ITOH PROJECT, GENOCIDER OF BONKURA - "I like animation, but the way the current narrative is being consumed as a style only leads to disappointment...... But now my unresolved feelings are gone. I have a 'Fight Club'."(https://itoh-archive.hatenablog.com/entry/2015/09/24/173952)
ME - His disappointment with anime and Japanese films and my despair with Japanese games are very similar. But just as he had Fight Club, I have Disco Elysium.
VOLITION [Godly: Success] - That is all, let us now put a full stop to this very long and abnormal sentence.
EMPATHY [Impossible: Success] - Thank you truly for your patience and for reading such a long and poor readability text to the end.

1 July 2022, Clausewitz's birthday and Bakunin's death anniversary. Original version posted.
25 August 2022, Disco Elysium Japanese edition release/distribution day. Final compromise cut version posted. And dedicated to all reviewers of this site.

It's truly, truly been... a very long roundabout path...
My million-word journey, this long text, for this one word......
Thank you ZA/UM. Thank you Robert Kurvitz.
I can't find any other words to say...

a game that has absolutely full confidence in its own themes, gameplay, and texture that pulls no punches

Do it for the picture puzzle. Put it all together. One conversation at a time.

The peak in aesthetics in arcade racers. Nothing hits like the buildup to Shooting Hoops, backed by one of the strongest soundtracks the PS1 has to its name. Beyond the music, this flawless techno / d'n'b mix, the presentation of this game, namely the audio-visual design of the game, culminates into this ultra slick, pristine visage of early 2000s style.

Mechanically, you're looking at drift heaven, impeccably smooth driving centered careening down straightaways and power sliding around hairpin turns, with the Grand Prix giving you this gradual growth from the easy-breezy pace of 90mph to the breakneck pace of 200mph, all through the lens of progress through heats, the games progression gates that small bit of tension to push to qualify, break through to the new batch of racetracks. Giving each race team a unique (and variable, depending on your skill) storyline gives that extra push to make you feel special about landing that first place victory.

Ridge Racer Type 4 is a love-letter to speed, to the arcade, to Namco as a brand. Amazing game.

Can you feel the heat?
When the tires kiss the street
Move into the beat

Ever since I learned about occlusion culling, a technique deftly handled by Naughty Dog with their first PlayStation 1 title, Crash Bandicoot, my appreciation for the more graphically stellar titles for the system was granted a new shade. It helped offer me a frame of reference (granted, of one of the more extreme use cases) for the necessity to obscure unneeded geometry to save what precious few resources the console could afford - as well as giving me something to mull over whenever I play a 3D PS1 game that looks suspiciously good. Much akin to Crash Bandicoot, racing games benefit from what is essentially a densely curated linear track. With limited camera movement, every attainable viewing angle can be accurately poured over by the designers, letting them carefully weigh up exactly how much they can get away with at every meter of game space. This is very apparent in visually stunning racing titles like Wipeout 3, Colin McRae Rally 2.0, and Need for Speed: High Stakes; their tracks are glutted with turns, verticality and obstacles that exist to obscure as much model pop-in as possible, and offer a new piece of visual stimuli at every turn. This has a knock-on effect for how these tracks are actually driven on, too. Track designers are by necessity discouraged from long straightaways where the world noticeably phases into existence, and instead ensure that the player has very little if any downtime from cornering, maintaining a thrilling tempo that only stops when the chequered flag is waved. I say all this, because I really do miss the era where racing games were these hardware-defying explosions of style and skill, with enough big-money backing to allow the designers to let their perfectionism and neuroses get tangled in the engine’s crankshaft. I can only go in a straight line down a massive realistic unreal engine map for so long.

Anyway. Ridge Racer Type 4 is a Swiss watch. One of very, very few games I’d describe as “meticulous”. Every one of its moving parts serves a key purpose in its grand design. Its mechanisms are the result of painstaking consideration for the most minute details. Built to last, and never lose its sheen. The only game my dad likes (real). It all just moves & breathes with this air of confidence and romance, exemplified by the way the penultimate setpiece is the final lap taking place at the exact turn of the millennium - a genuinely affecting gesture to barrel through doubt and seize your future by any means.

One thing I’m particularly taken by is the overall stylistic presentation of Type 4. Among the first things you see upon loading it up are the game’s signature tail/headlight afterglows leaving trails across the screen. The preamble at the start of this review was for no reason other than the fact that R4 actualises the PS1. Its environments use every trick in the book with a healthy serving of incredible models & baked-in textures to make the world feel rich beyond the scope of the road. The game’s UI alone is worth studying for its consistent use of very few colours, empty-space and minimalist decoration (every game needs a "PLEASE" in the corner at all times). In establishing a universe that seemingly exists solely for the purpose of racing fictional cars around the fictional Ridge City, the developers at Namco have populated the series with a mountain of logos, icons, banners, signs, patterns, manufacturers, liveries and colour palettes. They work to establish the curves, hills and tunnels as very real places with a history all their own. How did Wonderhill get its name? Why is it called Shooting Hoops? Where are these places in Ridge City and how do they fit into the Ridge Racer universe?

Look at the Helter Skelter track’s logo, for instance. One of the things I enjoy about this logo is its deceptively simple construction that results in a complex visual illusion of sorts. Essentially, the structure is a series of circles that reduce in size from top to bottom. The circles do not change shape in the slightest, only in scale, and by removing their intersections and filling in some minor spaces to complete the shape, is this illusion achieved. It harkens to the track’s multi-levelled nature, conveying a sense of movement as you rapidly weave through overpasses and underground tunnels w/ the ferocity of a hurricane.

The whole game is like this. A veritable archive of mindful audio, visual and game design, of weapons-grade artistic talent. Beyond aspirational and genuinely medium affirming.

Smokes a cigar on a rocking chair "Y'know son, I could've won the first annual Backloggd Core Fighters Street Fighter III: 3rd Strike tournament back in '22... if it wasn't for that damn Ken Master."

I was fighting on either giving this a 4 1/2 or 5, but as far as co-op games go, it doesn’t get better than this. Literally so fun, from mini games to the story to the crazy settings and everything in between. My partner and I put 14 hours into this game in two days and I would do it again in a heartbeat.

Far and away the worst game Capcom have ever made, a uniquely fascinating and objectively awful experience from a company whose lesser games are typically let down by near-imperceptible balance flaws for hardcore gameplay enthusiasts; a “bad” Capcom game is normally undone by subpar netcode or an overpowered character, but here we must suffer through actors falling through floors, textures upside-down on walls and enemies who forget to wake up and fight you, perhaps protesting at the unsanitary working conditions they’ve been asked to perform in. Rotten to the core in ways big-developer games are never allowed to be any more, Spanish bootleg-ass Devil May Cry game, fuckin El Diablo Puede llorar: Dos on a cigarette-burned DVD you got at the market this morning, buried deep in a spindle with Animal Soccer World. Hooooly shit dude, it’s funny like a bad movie for the first hour or two, rinsing bosses in minutes without taking damage by just standing still and shooting your guns and cackling maniacally about how little brain you used, but the novelty of a mute Dante’s hexagonal eyes clipping through their pentagonal sockets soon gives way to a depressive despair when you’re begged by a nervous stutter to pull off a series of chaotic wall-runs in order to beat a battle that I’m pretty sure was compiled and saved moments before Hideaki Itsuno had to load copies of this shitpile onto the back of a busted dumptruck headed straight to the cemetery. I persevered past the attack chopper’s infamy in hope of more epic-fail frivolity but was only rewarded with more mechanical misery; being able to activate Devil Trigger amidst what appears to be a knockdown state and have it expire before you can even jank yourself to your feet is a fun five minute feat, but my remaining shreds of self-respect prevented me from subjecting myself to ten more hours of bosses you can beat by simply walking behind them. Huge admiration for Capcom putting this in the HD Collection, presumably as a cautionary tale for generations to come about what happens when you release a CAG without combos, care or competence. Drakengard, eat your dragonheart out.

I'm scared of America…
I will never go there.

I've known him for a long time. That person was the one who used to shoot guns and do crazy things. And when I met him after a long time, he had become a monk or a hermit or a philosopher. That kind of feeling.

Where is Hideo Kojima now? And where will he go from here?