The Worst Boss Fights I Can Remember

The worst bosses I can recall fighting in video games. These bosses are either obnoxiously difficult without providing an interesting challenge, or incredibly easy while also being uninteresting. Not in any particular order. Possible minor spoiler warning.

Will definitely update this in the future because I can't remember every single boss I've ever fought off the top of my head.

Dr. Cortex - I beat this boss first try completely on accident. It just wasn't difficult at all. I was confused when I won, lmao. Making the final boss a gimmick fight was pretty lame in all honesty.
The Metroids - The Metroid fights are the one thing I feel like AM2R doesn't do as well as the 3DS version of Samus Returns. The Metroids' hurtboxes on their stomachs are really tiny, and it looks like your missiles should be hitting them, but more often than not, they don't, they just bounce off of them. It's really frustrating.
Spider Guardian - I will never forgive or forget the Spider Guardian as long as I live. You can chalk this up to a skill issue, and y'know what, I won't argue that. It won't change how much I absolutely despised the fight. Having to carefully navigate your Morph Ball to the sections where you need to bomb to do damage to it and falling off of those slanted platforms constantly was god damn infuriating. I didn't die to it constantly, but I did have to redo the section where you need to jump onto the platforms and bomb the slots frequently because I kept failing to make it in time.
The Final Boss - I don't want to spoil it, and I can't really talk about it without spoiling it. It's just conceptually not at all interesting.
The Man in Black - The Man in Black fights are stupid because he'll block all of your attacks, prevent you from throwing him, and he does an enormous amount of damage with his knife boots during the second phase. But if you have a weapon in your inventory, you can use it to shred him to pieces with little resistance thanks to Heat actions. Easy to cheese, abysmal to fight normally.
The Imprisoned - It's been more then ten years since I last played Skyward Sword, so take what I say with a grain of salt. However, I remember the Imprisoned being a very frustrating fight that you had to go through multiple times. I remember it was annoying trying to break all its toes because every step it would send a shockwave that would damage you.
Jingu - The Jingu fight is miserable. He runs away and shoots you the entire time while you have to fight off the soldiers that are defending him. If you knock out the soldiers but take too long to defeat Jingu himself, the soldiers will revive and you have to deal with them all over again. The soldiers are ridiculously tanky too. It's an obnoxious, all-around miserable fight and contender for worst fight in the entire series.
Bowser - The Bowser fight is just an extremely easy and underwhelming note to end the game on, especially considering how much harder it was to actually get to him than actually fighting him.
Nidhogg - There's not much to really say about this fight other than it's just really easy and boring. It's twice as bad trying to fight it as Vergil as it clearly wasn't designed with Vergil's moveset in mind.
The Final Boss - Same reasons as DOOM II. I get what they were going for with this, I'm still not a fan.
All of them - There is not a single good boss fight in this game, which is one of it's biggest issues. All of the bosses in this game are very underwhelming. They usually rely on having a whole bunch of goons to help them during the fight, and they're never difficult to take down.


1 month ago

Agree on Kiwami. It's especially apparent on Legendary difficulty. Just awful.

1 month ago

hard agree on crash 2 but i think everyone agrees lmao. also i always used to watch my brother play echoes, and aside from the final boss the 2nd biggest thing i remember of his playthrough is his absolute hatred for the spider guardian. i hope i can handle it lol
I get that Yakuza Kiwami boss fights were generally shit, and that Jingu sucked, but dear god is Kazuto way worse. Fucker just runs around like a jackass taking shots and forcing you to the ground. And by the time you get back up, he just shoots you again. Also the guy after the funeral that introduces you to a technique you might not even have by that point.

1 month ago

I guarantee that Imprisoned from Skyward is still as bad as you remember.

1 month ago

All Battles from Sonic Heroes and Shadow the Hedgehog.

1 month ago

the ghost boss from bioshock infinite sucks total ass. really difficult in the most tedious and annoying way

1 month ago

Devil May Cry 2. Literally the entire game.

1 month ago

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1 month ago

The man in black wasn't so broken in the original Yakuza 2

1 month ago

The Spider Guardian is easily the worst boss from Prime 2. But I'd pretty confidently say that almost all of the bosses in that game are pretty bad. It's a shame too since I hate having to say anything bad about a Metroid game if I can help it.
@lizurdwizurd I honestly thought it had a really good set of bosses, especially in the endgame

1 month ago

@LizurdWizurd didn't the Wii version alleviate Spider Guardian with the ability to manually-control the morph ball's jump?

1 month ago

Iblis phase 2, from Sonic Hedgehog (2006), might be top 10 worst boss fights ever created.

1 month ago

What about The Bed of Chaos? Souls games have an arsenal of shitty bosses, but that one easily takes the cake.

1 month ago

2 Yakuza bosses and neither of them are 4's final boss?

1 month ago

unless you havent played yakuza 4 the final boss fight is jingus but 10x worse

1 month ago

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1 month ago

I like the Poison Ivy fight in Arkham Asylum, but the final “boss” against Joker is so fucking bad

1 month ago

Most of the 3d sonic bosses are a mess

1 month ago

Suggestion: the train fight from Uncharted 2

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